And It Cost her a Perishible Crown
Published on April 20, 2009 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events

Miss California didn't know she was about to step into a hornets' nest with her answer to a question posed to her by celebrity judge Perez Hilton at last night's Miss America Contest.  Did you hear her answer and see her beautiful face as she gave it?  Did you hear his question and feel the confrontational attitude coming from him when he gave it?  It was almost like he knew her background and was daring her to answer this question honestly and if so, to her detriment.  It looks like he made sure she paid for this "wrong" answer. 

I loved the applause she got from the audience after her answer believing that most feel the same way as she.  That is, marriage should be between a man and a woman as we have all been brought up to believe.  

You just knew that Hilton was very angry receiving the answer that he did not wish to hear.    She did not back down believing that every state should have the opportunity to vote one way or the other and then giving her own opinion on the matter. 

I think she hit on something important.  It should be left up to the people to vote and not the state representatives who are bowing to the pressure put to them by a militant few like this Hilton character. 

Showing his true colors, Perez Hilton today went on his blog site blasting out Miss California, hate and venom dripping from his lips, as he called her derogatory names.  All because she gave her opinion that did not match his own and standing up for her belief that she was raised with. 

Miss California stated her opinion to the question posed to her and since it wasn't politically correct lost her bid to become the new Miss America.  Basically her answer cost her.  This is truly representative as to what is going on all across the country to those who dare speak out against these new laws allowing homosexual marriages and the baggage that comes with it.   You disagree and you will pay the price. 

I'd like to say to Miss California that she did good.  She is refreshingly honest as well as amazingly beautiful inside and out and her not bowing to the social pressure of our day just to get along speaks volumes about her character.  Kudos!  She may have lost this imperishible crown but I'm just betting she's going to get another that will glitter more brightly in the age to come. 

Check the link below to see how Hilton really exposed his true self.  I thought judges were supposed to be impartial?  Some judge.

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on Apr 23, 2009

Island Dog
Hey wait, Obama said the same thing, where is the outrage?

Rev. Warren: "Define marriage."

Sen. Obama: "I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian, it's also a sacred union. You know, God's in the mix."

Bet the farm - Perez voted for him.

on Apr 23, 2009

that is NOT scientifically proven. That's what we are being told to support this agenda.


Here, and also look at the end for: Hamer, et al.


This isn't about dominance either this is about the masculine and feminine roles in the relationship. In my marriage there are times I'm the dominant one and at other's it's my wife. It really depends on the subject for us, for one to become 'dominant' on.

Yes I understand there are studies that support this but it is still pretty inconclusive (kind of like global warming being man made).


Like I said, go look for the studies. They are there. I wouldn't be saying this if there wasn't.





on Apr 23, 2009

that is NOT scientifically proven.  That's what we are being told to support this agenda.

There have been other studies which show environment makes a huge difference.  Every gay I've known or heard about when giving their testimonies have had some sort of dysfunction in their home with family members who they were the most close.  Sometimes the cases were an absent parent.  In many cases, sexual abuse while they were young was a determining factor.  

Of course not everyone who is sexually abused as a youngster "turns gay" but there is a very strong connection to those who have turned gay that had a same sex encounter when young or were  unnaturally masculine or feminine when they shouldn't have been and just assumed they must be gay after being treated so for years.

There is no gay gene that has been discovered that I'm aware of.

I believe we are all born hetersixual and choices and circumstances in life make us turn from that.  Even if we feel tendencies toward the same sex, I believe, biblically speaking we shouldn't give in to it.  The same with those who say they are born "angry" or born "alcoholics" etc.

We make a choice to have sex with somebody or not.  We have no way of making a choice when it comes to skin color.  There's a difference.

Look what's happening these last 20 years or so.  More and more people are declaring themselves "gay or bi-sexual."  It's getting more and more acceptable to have sex with either now.  I think this has alot more to do with culture than birth.

1. Look at what I mentioned to AD. Go do the research, studies are showing that there is anywhere from a likely hood, to a high likely hood.

2. I'm not denying that there is a nuture factor, but I'm saying like anything else - it isn't nature VERSUS nurture. It's nature and/or nurture. Just as you are born a certain way, it doesn't mean that you will be that way. An example would be myself. I was born with right hand dominance, but over time I switched to left hand dominance.

3. Of course there is, it's logical to assume that there is the possibility that the parent hurt the child's relationship with the sex - but they're still homosexual though KFC. If you read Malcom X's biography, there is a part in there that talks about him and a girl he was with.He treated her badly, and found out later that because he treated her badly, it helped influence her into hating men/loving women.

4. I have to disagree with your finality on choice. Yes, choice comes into play, just as much as it does in anything. However, an example, again, is myself. You could claim I was born heterosexual (Which by that claim, who is to say that someone cannot be born heterosexual?). However, the fact is I am bisexual. I didn't let others influence me, and I didn't listen to anyone's propaganda. Admittedly, I did have some father issues: My biological father left soon after I was born and met him for the first time in October 2008, and one of my step father's was, shall we say, impossible.

That being said, neither influenced my realization. I looked inside myself (this was years ago). I thought and searched; I ended up time and time and time again at the conclusion of:

"I cannot deny that I am attracted to men as well; I may try to deny it, but the fact is that I like men as well as women. I am who and what I am; I am a bisexual man. (etc.)"

5. I disagree; I feel that people are noticing that society is becoming more acceptant of people simply being who they are; to thine own self be true, right?



on Apr 23, 2009


Interesting article in my opinion.

on Apr 23, 2009

Like I said, go look for the studies. They are there. I wouldn't be saying this if there wasn't.

I didn't say there weren't studies.  What I did say is that they are inconclusive.  Which you are in agreement?

Go do the research, studies are showing that there is anywhere from a likely hood, to a high likely hood.

likely hood is a mere correlation and is still not conclusive.


on Apr 23, 2009

likely hood is a mere correlation and is still not conclusive.


I realize that; it was just a choice of words.


I didn't say there weren't studies. What I did say is that they are inconclusive. Which you are in agreement?

There are studies that are and those that are not. Really is frustrating.



on Apr 23, 2009

that is NOT scientifically proven.

Oh, when's the last time you cared about science with your young earth creationism?


on Apr 24, 2009

I can see how you could see where Perez is coming from.

analagous to one of those bumperstickers that reads in really small type "if you can read this, you're up my ass" only rotated 180 degrees?

on Apr 24, 2009

Apparently you didn't know that Perez Hilton is a douchebag.

if i ever get a tattoo...

on Apr 24, 2009

69 comments and counting in response to a post about a beauty pageant contestant's reply to a question posed by psuedonymous gossip blogger????

see?  things are wayyyyyy different with a real president in office.

on Apr 24, 2009

see?  things are wayyyyyy different with a real president in office.

You can't accuse JU of not tackling the big issues.

on Apr 24, 2009

You can't accuse JU of not tackling the big issues.


on Apr 24, 2009

Every gay I've known or heard about when giving their testimonies have had some sort of dysfunction in their home with family members who they were the most close. Sometimes the cases were an absent parent.

I have to disagree with your finality on choice. Yes, choice comes into play, just as much as it does in anything. However, an example, again, is myself. You could claim I was born heterosexual (Which by that claim, who is to say that someone cannot be born heterosexual?). However, the fact is I am bisexual. I didn't let others influence me, and I didn't listen to anyone's propaganda. Admittedly, I did have some father issues: My biological father left soon after I was born and met him for the first time in October 2008, and one of my step father's was, shall we say, impossible. just proved what I said was correct yet you still are blind to this? 

that's what Christ meant when he said...."those who have eyes to see will see." 

I totally don't get people who say they are bisexual.   It makes no sense to me.  All that's saying to me is that you are really mixed up AJ.  I'm not saying that to be mean but that you need help.  Of course my solution to you is to listen to your mother (as we talked previously). 

Your sexuality is very tied to your family dynamics. 



on Apr 24, 2009 just proved what I said was correct yet you still are blind to this?

that's what Christ meant when he said...."those who have eyes to see will see."

I totally don't get people who say they are bisexual. It makes no sense to me. All that's saying to me is that you are really mixed up AJ. I'm not saying that to be mean but that you need help. Of course my solution to you is to listen to your mother (as we talked previously).

Your sexuality is very tied to your family dynamics.



With all due respect, you are full of it; It only proves it in your eyes, and through your biases. I'm perfectly fine and dandy; in fact, save the stress of school and various activities I'm involved in - I'm the best I've been in a very long time.

In terms of bisexuality, in my case at least, it simply was an acknowledgment that I am in fact attracted to individuals of the same gender, as well as those of the opposite gender. I do not go around and be promiscuous, like most would have you believe, I am smarter than that, heh.

Since I respect you, your intelligence, and have always considered myself an open minded man - I'm not going just brush off your comments. If you would please, with footnotes, endnotes and proper citations - prove your point, that would be great. If, after you have done that and I read your argument, your argument is compelling - then I will consider that maybe you are in fact correct.

My mother knows nothing about it, due to her open hostility towards such orientations. It's unfortunate, but for the sake of family cohesion.


on Apr 24, 2009

With all due respect, you are full of it;

Since I respect you, your intelligence, and have always considered myself an open minded man - I'm not going just brush off your comments.

these two comments seem to contradict each other AJ. 

I will consider your challenge. 

My mother knows nothing about it, due to her open hostility towards such orientations. It's unfortunate, but for the sake of family cohesion.

I understand and the more you write about your mom the more I'm liking her....

Although....I have to clarify....I'm not really hostile as in "don't get near me" but more in hostile as in the "agenda" and the pushiness as "it's a right" of it all. 



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