KFC Kickin For Christ's Articles In Misc » Page 3
October 7, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
When I was a kid my nickname was Lucy because I looked like Lucy from Charlie Brown and because I was bossy.  I had two younger brothers and I was boss.  Well for a while anyhow until they got bigger than me. Then it was over In the last few years my husband started calling me Lucy but for another reason.  Sometimes I do really dumb stuff and don't know why.  I mean stuff just happens to me, reminiscent of "I Love Lucy."  And I'll admit sometime...
August 24, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I just saw this video a friend sent me on the 2nd Amendment.     What else can be said after this?  The speaker sure had some interesting thngs to say about this subject.  If anyone has a right to speak out on this amendment, this lady did.    This is well worth seeing.  Well spoken.  http://video.google.com:80/videoplay?docid=-4069761537893819675&pr=goog-sl
August 18, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Yep.  Our very first hurricane as Floridians is coming directly at us.  All reports have it coming right over us. I'm excited but only because I know it's only a Category 1 and there should be minimal damage hopefully.  Hurricanes, especially living inland, don't bother me so much but I'm scared out of my mind when I think about tornadoes.  They scare the heck out of me.  They did say, however, we would have tornado warnings, as a result of this hurricane.  So...
August 8, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I think I know why older people get fat.  Really.  The kids are gone so that means the food doesn't disappear like it once did.  They were like human vacuum cleaners.  Cleaned up anything and everything in sight.  I used to have to hide food.  Seriously.   So that left us with a problem.   It's an either eat it or throw it mentality now.  Since I just loathe throwing food away, guess where that leaves me?   Y...
June 1, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I'll be heading to Ohio in a few weeks staying with my son and daughter in law as they await the birth of their second child.  I'll have the honor of being able to spoil....ummmmm I mean take care of little Ethan when my d-i-l goes into the hospital.  It was nice seeing all three of them at the wedding and not so hard saying good-bye knowing I'd be at their doorstep in a few short weeks.  I've been doing some traveling lately.  Less than a month ago I was in Lynchburg, the...
May 7, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Wondering what to do with your rebate check?  There are numerous ways to spend this long awaited windfall.  Many businesses are clamoring to take your money with some pretty good deals out there.  The one that makes the most sense to me is that some grocery stores are offering incentives via gift cards to help you stretch your grocery budget by giving you 10% more.  So if you buy a $300 card they'll add $30 and for those with a $600 rebate willing to invest it in g...
April 5, 2008 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Here's a quote I thought would be nice to think about.  I think it's even more applicable for today than when he first spoke these words.   General Omar Bradley said this about our generation, “We know more about war than about peace. We know more about killing than about living. This is our 20th Century’s claim to progress — knowledge of science outstrips capacity for control. We have too many men of science, too few men of God. The world has achieved brilli...
December 21, 2007 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I was speaking to Gid on Loca's blog about Christmas and thought I'd ask you all out there a question. Here's a portion of what I said to Gid: Just tonight I mentioned to my husband the very noticeable amount of secular type cards we got this year. Some came from Christians, no less. I've watched this trend slowly increase each year. This year I'm going to say it's pretty much two to one; non-Christian looking cards to Christian. They usually say "happy holidays." You know, things...
December 10, 2007 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Gotta question for all you JU's living ouside of Florida. I'm looking at this brochure of nice looking diff arrangements of Florida Oranges, Tangerines and Grapefruit and was thinking it may be a great Christmas gift to send family and friends back home. Some of this fruit is very specific in the dates to be delivered. One variety of orange is only able to be delivered for three weeks in January. They are the much anticipated Honneybells and they look yummy on the package. There's ...
December 2, 2007 by KFC Kickin For Christ
We have been spending wayyyyyyy too much time in Home Depot. I am very familiar with the layout of the store now more than any other store around our new home. Home Depot is starting to feel like home now. Today was another trek to, what I call the manly store, one more time. We've been through an ordeal the last two weeks or so just trying to order utility cabinets for the laundry room and garage. It's so messed up, I don't even want to get into the mess we got into with them. Al...
November 27, 2007 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Today I met a couple from NH. I took my bike out today trying to get my bearings around the neighborhood. I found a Plaza with brand new shops one way and in the opposite direction our Town Landing with many more nice shops and eateries waiting for us to check out.. Lots to do down here. Anyhow I ended my trip in both directions with a stop at the mailboxes. Our Village has its own set of mailboxes. Next to this is a very nice pool just waiting for the first really hot day for me ...
November 16, 2007 by KFC Kickin For Christ
This is Day Three for us in Florida. We are in a mess still. Lots to do. We still have many unopened boxes to work on and others we just have no room to put the contents, because we need to build shelves first. We spent the day today mostly doing errands. We set up bank accounts, went cell phone shopping, got groceries and went to Home Depot. That store is going to be our favorite for a while. We walked around the store looking at shelving units, cabinets for the laundry room and ...
October 15, 2007 by KFC Kickin For Christ
“A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance.” Proverbs 15:13 When you get dressed in the morning do you remember to wear a smile for the first person you see? I confess I don't always. I'm usually a grump in the morning. I'm slow moving in the morning needing extra time to get myself together. I've been known even to shower and put on my running outfit the night before so I can jump out of bed ready to go to a very early am race. This helps me tremendously in getting out of the hou...
October 3, 2007 by KFC Kickin For Christ
A few updates on the latest in my life lately to tie up some earlier threads right here on good ol' JU. First and I'm thrilled to report this: Amanda called today to tell me that Ethan is sleeping a whopping 13 hours a night now ever since she got home. She puts him down at about 7 pm and he's sleeping all the way till 8 am. He's a much happier baby she said. Yes, the little experiement worked for all the nay sayers out there!!! When he went home, the first night he slept his fi...
September 16, 2007 by KFC Kickin For Christ
We are moving. We are packing up and heading south. We should arrive in the Villages, Florida sometime in November. Florida is probably the last place we'd ever expected to be and in Golf Cart Land no less. And we don't even golf!!! Today was a sad day. Today was the day we told the church the news. Lots of crying from the pulpit to the back row. Everyone was stunned. You could have heard a pin drop. I heard a few very audible "oh no's" from the back and it nearly broke my heart...