Back to Beck.
I know I've already detailed the events of Beck's visit yesterday from my point of view. Now I want to give out a few quotable quotes he left us with. Things to ponder.
"I don't know when telling the truth became so dangerous."
"Those who say debt doesn't matter are lying....somebody's going to have to pay for it."
"They (federal government) are stealing.....stealing from our children."
"We're at a tipping point right now. You need to wake up your neighbors."
"There is hope on the other side, but we are about to walk through a wall of fire."
"When the people lead, the leaders will follow."
"I'm developing a 100-year plan for America."
"(Politicians) will know this group has teeth. They will come to us or we will blow by them with our own people."
"This (plan) isn't for us. This is for our children and our grandchildren."