Am I My Brother's Keeper?
Published on September 5, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Politics

For the most part, especially lately,  I've always looked at the Dems as being a pretty hypcritical group.  For all sorts of reasons. 

Did you watch the RNC last night?  Did you see the protesters they had to forcibly drag out of the convention for being disruptive?   At first I didn't get the "USA" chant that interrupted McCain so many times. It took me a few minutes to realize everytime the crowd very loudly voiced their affection for the USA they were doing so to drown out an unwanted Democratic protestor who came to crash the RNC party.

As these protestors were being bodily escorted out did you see the fingers up promoting peace?  Well last I knew, peace begins with me.  So they disrupt and crash a party they had no right in attending  and then brazenly have the gall to put up signs for peace on the way out after not leaving on their own accord?  Hypocrisy. 

I didn't watch the DNC.  Did that happen there?  Did you see the Republicans smashing car windows and wreaking all sorts of havoc outside the building as we're seeing the Dems doing this week?  Peace?  You've got to be kidding me. 

Anyhow, I guess they are just following their leaders.  I can't remember how many times I saw Clinton with a bible under his arm or making a speech about "no greater love is this,  someone who will give a life for another" and then sign the next partial born abortion bill that came across his desk. 

Anyhow the latest about Obama is kind of disturbing.  I didn't know, until recently that Obama has a half brother he's ignoring in Kenya.  How many know about George Hussein Onyango Obama who is the youngest Obama sibling?  This brother is living in a slum community with his small son.  He was born to Barack Obama's Sr.'s fourth wife six months before his father died in a car crash. 

I mean, I thought the Dems were suddenly all about family values with all the attention they have been giving the Palin family.  Short lived perhaps? 

Anyhow if you're committed to saving the world from poverty and calling for aid sent to Third World Countries shouldn't you be just as committed to helping your own family escape deprivation? Is Obama's Global Poverty Act just another way to show a Democratic's outspoken hypocricy?  Isn't this just a bunch of phoney baloney?   Yeah, let's help the world but ignore little brother living in a mud hut in Kenya? 

I wish the Dems were more committed to helping others as they are in spending our money to make themselves look good. 

George Obama lives in an area of muddy lanes and rickety shacks well known for its poverty and diseases.  His home, next to a this dirty muddy road, is in an area that is prone to gang violence where six people were recently hacked to death nearby. 

He lives on a very pitiful meager income none of it coming from his now famous, idealistic brother who promises to end the war on poverty.  Really?  Well it starts at home.  One person at a time. 

Barak has only met this brother two times, the latest in 2006 when Barack visited Kenya.  George doesn't expect favors from his famous brother and is hoping to become an auto mechanic. 

Barack wrote about his little brother in his autobiography and described him as a "beautiful boy with a rounded head."  

So the question is should Barak help his brother? What would we do in this situation? Obama doesn't feel any obligation to do so obviously by his lack of contact with him.  Just like all the other Dems I've talked with it's not about THEM helping others.  It's all about it being the government's job.   We are not our brother's keeper.  Don't you know?  We've given that job over to the government. 









on Sep 05, 2008

So they disrupt and crash a party they had no right in attending  and then brazenly have the gall to put up signs for peace on the way out after not leaving on their own accord?  Hypocrisy. 
I didn't watch the DNC.  Did that happen there?  Did you see the Republicans smashing car windows and wreaking all sorts of havoc outside the building as we're seeing the Dems doing this week?  Peace?  You've got to be kidding me. 
Anyhow, I guess they are just following their leaders.

Yep I saw each night of the DNC except Obama's speech (which I streamed off CNN and got bored 5 minutes into). And you're right, there weren't big protests from right wingers there really, the big protests were from radical left-wing/anarchist groups who then joined up with the Dems they saw as too centerist to protest outside the RNC.

On an aside, you should have seen some of the speeches like Kucinich's 'wake up America' which wouldn't have ever gotten cheered by anybody but the most left-wing/blindly Democrat.


I can't remember how many times I saw Clinton with a bible under his arm or making a speech about "no greater love is this,  someone who will give a life for another" and then sign the next partial born abortion bill that came across his desk.

Perfectly put

So the question is should Barak help his brother? What would we do in this situation? Obama doesn't feel any obligation to do so obviously by his lack of contact with him.  Just like all the other Dems I've talked with it's not about THEM helping others.  It's all about it being the government's job.   We are not our brother's keeper.  Don't you know?  We've given that job over to the government.

Personally, I would look out for anybody who shared my genes. Blood is thicker than water, and when I think of anybody related to me (including one of my grandfathers whom I have never met) falling on hard times, I don't like it. But then, i'm not a person who is considering to/has decided to vote for a man who supports abortion, refuses to restrict people's choice to infanticide, but would force people to pay the government on the off-chance they get ill.

I do think this is a problem which comes and goes in society, it was the same in Victorian-era Europe, and seems to have been encouraged to resurface with the introduction of cell phones, the internet, more TV-chanels and the subsequent isolation of society. Until the tide turns we're going to have this problem manifesting itself in people from president to prole.

on Sep 05, 2008

Hmm that quoting system didn't work too well

on Sep 05, 2008

Personally, I would look out for anybody who shared my genes.

Family First

Hmm that quoting system didn't work too well

It does make it hard to read your responses, but they are worth the snipe hunt.

on Sep 05, 2008


Personally, I would look out for anybody who shared my genes.

Family First

Exactly.  I was always taught (biblical truth) that Charity always begins at home and that a man who doesn't take care of his own family is worse than an infidel.....never mind one getting on a soapbox telling the world we must get rid of poverty. 

 Geeeeesh......Don't sing me no song.  Don't read me no rhyme.   Don't waste my time.....SHOW ME!

on Sep 05, 2008

I first heard about this about a week and a half ago.  I started leaving statements about it in my comments back to liberal bloggers, but no Dems have addressed this issue.  George lives on less than a dollar a month.  Geez, I'm un-employed and poorer than snot, but even I could afford to send the guy five bucks a month if he were my brother.  Seriously, such a small thing as that could increase George's standard of living five-fold.  Compassion is just a word and a feeling to these people, there's no action behind it.  They just use "compassion" as an excuse to pick the pockets of the businesses that employ us, so they can spend it on useless projects that make them look competant enough to be re-elected.  Radio talker Sean Hannity is talking about putting together a fund raiser to help George Obama out, and even sending some of his own money.  What a slap in the face to Berry that would be, a conservative caring about an Obama than B.H. Obama does.

on Sep 05, 2008

judge not

on Sep 05, 2008

I wonder if you read the CNN article on George Obama from two weeks age?

"Obama, who is in his mid-20s, is learning to become a mechanic and is active in youth groups in Huruma. He said he tries to help the community as much as he can.

At least one of his neighbors feels that perhaps the candidate should help the brother.

"I would like Obama to visit his brother to see how he is living, to improve his way of life," said Emelda Negei, who runs a small dispensary near Obama's house.


But George Obama will have none of it. He draws inspiration from his famous half-brother. He acknowledges that he is biased but said he knows that his half-brother will be the next president."


An inspring story of a man who, despite difficult conditions, seeks self-reliance. Do you think that it contrasts with the story of John McCain's first wife, who also faces difficulty?

"But when McCain returned to America in 1973 to a fanfare of publicity and a handshake from Richard Nixon, he discovered his wife had been disfigured in a terrible car crash three years earlier. Her car had skidded on icy roads into a telegraph pole on Christmas Eve, 1969. Her pelvis and one arm were shattered by the impact and she suffered massive internal injuries.

When Carol was discharged from hospital after six months of life-saving surgery, the prognosis was bleak. In order to save her legs, surgeons had been forced to cut away huge sections of shattered bone, taking with it her tall, willowy figure. She was confined to a wheelchair and was forced to use a catheter.

Through sheer hard work, Carol learned to walk again. But when John McCain came home from Vietnam, she had gained a lot of weight and bore little resemblance to her old self.

Today, she stands at just 5ft4in and still walks awkwardly, with a pronounced limp. Her body is held together by screws and metal plates and, at 70, her face is worn by wrinkles that speak of decades of silent suffering.

For nearly 30 years, Carol has maintained a dignified silence about the accident, McCain and their divorce. But last week at the bungalow where she now lives at Virginia Beach, a faded seaside resort 200 miles south of Washington, she told The Mail on Sunday how McCain divorced her in 1980 and married Cindy, 18 years his junior and the heir to an Arizona brewing fortune, just one month later.

Carol insists she remains on good terms with her ex-husband, who agreed as part of their divorce settlement to pay her medical costs for life. 'I have no bitterness,'

she says. 'My accident is well recorded. I had 23 operations, I am five inches shorter than I used to be and I was in hospital for six months. It was just awful, but it wasn't the reason for my divorce.

'My marriage ended because John McCain didn't want to be 40, he wanted to be 25. You know that just does.'

Some of McCain's acquaintances are less forgiving, however. They portray the politician as a self-centred womaniser who effectively abandoned his crippled wife to 'play the field'. They accuse him of finally settling on Cindy, a former rodeo beauty queen, for financial reasons."


Do you think that John McCain did the right thing? I mean "to death do you part" surely doesn't apply if your first wife has been in an accident and you have a chance to marry a rich, beautiful heiress, right? I mean McCain wouldn't be running for President today if he had let morality interfere with a sound, practical decision.

on Sep 05, 2008

Some of McCain's acquaintances are less forgiving, however. They portray the politician as a self-centred womaniser who effectively abandoned his crippled wife to 'play the field'. They accuse him of finally settling on Cindy, a former rodeo beauty queen, for financial reasons."

Do you think that John McCain did the right thing? I mean "to death do you part" surely doesn't apply if your first wife has been in an accident and you have a chance to marry a rich, beautiful heiress, right? I mean McCain wouldn't be running for President today if he had let morality interfere with a sound, practical decision.

You're really reaching, Larry.  You say that 30 years and 5 children later?  After McCain has very publicly confessed that his greatest personal moral failure was the failure of his first marriage?  Implying that it was all 'part of the plan?'  I would consider his ex-wife, not to mention the two children from that union, the best source and dismiss the gossip-mongers.  You're not the rumor-monger type from what I've read of you, at least not until Sarah Palin was nominated.

on Sep 06, 2008

Obama doesn't feel any obligation to do so obviously by his lack of contact with him. Just like all the other Dems I've talked with it's not about THEM helping others.

I wasnt goint to respond to this ... till i read this statement that is.

How do you know that he doesnt contact or help his brother? and how do you know that "all Dems" dont help others? .... you spreading rumers and false accusations in all directions without any shred of evidence ...... how sad for someone who claims to be "kickin for Christ"..... i am sorry to say that you are kickin for falsehood not for Christ.

on Sep 06, 2008

How do you know that he doesnt contact or help his brother? and how do you know that "all Dems" dont help others? .... you spreading rumers and false accusations in all directions without any shred of evidence ...... how sad for someone who claims to be "kickin for Christ"..... i am sorry to say that you are kickin for falsehood not for Christ.

These aren't rumours, they are from an established Italian media-source. Here's a Chicago papers narrative on the Italian-language article:,CST-NWS-brother21.article

Nobody can say 'all Dems' don't help others, but it's an understandable exaggeration. Here you are simply picking fault with the language of the piece, as opposed to any of the points in it (apart from making points yourself which are factually inaccurate).

If I was to pick fault with the language of your piece, I would ask what you had against people called Rumer. But that would simply be harsh because, as Kickin For Christ's piece was an obvious piece of exaggeration, your piece is an obvious misspelling and your point (just as his/hers) still stands, one which is actually factually inaccurate.

When interviewed, George didn't once mention that he was in regular contact with Obama, he met him once two years ago and has a picture of him on his wall, torn from the front-page of a newspaper. This hardly sounds like good old Barack is sending him a few dollars to help out each month. It's not a rumour that he has no aid from his half-brother, it's an axiom, something which can be logically inferred based on a source which all but confirms it.

So thus your final statement that Kickin For Christ is in fact 'kickin for falsehood' is a falsehood itself.

How sad.

on Sep 06, 2008

I wonder if you read the CNN article on George Obama from two weeks age?

yes, and one of my sources.  Of course George is ok with his brother NOT helping him.  He lives in poverty and has always lived in poverty.  He knows nothing else.  He's getting by and probably doesn't want his brother to feel sorry for him and to help him out of pity. 

That's not the point Larry.  The point is Obama gets on his soapbox about helping the poor and is a sponsorr of the Global Poverty Act while he does nothing to help his own brother who lives in poverty himself. 

Where I come from we call that hypocritical.  Don't tell me how concerned you are for the poor....SHOW ME! 

How do you know that he doesnt contact or help his brother?

ummmmmm because his brother said so?  It's not hard to find this information TA.  It's just not being broadcast by our very liberal media.  Wonder why? 

Also like K-89 said above, Obama has only contacted George once two years ago as adults.  I guess Obama met his brother when George was about five years old as well from what I've read. 

Do you think that John McCain did the right thing? I mean "to death do you part" surely doesn't apply if your first wife has been in an accident and you have a chance to marry a rich, beautiful heiress, right? I mean McCain wouldn't be running for President today if he had let morality interfere with a sound, practical decision.

From a Christian POV I would say John was very wrong by leaving his first wife. So no he didn't do the right thing.   I believe in "until death do you part"...... absolutely.   This was one of the reasons I differed with McCain and didn't hold him up as highly as I might have had he kept his marriage vows. 

But you are way off base here Larry.  When McCain came back from the war after being a POW for years he was a changed man.  He and his wife were both strangers to each other and it didn't work for them.  Alot had transpired while they were apart.  When he married Cindy 30 years ago, I'm sure he didn't do so thinking this was a good presidential move.  Pretty sure that didn't happen.   I think his long lasting marriage to Cindy should be commended and the fact that he and his first wife split on amicable terms as well.  His paying her medical bills for life also points to his character. 

I would consider his ex-wife, not to mention the two children from that union, the best source and dismiss the gossip-mongers. You're not the rumor-monger type from what I've read of you, at least not until Sarah Palin was nominated.

I think this is just a case of the Dems coming unglued with the announcement of Palin's nomination.  They thought they had it lock, stock and barrel.  Now it doesn't look quite that way anymore.  The attention has turned FROM Obama TO Palin and it's just rattling the cage of the Democratic Party. 

Actually, I believe the PARTY IS OVER!  LOL.