KFC Kickin For Christ's Articles In Politics » Page 5
December 28, 2007 by KFC Kickin For Christ
When I went to pick up my mail today, I was sure glad to see a trash can within reach. I hate bringing junk mail home with me. It just doesn't seem right that I'm forced to, in some cases, pay for mail I didn't solicit or want in the least. Today I had quite a handful. Then I get home and read the paper to see that our looking-out-for-our-best-interest-lawmakers are spending our money sending us junkmail. This is to the tune of $20.3 million dollars a year. They call it governmen...
December 2, 2007 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I heard on the news this morning, as I was getting ready for church, that Huckabee is now in the lead. Let the fun begin. Wha-hoo!!!! I knew he'd come through!!! Too early to celebrate yet, but he's coming from behind. I love underdogs!!! Now I'm starting to wonder if it might not be Huckabee against Obama in the final dance? I've gone on record way back now saying Huckabee against Hillary but it looks like Obama could nip Hillary in the end. I've given up on Rudy and the ...
November 27, 2007 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I just found out that Mike Huckabee is going to be at my son's school tomorrow. Shoot..... I hope David sees this. I didn't know ahead of time to tell him. He is going to be the convocation speaker. There is going to be a Q & A following. Three times a week they have a convo speaker at Liberty. Alot of times they are well known speakers from all walks. Well usually they are conservatives or Christians but they run the gamit as far as vocation goes. When Jerry was alive I believ...
November 1, 2007 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Well here you go for those who didn't see this op-ed in the NY Times. It's the beginning of organizing the evangelical vote at a meeting in Salt Lake City. The purpose was to discuss what would happen if Giuliani or another GOP candidate who doesn't represent them is elected to be the nominee. It was titled "The Values Test." by James C. Dobson, Ph.D., founder and chairman Dr. Dobson says winning an election is important, but not at the expense of our core beliefs. Reports ...
October 28, 2007 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I've already gone on record to say I believe possibly the presidential election could come down to Huckabee vs Hillary. Of course we still have a ways to go and time will surely tell. I think he's the GOP's only hopeful. My opinion. At the Values Voter Summit in Washington DC a week or so ago Huckabee came out strong and was received as such. His speech was interrupted at least 20 times with applause and had at least a dozen or so standing ovations. He also won, by a large margi...
October 11, 2007 by KFC Kickin For Christ
With a year left to think about the presidential election, I'm at this point zeroing in on Huckabee. Actually I think I've pretty much decided. I think President Huckabee has a nice ring to it. My number one criteria for President is integrity and he qualifies. He was the candidate who won hands down the Values Voter Presidential Debate in September. So many others feel the same about his fine character. He's a pro-family, pro-marriage, pro-borders, less government, strongly against ...
September 2, 2007 by KFC Kickin For Christ
"There are three kinds of pollution today: real, hysterical, and political ." Ain't that the truth! Lately political seems to be the thickest! The question is, how in the world do we clean it up? ""
July 17, 2007 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Speaking in December 2006 at a Holocaust memorial ceremony in Berlin, Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said: "We have learned and memorialized the lesson; the weak and defenseless are doomed. Doomed are they who do not believe those who threaten to eradicate them. Doomed are they who remain complacent and do not prepare themselves to thwart the danger. Doomed are they who entertain the false illusion that they could escape harm and that they could rely on the mercy of strangers ." ...
July 5, 2007 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Many are buzzing about Hillary and have been for quite some time. She's the darling of the Dems and could easily be their best shot for the next election. I hear alot of support for her from those on the left but I'm puzzled. I mean I am actually really wondering what has she done in the six years or so that's she's been a NY Senator? Is she like Paris Hilton, famous for being famous or is she legit? Does she have something that makes her honestly stand out from the others besides be...
August 25, 2006 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I'd love to give credit where credit is due. I found this among my "stuff" this weekend and thought I'd share. It's really not funny and actually made me mad when I read this. Are there any that I missed? TAXES ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE TAX BUILDING PERMIT TAX CAPITAL GAINS TAX CDL LICENSE TAX CIGARETTE TAX CORPORATE INCOME TAX COUNT FINES (INDIRECT TAXES) DOG LICENSE TAX FEDERAL INCOME TAX FEDERAL UNEMPLOYMENT TAX FISHING LICENSE TAX FOOD LICENSE TAX FUEL PERMIT TAX GASOLIN...
November 22, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Back to Beck.  I know I've already detailed the events of Beck's visit yesterday from my point of view.  Now I want to give out a few quotable quotes he left us with.  Things to ponder.  "I don't know when telling the truth became so dangerous."  "Those who say debt doesn't matter are lying....somebody's going to have to pay for it."  "They (federal government) are stealing.....stealing from our children."  "We're at a tipping poin...
November 12, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
  Have you seen this from the floor of Congress?  I don't know much about Mr. Rogers from Michigan but he sure makes alot of sense for a politician and that's no easy task.  I think he should run for President.   I've never heard this man before and don't know anything about him but he sure hit it out of the ballpark with this one!  The question is...is anyone listening?  http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=G44NCvNDLfc  
August 24, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Wow! This lady doesn't hold anything back. She's certainly smokin!  Maybe we should all turn ourselves in?  If you haven't read this letter sent to Obama on that whitehouse website, it's worth taking a minute to enjoy this lady's response to his program. Dear President Obama, et. al. In order to save some time and effort on the part of the minions that you have encouraged to spy on me, I am writing to turn myself in regarding your official White ...
August 23, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
Many of us shook our heads after the election wondering how in the world did Obama get elected?  He came out of nowhere and basically said nothing but the words "hope and change."  So what gives?  Why did we vote him in?   I received this today and now it all makes sense...LOL.   ONE OF THE BEST EXPLANATIONS OF WHY OBAMA WON THE ELECTION From a teacher in the Nashville area "We are worried about "the cow" when it is all about the "Ice Cr...
August 13, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ