For the most part, especially lately, I've always looked at the Dems as being a pretty hypcritical group. For all sorts of reasons.
Did you watch the RNC last night? Did you see the protesters they had to forcibly drag out of the convention for being disruptive? At first I didn't get the "USA" chant that interrupted McCain so many times. It took me a few minutes to realize everytime the crowd very loudly voiced their affection for the USA they were doing so to drown out an unwanted Democratic protestor who came to crash the RNC party.
As these protestors were being bodily escorted out did you see the fingers up promoting peace? Well last I knew, peace begins with me. So they disrupt and crash a party they had no right in attending and then brazenly have the gall to put up signs for peace on the way out after not leaving on their own accord? Hypocrisy.
I didn't watch the DNC. Did that happen there? Did you see the Republicans smashing car windows and wreaking all sorts of havoc outside the building as we're seeing the Dems doing this week? Peace? You've got to be kidding me.
Anyhow, I guess they are just following their leaders. I can't remember how many times I saw Clinton with a bible under his arm or making a speech about "no greater love is this, someone who will give a life for another" and then sign the next partial born abortion bill that came across his desk.
Anyhow the latest about Obama is kind of disturbing. I didn't know, until recently that Obama has a half brother he's ignoring in Kenya. How many know about George Hussein Onyango Obama who is the youngest Obama sibling? This brother is living in a slum community with his small son. He was born to Barack Obama's Sr.'s fourth wife six months before his father died in a car crash.
I mean, I thought the Dems were suddenly all about family values with all the attention they have been giving the Palin family. Short lived perhaps?
Anyhow if you're committed to saving the world from poverty and calling for aid sent to Third World Countries shouldn't you be just as committed to helping your own family escape deprivation? Is Obama's Global Poverty Act just another way to show a Democratic's outspoken hypocricy? Isn't this just a bunch of phoney baloney? Yeah, let's help the world but ignore little brother living in a mud hut in Kenya?
I wish the Dems were more committed to helping others as they are in spending our money to make themselves look good.
George Obama lives in an area of muddy lanes and rickety shacks well known for its poverty and diseases. His home, next to a this dirty muddy road, is in an area that is prone to gang violence where six people were recently hacked to death nearby.
He lives on a very pitiful meager income none of it coming from his now famous, idealistic brother who promises to end the war on poverty. Really? Well it starts at home. One person at a time.
Barak has only met this brother two times, the latest in 2006 when Barack visited Kenya. George doesn't expect favors from his famous brother and is hoping to become an auto mechanic.
Barack wrote about his little brother in his autobiography and described him as a "beautiful boy with a rounded head."
So the question is should Barak help his brother? What would we do in this situation? Obama doesn't feel any obligation to do so obviously by his lack of contact with him. Just like all the other Dems I've talked with it's not about THEM helping others. It's all about it being the government's job. We are not our brother's keeper. Don't you know? We've given that job over to the government.