I got a wee bit nervous tonight. Not blown out whacked out frightened but a little bit apprehensive when I heard we had tornado warnings in our area. I kept hearing the beeping on the tv to alert us of this warning.
So I'm in the kitchen making dinner thinking now what do we do? Do we hide in the bathtub like I've heard people do? I'm thinking our bathbub is against an exterior wall so is that a good place to be? We could hear the wind blowing and see the big flashes of lightening from our windows. Normally that doesn't bother me. In fact I like lightening storms but coupled with tornado warnings? Not so much.
The scary part is we had just walked into the house from running. We went out later than usual, and I could feel and smell the oncoming storm as we ran. The clouds were ominous and the premature darkness was overtaking us by mile one. Sure enough right about that time we heard the first clap of thunder. Great! Now what? We would have to cut our run so we headed back barely finishing three miles and glad we at least could do that. It was just starting to rain pretty well when we finished up.
So I called a new friend and asked her what do we do in a tornado warning? She told me to get a storm warning device; something like a small radio. It beeps even in the middle of the night to alert us if a tornado is nearby. I guess it actually gives you an exact location somehow. You can bet your pretty dollar I'm headed to the store soon to pick one of those things up.
She told me she already had her peanut butter and water in a deep interior closet ready for her. Her radio device thingy told her that there was a tornado in the town next to us. So before I got off the phone with her, I asked that she bring her phone into the closet with her and CALL ME! I would very much like to be warned if one is on the way anytime soon.
The last time a tornado went through this area was last February and it caused a bunch of commotion. We found out AFTER we bought our home that that big tornado went right through our property. Does that mean we can be rest assured because if it came once like that it's unlikely it would hit in the same exact spot again? You know, like lightening doesn't strike twice sort of thing?
I'm sure hoping so.