KFC Kickin For Christ's Articles » Page 7
November 26, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
My bags are packed and I'm ready to go.  I just finished my last run in sunny warm Florida (actually cool today) until I return from Ohio where I'll be met with freezing temps from what I've heard.  I'll be flying into OHIO tonight to help care for my two baby grandsons while my daughter in love...has her third baby.  Hopefully...this time a girl but if not...there's always next time!! I packed the pink/white Nikes because I think this third time will be the charm ...
November 25, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Reverse discrimination. Why is one way bad to discriminate and the other good?  For example... My son was speaking to one of his bosses at the newspaper this week.  The boss was told by the higher ups in the company that the next hire HAS TO BE either an African American or a woman.  He has a sports writing position open but can only hire either a black person or a female.  He asked my son "do you know how hard it is to find a woman journalist that wants to ...
November 22, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Back to Beck.  I know I've already detailed the events of Beck's visit yesterday from my point of view.  Now I want to give out a few quotable quotes he left us with.  Things to ponder.  "I don't know when telling the truth became so dangerous."  "Those who say debt doesn't matter are lying....somebody's going to have to pay for it."  "They (federal government) are stealing.....stealing from our children."  "We're at a tipping poin...
November 22, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Yesterday was my Dad's birthday.  So what better gift to give to give him but an autographed copy of Glenn Beck's latest book?  It was a busy day for me to begin with not to mention the hoopla surrounding Beck's arrival. Beck came to The Villages yesterday to unveil his plan to save America.  An enthusiastic crowd of 25,000 people were there to greet him and to listen to what Beck had to say.  We'd been hearing for days that he had a plan to save the Republic and inquiring...
November 16, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Much has been in the news lately about the Balloon Boy and the antics of his father playing a hoax on the world all for his own glory.  Hoaxes have been around as long as man has.  Lately in the news also has been what could be a very old hoax recently debunked.   You be the judge.  What do you think?  I grew up hearing about the supposed miracle surrounding the Shroud of Turin.  I had no idea at the time, as a child, that it had Roman Catholic ori...
November 13, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
People don't like to lose.  I get that.  I'm not that great at it either.  But com'on there comes a time you just have to move on and accept that the people have voted.   I hate the fact that there are five states right now that have legalized homosexual marriage without the people's vote.  I think that's much worse than what just went on in Maine last week.  At least there, the voices of the people  were heard and their hard work recognized.&nb...
November 12, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
  Have you seen this from the floor of Congress?  I don't know much about Mr. Rogers from Michigan but he sure makes alot of sense for a politician and that's no easy task.  I think he should run for President.   I've never heard this man before and don't know anything about him but he sure hit it out of the ballpark with this one!  The question is...is anyone listening?  http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=G44NCvNDLfc  
November 11, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I just found out something interesting today.  I didn't know this.  Did you know the Vatican not only has a Chief astronomer but also has a Vatican Observatory near Rome?  What is a church doing in the business of Astronomy?   Who's paying for all this?  Anyhow the Vatican has just come out to say that aliens could exist.  Here's the whole scoop!   "The Pope's Chief astronomer says that life on Mars cannot be ruled out.  Writing ...
November 9, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
What started out being an ordinary Saturday night turned out to be anything but.  We thought we were just going down to the store to get us a movie and instead felt like we were in one.  It was about 7 pm and we decided to go down to Publix, in the golf cart, to pick up a few groceries and get a movie.  After buying the groceries and chatting with the girl at the register, we went over to the Blockbuster Box and picked out our selection, a thriller.  Who knew we were about...
November 6, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
My heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to the many families who are hurting this morning as a result of what happened yesterday at Fort Hood.  Twelve young lives are gone in a blink of an instant all because of the hands of another.  Another who was one of them.  He ate with them, worked alongside them and slept with them and then he betrayed them by taking their lives.  Nothing to me is so devastating as betrayal.  In this case,...
November 5, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I've noticed the last few months that there's been a renewed interest in the end times or some say "end of the world."  I've noticed this not only in the preachers preaching from the pulpit but also in the in the form of entertainment such as TV movies and movies playing at the theaters.   Included in all this is the talk about 2012 being the end of the world with a movie coming out about that as well.  For some of us the end of our world c...
November 2, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
My home state of Maine is once again going to the polls tomorrow to vote on yet another homosexual issue.  This time it's on whether or not homosexual marriage should be legalized.  So far every state that puts this to a vote brings another loss to the homosexual movement.  Not one state to date has had an affirmation by popular vote for homosexual marriage.     I know we hear and get caught up in some very emotional reasons as to why we ...
October 26, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Since ancient times there hasn't been a piece of Real Estate more fought over than that little parcel of land, no bigger than the state of RI, in the Middle East that we now call Israel.  To understand the conflict over there is to understand history.  This land has passed hands countless times even well before the Romans had control over it in the first century and has continued ever since.  Much blood has been shed in that region, more than any other, well before their...
October 25, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Three weeks ago I was asked if I would be willing to teach Sunday School for the teens.  Well first they asked if I would teach the little ones, but I opted instead to teach the teenagers.  They're way more fun and much more of a challenge.  I just love the snippy sarcastic attitudes and the sullen know it all looks.  Could eat it up with a spoon!  There was a day, when my kids were little, that I  remember having alot of respect for anyone who would take on the ...
October 21, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Before we left for Monday night's dance lessons my husband remarked that the best thing about this night was that it was "three down with three to go."  Now, that was ugly.  He says things like that but I really do believe he likes it although at times I'm not entirely sure.  I'm thoroughly enjoying our Monday nights having gotten over the frustration and jitters of the first night.  We actually did quite well.  I made a comment to him during one of the les...