Are you kidding me? That's about all I can say about that right now.
I scanned the newspaper carefully. Nope, nothing. Not a thing about the tens of thousands that marched yesterday on Capitol Hill for the unborn. These, that care about the unborn children marched together in solidarity were not even given a moment's notice by Obama. He did not address them in person or by phone. I wonder if there were any in the crowd protesting who just days before were cheering at his swearing in party? "Obama has expressed his...
BY MITCH ALBOM FREE PRESS COLUMNIST Every day I have less - In my bank account. Every day I grow scared - As my losses mount. Every day there is less - To the house that I own And the equity...
I got this notice from my husband's office today: FYI There's going to be a change coming tomorrow for cell phone users. It's not a good one either. Cell phone numbers go public this week and will be released to 20 telemarketing companies tomorrow. So that means we will start to receive unwanted sales calls on our cell phones. The bad news is we will be charged for these calls. To stop this from happening call the following number from your cell phone:
Does the name Nimrod ring a bell? Nimrod was a mighty hunter, of men's souls the saying goes, living after the days of Noah and the great flood. You can find the biblical story in Genesis 11 but there is also much more written outside the pages of the bible and quite easily attainable. Nimrod was a leader, one who established his own kingdom, its chief city being Babel or Babylon. His goal was to unify the people to follow his lead in a revolt against God as they attem...
I wish to go on record because it's no secret that Obama's election didn't thrill me to pieces. But it has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with color. I am absolutely thrilled that the blacks are represented by a Black President. I can understand their joy and excitement. I'm happy for their moment. I'm glad they have a good family man to to look up to as well. For many young black men, I hope Obama will inspire them to lead better lives...
She's no lady. She seeks to seduce your soul. She's called the harlot of many harlots. She's also called the mother of harlots. I'm talking about the woman mentioned in Revelation 17. The one whom many, over the centuries, wondered about. Who is she really? Here's the passage in its context. "And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials and talked with me saying, Come closer, I will show you the judgment of the grea...
My, what a difference four years makes. How many remember the last inauguration? How many remember that Bush was asked to tone down his pomp and circumstance in 2005? By the Democrats of course. Today I'm not hearing any such outcry from the Dems for the most lavish inauguration celebration on record. Some are estimating the bill for this "party" will be upwards to $150 million. Excuse me but I thought we were in some sort of recession?&nb...
We hit the road racing circuit this morning by participating in a local 5K. It was my first race in a year and a half with virtually no speedwork at all. I was literally sweet talked into doing this a few weeks ago because my back has been a problem now for many months and racing is not at the top of my list right now. When I got up at pre-dawn this morning, and very cold I should add, I groaned and warned my husband I wouldn't be able to fully race this because my ba...
Every once in a while a song comes along and tugs at the heart. It just has a way of resonating with people of all walks, faiths and gender, and transends all color and ethnicity. HC sent me this recently and I agree with her, it's a song that is hard to forget. I saw this sung by Nicole in person and it just blew the group of us away. It's too good not to share.......... ...
I would like to begin by saying that my thoughts and prayers are for those innocents caught or trapped in the middle of all this and cannot escape. There are innocent men, women and children with no recourse but to hide and wait out this terrible time in and around the City of Gaza. Let's get some things straight. Let's look at the facts. Let's not get caught up in emotion. Hamas is an evil, wicked, murderous organization with a goal clearly stated....
Another Son. Another wedding. This one would be a New Year's wedding. This is the last son to be wed! Thank God! We've had three weddings in under three years in three different states and now the last son, who just happens to be the eldest, walked the aisle in Kentucky. Their father officiated in all three weddings and was pleased as punch to be able to do so. The next wedding won't be for a while until Ethan is old enough and since he's only...
Thomas Jefferson. Remember him? Well he was pretty prolific in his day. He sure had alot of wisdom leaving lots of it behind for us in written form. The question is do we listen to all? You know the saying. If we don't heed the history of the past we are sure doomed to repeat it in the present. It's sure looking like we're not listening or heeding, that's for sure, by looking around at today's messed up world. ...
Time. We all have it. When it comes day to day, we all have the same seven days a week, 24 hours a day, sixty minutes to the hour and the same sixty seconds to the minute. Some are really wise in the spending of their time and others waste it like the leftovers after a banquet. I'm guilty of both I guess. There are times when I'm very productive getting more stuff done than thought humanly possible. I sleep very...
Let's talk about the wise men shall we? Most know the story of the (three) wise men who came to visit Baby Jesus in the stable. I think we need to talk. Most people get their biblical information from Christmas cards instead of going to the source itself, the bible. I hope I can shed some light (pun intended) on many inaccurate impressions people have about these wise men and other facts about the nativity scene. Here's the verse: "Now when Jesus w...