The Daughter, Not the Mom
Published on September 1, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events


But it's not Sarah, it's her 17 year old daughter. 

What problems will this bring?  Will this hurt the GOP?  Did McCain know this ahead of time?

Lots of unanswered questions right now. 

Will people be sympathetic or condeming?

Will people understand knowing this happens to the best of families or will they be wagging their fingers condemning her and her family for this unplanned pregnancy. 

Time will tell. 


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on Sep 01, 2008

Will people understand knowing this happens to the best of families or will they be wagging their fingers condemning her and her family for this unplanned pregnancy.

She is 17 and she and her boyfriend are getting married.

I don't hold it against her or her mom. It doesn't look to me like they were irresponsible, just a bit careless.


on Sep 01, 2008

Honestly, I think this reinforces Sara Palin's pro-life values.  Her daughter could have aborted and no one would have ever known.  The fact is that Bristol CHOSE to have this baby knowing that there would be public scrutiny. I think that is shows that Sara Palin raised her daughter to share her values. 

on Sep 01, 2008

Boudica linked the article..yeah McCain knew.

I am disappointed to read this tho.  It does make me wonder if mom was home more, spent more time with her daughter, would it have made a difference?

But I don't know, by the time I was 17, I did what I matter the adult "interference."

I hope the same people who condemn her qualifications as VP for this...hold themselves to the same standard...meaning they accept other people judging them for the decisions their teenagers make. 

on Sep 01, 2008

I hope the same people who condemn her qualifications as VP for this...hold themselves to the same standard...meaning they accept other people judging them for the decisions their teenagers make.

yes, me too.  Although many good parents judge themselves harshly for their children's decisions already, believing their children are an extension of themselves.  I'm willing to bet Sarah Palin is going thru some of this right now, questioning herself already. 

It does make me wonder if mom was home more, spent more time with her daughter, would it have made a difference?

I do think parents in the home make a huge difference.  So I lean that way myself.  Usually when a parent puts their own aspirations ahead of their children, the kids pay the price in some form or another. 

At 17 I didn't quite have the guts to do what I wanted because I knew my parents would be home waiting for me when I got home.  It kept me straight and I believe it kept my kids straight.  It doesn't mean this is always the case but by looking around it seems that the wayward child of two parents putting their kids first and foremost is an exception rather than a rule.  Kids genuinely want to please their parents.  But if things aren't right at home, quite often the opposite can be true as well. 

Honestly, I think this reinforces Sara Palin's pro-life values. Her daughter could have aborted and no one would have ever known. The fact is that Bristol CHOSE to have this baby knowing that there would be public scrutiny. I think that is shows that Sara Palin raised her daughter to share her values.

I agree and was my first thought as well.  It also shows Sarah Palin, most likely advising and helping her daughter, is a woman of her words.  She's not saying one thing and doing another like most politicians out there today. 

She is 17 and she and her boyfriend are getting married.

It sounds like they are trying to make it right and trying to be responsible by giving this baby a stable home environment. 


on Sep 01, 2008

Wow, if not for the investigative journalism of the Daily KOS, I'd have never learned that the Palin's are actual human beings with reproductive organs.

on Sep 01, 2008

Obama says "there is no evidence" that any of his people had anything to do with the blog smears.  Furthermore, his mother was 18 at the time of his birth.  And if this were to happen to one of his daughters, he wouldn't want her to be punished with a baby.

on Sep 01, 2008

And if this were to happen to one of his daughters, he wouldn't want her to be punished with a baby.

Its also above his paygrade to determine whether or not the Palin girl actually has a little life growing inside of her.

on Sep 01, 2008

Here's the next conspiracy spin I wouldn't be surprised to hear:

"McCain knew about Bristol's pregnancy and picked Palin because of it, to capitalize on the 'I wouldn't want my daughter to be punished with a baby!' gaffe and pander to the 'religious right.'.  You call that 'judgement?'"

on Sep 01, 2008

hmmmmm now I'm wondering how much the "abort or not abort" will be front and center of this election. 

I think we already know what Obama would have been advising his daughter if the circumstances were reversed since he's been pretty vocal about it. 

The good thing out of all this is that this young girl is loved and protected by her supportive family and this life growing inside her will live regardless of the decision made by its 17 year old mother to be.


on Sep 01, 2008

It seems as though many on the left are attacking Palin now because of her past association with the Alaska Independance Party....


It is kinda humorous, though. They say that Palin is no threat to the Obama bin Biden (someone at work referred to Obama & Biden like that...thought it was funny) ticket. But they are sure throwing all kinds of mud at the wall....



on Sep 02, 2008

Will people understand knowing this happens to the best of families or will they be wagging their fingers condemning her and her family for this unplanned pregnancy.

Now you want people to understand that?

Family values, Abstinence, Parental supervision ...etc., your hallamrk of principles and your life-long banner against liberals, are not relevant? !!!!!

This is what you call "unplanned pregnancy" ... not a major SIN????????? and you still kikin for Christ????

how soon do we forget our principles for a cheap spin !!!!!!!

Will people be sympathetic or condeming?

How about BOTH.

the condemnation part goes mainly to the parents who didnt pay attention and to the Candidate who picked a flawed person.  

on Sep 02, 2008

It does make me wonder if mom was home more, spent more time with her daughter, would it have made a difference?

IN high school, my best friend had 3 sisters - HOT sisters (any wonder he was my best friend? ).

A very solid christian family, the mother stayed at home to raise the children.  The parents were actually very good friends (almost like second parents to me) of mine as well.

Their second daughter got pregnant at the same age.  Would you be saying the same thing about them?  The difference is that the mother was not a governor of a state.  But the daughter made the same mistake (and had the child as well).

I know this is going to be one of the milder talking points of the left, but again it will come back to haunt them as they are the ones trying to get women out of the house and into the work force.

on Sep 02, 2008

This is what you call "unplanned pregnancy" ... not a major SIN????????? and you still kikin for Christ????

I didn't know that an unplanned pregnancy was a major sin in Christianity.


on Sep 02, 2008

It's an non-issue and anyone that makes it such should hopefully get out of politics as their a danger to anyone whoms their decisions and opinions eventually influence.

Any liberal attacking this really needs to take a good long look at themselves.

on Sep 02, 2008

the Candidate who picked a flawed person.

Didn't know there were any other kind.


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