KFC Kickin For Christ's Articles » Page 51
August 26, 2006 by KFC Kickin For Christ
A friend sent me this tonight......thought it was good. Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ and the American G.I. One died for your soul; the other for your freedom.
August 25, 2006 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I'd love to give credit where credit is due. I found this among my "stuff" this weekend and thought I'd share. It's really not funny and actually made me mad when I read this. Are there any that I missed? TAXES ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE TAX BUILDING PERMIT TAX CAPITAL GAINS TAX CDL LICENSE TAX CIGARETTE TAX CORPORATE INCOME TAX COUNT FINES (INDIRECT TAXES) DOG LICENSE TAX FEDERAL INCOME TAX FEDERAL UNEMPLOYMENT TAX FISHING LICENSE TAX FOOD LICENSE TAX FUEL PERMIT TAX GASOLIN...
August 25, 2006 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I've been thinking lately about raising children. No, I don't plan on raising anymore thank you. Been there, done that. Time to move on to other pursuits although I do admit there is no bigger and better experience to be had than to bring children into the world, watch them grow, instill values as they do and let them go, hopefully to make the world a better place. It's a lot of work but very rewarding when you're done and can look back on it. The problem is, it goes very fast. Expedie...
August 21, 2006 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I can't sleep, had too many diet cokes tonight and i'm wired. I'm actually quite tired but evidentlly not tired enough. Lots going on here so that definitely is a contributing factor as well. David leaves for college tomorrow which is really today now. He is driving 15 hours and being a Mom I will be anxious to hear from him making it safely on the other end. Tonight was his last night at Applebees and he's the one responsible for the soda. We decided to go in for dinner his las...
August 15, 2006 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I have a question. From time to time I hear disparaging remarks made about Jerry Falwell and Pat Robinson and usually they are lumped together. My question is why? What exactly is your beef with these two? I'm not a big fan of Pat Robinson, but I do admire Falwell and what he has done in Lynchburg, VA. I've not seen them personally together nor have I ever heard Falwell talk of Robinson nor invite him to his College to speak. Is it because they are so outspoken or as "religio...
August 10, 2006 by KFC Kickin For Christ
There seems to be some confusion on the duties of a Pastor. Many believe the Pastor should do it all. He should visit the sick, he should visit the well, he should open his home to any that ask him too regardless of motive. He should always be the one to start every program and then run that program once it starts. He should turn out a sermon worthy of his hire, and he should always be available 24/7 because, well, that's expected. Where does this expectation come from? At our churc...
August 4, 2006 by KFC Kickin For Christ
August 4, 2006 by KFC Kickin For Christ
This is sort of an attachment to my last blog entry on prayer. I promised I would tell a story on an amazing experience I had and the answer I received from God as a result of my prayer. I pray alot for my children. I pray not only for their salvation, but that they would be strong men, leaders in God's army. My heart's desire is that they would love God as much as their father and I do. Two years ago come November we were having problems with one boy. He was not on the same page a...
August 1, 2006 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Prayer is so undervalued and therefore unused by many. Even many Christians have a hard time taking the time and effort to pray as they ought. Prayer is an expression of faith and therefore doesn't always come easily. Sometimes we lose heart because we pray with high expectations. We assume that God will give us all we long for. When we don't receive what we expected we get discouraged and lose enthusiasm for prayer. Yet what we need to really do is trust God here. We need to wait and ...
July 31, 2006 by KFC Kickin For Christ
DO IT ANWAY People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; Forgive them anyway If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway If you find serenity and happiness, they may be je...
July 30, 2006 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I can't believe we only have one more day in July. Then we are in August!! Urggghhhh Where did the summer go? Why is it going soooo fast? I remember as a kid the summers lasted....well......forever. They dragged on endlessly so much so I couldn't wait till school started back up because I got so bored. Now I'm trying to hang on, digging my heels in trying to keep summer from slipping away without having at least some fun. So this weekend after a busy spring and early summer we had ...
July 26, 2006 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Was cleaning out some of the paperwork I've been collecting for months. Going thru and reading some of the stuff I've been putting aside until later. Well later is now. Anyhow read a rather long but interesting letter from a missionary in Kiev. His name is Bob Tolliver. His letter was on Spirtual Terrorism. He compares it to the tactics that terrorists use today. Some of the devices of a terrorist are distraction, diversion, division, secrecy, fear, weariness, surprise, time, intimidat...
July 22, 2006 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Last Friday Aly's 14 year old sister Abby was in a bad jet ski accident. Aly called us, hysterical ,asking us to pray for Abby. Aly was very scared she might lose her sister. Abby fell off the jet ski as someone else was driving and hit the motor with her backside. At first they thought she was ok but then she turned very white and they called the ambulance. She ended up getting airlifted to a hospital in Wisconsin because they thought she may have internal injuries or bleeding. Aly ...
July 19, 2006 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Israel. They are forever it seems the center of the news. Israel is the center of biblical history and prophecy and as we can see quite clearly, current events. I believe there is a reason for this. Our Pastor asked a question on Sunday. How can we show that God's word is true? Many answers could be heard from the congregation but not the one he wanted. The answer? Israel. He said Israel's survival is the best testimony of the word of God. From the beginning of the OT history ...
July 18, 2006 by KFC Kickin For Christ
We've all gone through many milestones in our lives Most of them I think we barely notice or take a second thought. Some are pretty important, and we think often of those times or events that have brought either cheers or jeers to our hearts and minds. Today I was thinking of the firsts in my life. Maybe you can think of some that I've missed. First steps First day of school First sibling First best friend First time away from home First Car First Date First Kiss First real...