Oprah is in trouble again. I first heard about this story when Anthony R put up a link on my blog "Liberals Make My Head Hurt." In the link a radio show caller read a letter aloud that she had written to Oprah expressing disappointment in the fact that Palin was not going to be allowed on her show. This woman had a severely disabled 24 year old daughter and was looking towards Palin as a role model for all mothers of disadvantaged children. ...
The Liberals seem to forget. It's McCain who is running for President against Obama. It's not Palin running against Obama. Did you hear the latest comparison between Obama and Palin? Remember during her speech Palin described Obama as a "community organizer?" Well it took a while but the Dems have come up with what they think is a clever comparison using her words against her. My friend from NH called last night. She was watching Entertainment Toni...
Liberals just don't make any sense to me. I've tried. I'm surrounded by them as many family members are Liberals. They seem to be quite opionated but they lack substance. They don't go deep and it's frustrating trying to reason with them. They believe what they believe cuz they believe it to be true. When you try to get to the foundation of what they believe you find......there is no foundation. Heck, they don't even have a slab! Latel...
When my kids were little I loved to read them fairy tales and nursery rhymes. Who doesn't remember the little Red Hen? Well here's a new modern take on this old story. Got it from a friend. Once upon a time, on a farm in Virginia , there was a little red hen who scratched about the barnyard until she uncovered quite a few grains of wheat. She called all of her Democrat neighbors together and said, 'If we plant this wheat, ...
When my kids were little I loved to read them fairy tales and nursery rhymes. Who doesn't remember the little Red Hen? Well here's a new modern take on this old story. Got it from a friend. Once upon a time, on a farm in Virginia , there was a little red hen who scratched about the barnyard until she uncovered quite a few grains of wheat. She called all of her Democrat neighbors together and said, 'If we plant this wheat, ...
Wow, just wow! Got this from a friend today and thought I'd share. Have you seen it? "This commercial was done by a local kid. You have to watch the whole thing. When he finishes talking and walks away, you get a sense of how this could be the commercial of the campaign season. Bob Cook and I were on the Lake County Republican Central Committee together. His son Joe returned from Iraq last year and I was at the celebration to welcome him home."  ...
I like to go to the open houses around here to get fresh ideas. Last week I went to one home that was professionally painted and it grabbed my attention. It was beautiful. Originally I was planning on only doing focal walls but now I want to paint every nook and crannie. My original color that came with the house is I think they call bisque which is basically a cream, off white color. Now the hard part. What colors do I consider? In the la...
For the most part, especially lately, I've always looked at the Dems as being a pretty hypcritical group. For all sorts of reasons. Did you watch the RNC last night? Did you see the protesters they had to forcibly drag out of the convention for being disruptive? At first I didn't get the "USA" chant that interrupted McCain so many times. It took me a few minutes to realize everytime the crowd very loudly voiced their affection for the USA they wer...
The worldseems crazy right now between the crazy protestors smashing car windows and creating much havoc outside the RNC, the case of the missing three year old in our neck of the woods and the weather going bonkers all around us. Sometimes you just need a good joke to get your mind off things. My husband sent this one. The gals will like it. Three men were hiking thru a forest when they came upon a large, raging violent river. Needing t...
The worldseems crazy right now between the crazy protestors smashing car windows and creating much havoc outside the RNC, the case of the missing three year old in our neck of the woods and the weather going bonkers all around us. Sometimes you just need a good joke to get your mind off things. My husband sent this one. The gals will like it. Three men were hiking thru a forest when they came upon a large, raging violent river. Needing t...
Yep. But it's not Sarah, it's her 17 year old daughter. What problems will this bring? Will this hurt the GOP? Did McCain know this ahead of time? Lots of unanswered questions right now. Will people be sympathetic or condeming? Will people understand knowing this happens to the best of families or will they be wagging their fingers condemning her and her family for this unplanned pregnancy. Time will tell.
So after all the talk by Obama about change, it was John McCain who beat him at his own game. It's McCain who brings change to the ticket, not Obama. Just like I've been saying all along. Obama is all talk with not alot of substance. He's a walking, talking empty suit. His pick of Biden just helped to underscore the fact that when push comes to shove, it's the same old, same old afterall. Kudos to John McCain for a great first decision as the possible next Pr...
I spent the morning with my husband who had knee surgery. That was fun. NOT. He's been in pain for more than a year and a half with what we now know for sure was a miniscus tear in his left knee from a half marathon he did back along in Virginia. We heard about this National Training Center in Clarmont which is about an hour from our house. This place came highly recommended so we decided it was time to get the ol' knee taken care of since his running came...
I think I was the only one that didn't watch the DNC last night by the show of hands at my huge Bible Study today. I did manage to see just a bit of Ted Kennedy's speech and all I could think of for some reason was helium. I still can't get over the adulation of the Kennedy's especially this one with his dark past. It's like he can do no wrong. Anyhow, can I get your thoughts? What did you think? I heard about the crazies that came out, you know th...
Ok, now there's lots of talk about not liking either candidate running for office or reluctantly going to the polls to vote for the lesser of two evils. I think I've got the solution! Yep. This is good. Here's another alternative. This is major grassroots. Now you'll know exactly who to vote for come November. http://www.thelopezfamilyonline.com/play.php?first=KFC&last=Kickin%20For%20Christ Don't be chicken. It's ab...