KFC Kickin For Christ's Articles In Misc » Page 4
December 25, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Time.  We all have it.   When it comes day to day, we all have the same seven days a week,  24 hours a day, sixty minutes to the hour and the same sixty seconds to the minute.   Some are really wise in the spending of their time and others waste it like the leftovers after a banquet.  I'm guilty of both I guess.  There are times when I'm very productive getting more stuff done than thought humanly possible.  I sleep very...
December 4, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
What is it about husbands and weather?  Geeesh!  I think my husband should have been a weatherman.  His favorite channel has got to be the weather station.  Hands down.  I could care less unless I have plans or there's a big storm coming.  Otherwise I just deal with it.  Not him. Nope.  Not only does he have to know our weather here for the next 10 days but he also keeps an eye on where all the kids live in their perspective states and our...
November 25, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
No, it's not who you are thinking of.  Yes, there is another Sabrina out there who needs much needed prayer.  From time to time I speak about one of our missionaries from our church back home.  I'm not sure if I've ever spoken here about Ben but we started supporting him from the beginning of his ministry to Brazil.  For a while he was just a single guy with a heart for God and the country of Brazil.  Then he met Dani.  They've been married a couple ...
October 9, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Sent to me by a friend.   A chemistry professor in a large college that had some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab the Professor noticed one young man (exchange student) who kept rubbing his back, and stretching as if his back hurt. The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying...
October 7, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
When I was a kid my nickname was Lucy because I looked like Lucy from Charlie Brown and because I was bossy.  I had two younger brothers and I was boss.  Well for a while anyhow until they got bigger than me. Then it was over In the last few years my husband started calling me Lucy but for another reason.  Sometimes I do really dumb stuff and don't know why.  I mean stuff just happens to me, reminiscent of "I Love Lucy."  And I'll admit sometime...
August 24, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I just saw this video a friend sent me on the 2nd Amendment.     What else can be said after this?  The speaker sure had some interesting thngs to say about this subject.  If anyone has a right to speak out on this amendment, this lady did.    This is well worth seeing.  Well spoken.  http://video.google.com:80/videoplay?docid=-4069761537893819675&pr=goog-sl
August 18, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Yep.  Our very first hurricane as Floridians is coming directly at us.  All reports have it coming right over us. I'm excited but only because I know it's only a Category 1 and there should be minimal damage hopefully.  Hurricanes, especially living inland, don't bother me so much but I'm scared out of my mind when I think about tornadoes.  They scare the heck out of me.  They did say, however, we would have tornado warnings, as a result of this hurricane.  So...
August 8, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I think I know why older people get fat.  Really.  The kids are gone so that means the food doesn't disappear like it once did.  They were like human vacuum cleaners.  Cleaned up anything and everything in sight.  I used to have to hide food.  Seriously.   So that left us with a problem.   It's an either eat it or throw it mentality now.  Since I just loathe throwing food away, guess where that leaves me?   Y...
June 5, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Things are getting out of control every which way in our world.  Don't you feel that?  The kids are going crazy.  The storms are wrecking havoc all over our land with news again today of another state being declared a state of emegency.  The food, gas and oil prices continue to increase and now the utilitiy companies are starting to announce higher electric bills are on the horizon.  This is just the beginning.  It just seems physically, emotionally, globally, re...
June 1, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I'll be heading to Ohio in a few weeks staying with my son and daughter in law as they await the birth of their second child.  I'll have the honor of being able to spoil....ummmmm I mean take care of little Ethan when my d-i-l goes into the hospital.  It was nice seeing all three of them at the wedding and not so hard saying good-bye knowing I'd be at their doorstep in a few short weeks.  I've been doing some traveling lately.  Less than a month ago I was in Lynchburg, the...
May 21, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I hugged a painter today.  Let me explain. We have a warranty department here and for the first year of owning our home we call this department when we have issues with our homes.   And they set us up with the proper help.  Usually within two days we'll get a phone call for them to come out.  I've had them over for various small issues and have been pleased with the results. Last week I had the pressure washer guy wash my home and he noticed quite a bit of paint...
May 7, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Wondering what to do with your rebate check?  There are numerous ways to spend this long awaited windfall.  Many businesses are clamoring to take your money with some pretty good deals out there.  The one that makes the most sense to me is that some grocery stores are offering incentives via gift cards to help you stretch your grocery budget by giving you 10% more.  So if you buy a $300 card they'll add $30 and for those with a $600 rebate willing to invest it in g...
April 5, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Here's a quote I thought would be nice to think about.  I think it's even more applicable for today than when he first spoke these words.   General Omar Bradley said this about our generation, “We know more about war than about peace. We know more about killing than about living. This is our 20th Century’s claim to progress — knowledge of science outstrips capacity for control. We have too many men of science, too few men of God. The world has achieved brilli...
February 10, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Today Mick Huckabee worshipped with my son David. Mike was at TRBC this morning. He gave his testimony and the place was packed. Mike sat in the front row and the media was swarming all over the place. Earlier this week Aly got to interview Ron Paul. My future daugther in law just got a job for a TV Station. She will be a reporter and my son David just got a sport's editing job for a local medium sized newspaper. It's a huge job opportunity for him that just dropped out of the sky. ...
January 19, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I got a wee bit nervous tonight. Not blown out whacked out frightened but a little bit apprehensive when I heard we had tornado warnings in our area. I kept hearing the beeping on the tv to alert us of this warning. So I'm in the kitchen making dinner thinking now what do we do? Do we hide in the bathtub like I've heard people do? I'm thinking our bathbub is against an exterior wall so is that a good place to be? We could hear the wind blowing and see the big flashes of lightening ...