And It Cost her a Perishible Crown
Published on April 20, 2009 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events

Miss California didn't know she was about to step into a hornets' nest with her answer to a question posed to her by celebrity judge Perez Hilton at last night's Miss America Contest.  Did you hear her answer and see her beautiful face as she gave it?  Did you hear his question and feel the confrontational attitude coming from him when he gave it?  It was almost like he knew her background and was daring her to answer this question honestly and if so, to her detriment.  It looks like he made sure she paid for this "wrong" answer. 

I loved the applause she got from the audience after her answer believing that most feel the same way as she.  That is, marriage should be between a man and a woman as we have all been brought up to believe.  

You just knew that Hilton was very angry receiving the answer that he did not wish to hear.    She did not back down believing that every state should have the opportunity to vote one way or the other and then giving her own opinion on the matter. 

I think she hit on something important.  It should be left up to the people to vote and not the state representatives who are bowing to the pressure put to them by a militant few like this Hilton character. 

Showing his true colors, Perez Hilton today went on his blog site blasting out Miss California, hate and venom dripping from his lips, as he called her derogatory names.  All because she gave her opinion that did not match his own and standing up for her belief that she was raised with. 

Miss California stated her opinion to the question posed to her and since it wasn't politically correct lost her bid to become the new Miss America.  Basically her answer cost her.  This is truly representative as to what is going on all across the country to those who dare speak out against these new laws allowing homosexual marriages and the baggage that comes with it.   You disagree and you will pay the price. 

I'd like to say to Miss California that she did good.  She is refreshingly honest as well as amazingly beautiful inside and out and her not bowing to the social pressure of our day just to get along speaks volumes about her character.  Kudos!  She may have lost this imperishible crown but I'm just betting she's going to get another that will glitter more brightly in the age to come. 

Check the link below to see how Hilton really exposed his true self.  I thought judges were supposed to be impartial?  Some judge.

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on Apr 21, 2009

I can see where Perez is coming from. It can't be very pleasant to have someone tell you that you don't deserve marriage because only straight people can do it properly.

Deliberately antagonising a group of people who you know are likely to judge and/or hire you in fashion isn't a particularly good career move, but maybe it will work out for her in the end.


so she should have instead become a politician?

on Apr 21, 2009

Deliberately antagonising a group of people who you know are likely to judge and/or hire you in fashion isn't a particularly good career move, but maybe it will work out for her in the end.

Deliberately antagonizing?  Who?  Miss California?  Not Mr. Perez Hilton?  Are you kidding me?  So what you just said and are promoting is for her to be a fake for the benefit of her career?  Ya, maybe she should have been a politician is right. 

 Take another look at the video link I provided.  I didn't see her antagonizing anyone.  She answered a question giving her opinion as she was supposed to.  If anyone was pushing buttons it was Hilton who may have gotten wind she was a Christian if he had any sort of bio, as a judge (can you imagine?)  on these contestants.

Can anyone tell me what makes this guy a celebrity? 

on Apr 21, 2009

If teaching them about God and Jesus is what a parent considers information necessary for survival then that's their decision, that does not constitute brainwashing because brainwashing means to force them into believing it as oppose to teaching them and hoping it sticks. Just because someone says "this is what I was raised to believe" does not mean they were brainwashed, it could also mean they chose to stick to those beliefs.

I'm pretty sure that's exactly what I said.  Let's see: "Brainwashing involves crafting a minature copy of you with all your biases and a little robot. They aren't allowed to have differeing opinions, they aren't allowed to be their own person and come to their own conclusions."

Yep, pretty much what I said.

You gotta be more specific here Zoo, this is a whole lot of generalizing. Even not having a religion could still preach hate.

I said extreme.  Not every religion.

she simply said she believe it should be a man and a woman. was that really wrong? Did she deserve to be called a bitch by this man on his site? Did she deserve to be called a bimbo or an idiot just because she was honest in her beliefs?

I wouldn't say she deserves anything.  She has the right to think what she wants, but people also have the right to comment on it.  Whatcha gonna do?

I'm confused about this comment,

I wasn't commenting directly on the girl, moreso the attitude as a whole of making gay marriage illegal.  In fact, a lot of my stuff didn't relate directly to the girl.  I like to expound on a topic.


There's a stipulation here isn't there? Admit it. The stipulation is as long as you go with the current culture it's not brainwashing only education.

?  Haha!  I have plenty of beliefs that don't line up with our culture.  I wouldn't even consider myself a part of mainstream culture for that matter.  I just happen to have opinions that coincide with the consensus...which is what culture is, a matter agreed on by the majority- the food you eat, the clothes you wear, your ideals about the world, etc. and so forth.


Who's to say Miss California's parents didn't do EXACTLY as you define "education?" How do you know her parent's "brainwashed" her as you said earlier? You jumped to that conclusion because of her opinion. Own it Zoo. It doesn't match what the current culture is dictating so therefore it means she was brainwashed?

I never said she, herself, was brainwashed...she could just be closeminded all on her own.  Read carefully before you fly off the handle, please.  I just took that one thing you said made a comment about it.  'Brought up to believe' for me indicates an instilling of beliefs...which sounds a lot like brainwashing.  I just think that when people wholeheartedly believe something for no apparent reason...there's something odd there.  I know the Bible says this or that, but there's no evidence backing the reason why it would be a negative thing...I'm stumped, honestly.

I find it cute that a conservative is railing against the popular culture.  You sound an awful lot like a 60s style hippy.

So being homosexual (having sex with the same gender) is NOT a choice but is a gentetic factor? You know this as a complete fact? So you have no choice in choosing what gender you're going to have sex with (or abstaining) in the same way you have no choice to change your color you were obviously born with?

I haven't isolated the exact gene yet, but I'm working on it.   There is potential that it's genetic or otherwise influenced by biology.  There are gay animals after all...and as far as I know animals usually don't make conscious decisions like that.  That aspect alone is pretty interesting.

Also: Note how I said the word 'probably'. Not the word 'are'.

Let me ask you this: Can you choose who you're attracted to? Did you look at your spouse and consciously decide that you like him or did it just happen?  If being gay is a choice, then we can be attracted to anyone we want to with sheer force of will...and I guarantee that that doesn't happen.  You just can't 'love' on command. 

And no I haven't been brainwashed.  I'm in a genetics class now and the topic hasn't even been brought up.  Jeez, you people and your liberal education rants...liberal doesn't mean political in this context.  We're being taught to think critically not rehash other people's ideas.  If it was the latter it would be so much easier.

now you're spreading lies here Zoo. You're using Phelps as your example to do so. Do you know the gospel?

What part of extreme don't you people understand?  Extreme denotes an extreme it?  Charles can use extreme Islam as an example and no one says one word.  I bring up extreme Christianity and there's no way that's possible?     Just because a religion preaches peace doesn't mean that message gets through to everyone.


4 states down, 56 to go

Holy crap?  Did I write that? 46, 46, 46...remind me not to comment when I'm tired...*sigh*...


on Apr 21, 2009

May I add that she sucks on the TV show 24. Her role is probably the sorriest one I have seen on 24.

Ironically, "24" is a Fox program. shows you their class that she is out on her @ss. I guess they are the bigger person.

on Apr 22, 2009

I'm pretty sure that's exactly what I said. Let's see: "Brainwashing involves crafting a minature copy of you with all your biases and a little robot. They aren't allowed to have differeing opinions, they aren't allowed to be their own person and come to their own conclusions."

No not really because you keep insisting that these people have no choice, but they do. If they chose to continue these belief or to change their beliefs they have that choice. Considering you have no children, I can't see how you could possibly understand this. I seriously doubt that if you had children, to avoid what you consider brainwashing, you would actually give a them a choice on what ever. I do my best to avoid my children from making what i believe are wrong choices, am I brainwashing them? No, I want my kids to eat healthy food, I want them to respect other people, I want them to work hard for thier living, should I allow them to chose to eat unhealthy food, to disrespect people and to become lazy just to avoid brainwashing them? I'm not too sure you get the concept of raising a child Zoo. I'm sorry. What you call brainwashing I mostly call education, I just can't see how one could raise a child without wanting them to do what we want them to do.

Once they are teens and have a bit of a better understanding, then one can allow them to make choices, but again, if you child chooses to drive 60 on a 35 MPH zone, should you allow them to choose or do you educate them in the dnagers of driving so fast? Would you consider it brainwashing to "force" then to understand the dangers of speeding?

I said extreme. Not every religion.

And that is why I said you need to be more specific. What do you mean by extreme? Christianity is extreme in what way? That they are strong in their beliefs? You can't truly compare all Christians to Islamist extremist. That is where you messed up. You generalized all Christians when you said "Every extreme religion preaches hate...even Christianity", Islam is not an extreme religion, it's those who take it to the extreme that are extreme.

I wouldn't say she deserves anything. She has the right to think what she wants, but people also have the right to comment on it. Whatcha gonna do?

Does commenting include insulting just because she doesn't agree? What happened to equal rights? I thought we were all free to believe what we want, why do some think that if you don't agree with them you deserve to be insulted for it? All the guy had to do was state that she had the right to her opinion and if she disagrees with me, that's OK. Instead, he chose to make an enemy from her and then we wonder why our country is at war or always at odds with other countries.

I am not gay, I do not like guys and never plan on marrying on. Does that make me the enemy? Should I be called some insulting name for not wanting to do what they do? Why stop there? Why doesn't Pizza Hut insult people who eat at Dominoes or Papa Johns? Why doesn't Ford insult people who buy Chevy's? Why is it OK for gay people to get mad when you disagree with them but straight people can't or they are called names such as homophobe?

I wasn't commenting directly on the girl, moreso the attitude as a whole of making gay marriage illegal. In fact, a lot of my stuff didn't relate directly to the girl. I like to expound on a topic.

Funny, you just commented that "if people will it" yet now you are saying it's an attitude because their will is to make it illegal. You can't have iot both ways Zoo, you can't agree that gays have the right to fight for their beliefs and take those same rights away from those who disagree with gays. This is American, no one person, group, race, or sex has any more rights than the others. We live in a majority rules society and if "the people will it" then it should be accepted and wait till next time to try again. Insulting people for not agreeing with you is probably the dumbest way to get their vote. As I said before I believe marraige is between a man and a woman, but if gays want to get married, who am I to say otherwise, but if it comes down to a vote I will vote against it because of my beliefs, if they win, so be it.

A lot of your stuff may not have been about the girl directly but it did relate to her and you made no effort to exclude her in your opinions.

I gotta say though, this is another great debate we are having.

on Apr 22, 2009

Deliberately antagonizing?  Who?  Miss California?  Not Mr. Perez Hilton?  Are you kidding me?  So what you just said and are promoting is for her to be a fake for the benefit of her career?  Ya, maybe she should have been a politician is right. 

 Take another look at the video link I provided.  I didn't see her antagonizing anyone.  She answered a question giving her opinion as she was supposed to.  If anyone was pushing buttons it was Hilton who may have gotten wind she was a Christian if he had any sort of bio, as a judge (can you imagine?)  on these contestants.

Can anyone tell me what makes this guy a celebrity?

A Miss (insert generic here) is supposed to be diplomatic, what with all the opening of malls and acts for world peace they apparently do. If she's not clever enough to moderate or hide her opinion in front of a predominately gay or gay-friendly audience, she's going to be a disaster as an ambassador.

Perez Hilton is a star because he's sarcastic, quickwitted, flamboyantly gay in a sexless kind of way and writes exclusively about pop culture. He's like a male Joan Rivers. Google them and you'll see why this type of person is famous/on ridiculous beauty contest panels.

on Apr 22, 2009

anyone who cares what either ms california or perez hilton (or, for that matter, el vez, the hills, anyone who's undergone a tv intervention, any game show host who's ever lived) thinks about anything really needs to reconsider their priorities.

next stop: goin over the edge by convincing yourselves limhaugh believes a word of what he says.

on Apr 22, 2009

Holy crap? Did I write that? 46, 46, 46...remind me not to comment when I'm tired...*sigh*...

Sure, same excuse that Obama gave.  LOL

on Apr 22, 2009

Everyones looking at the girl, saying she gave a politically biased answer but seem to be forgetting the "judge". Why would he ask a politically charged question, and "not" expect to get an answer he didn't agree with? Because the appropriate (PC) answer helps advance his agenda.

The girl said, in a nutshell, it wasn't her cup of tea, but people were free to make their own choice. This Hilton character should probably realize more people in the US feel that way then support his ideology. Isn't miss America a representative of the people? She didn't suggest a ban. Does he expect the next winner to be out promoting gay marriage? So why ask a question if the person has no influence on it anyway, Honesty is worthless today, or at least punished. Your a swell role model Hilton, I'll bet you really wanted progressive California (the state, obviously not the girl) to win too. Must have hurt just a little to see a southern girl get it, because we all know how keen they are for gay marriage in that part of the country.

on Apr 22, 2009

Hmmm, looks like some think she has a potential case for a lawsuit?



on Apr 22, 2009

There are gay animals after all...and as far as I know animals usually don't make conscious decisions like that. That aspect alone is pretty interesting.

Do they ask the other straight animals to accept them trying to hump the same sex? Maybe you found the key behind the mass extinctions....The woolly mammoths were eventually gay and couldn't reproduce (and it give a new meaning to "packing your trunk".   


I couldn't resist Zoo, and yes I've heard of this occurring in the wild. wonder how that works out for them (I'll wait for the Animal Planet show). If this only occurred in the wild science would term it an abnormality or defect. How interesting we humans are when it comes to us!

on Apr 22, 2009

I wonder how a guy can look at these beauties and still prefer another guy?  I don't think I'll ever understand!

on Apr 22, 2009

I wonder how a guy can look at these beauties and still prefer another guy? I don't think I'll ever understand!


A similar question could be asked by any gay guy, "How can you look at women with all these hunks?" It's all about preference and such. Think about it this way, your wife (or girl friend/whatever) - you were attracted to her right? No matter what, you knew you loved her, you wanted to be with her, you wanted to (fill in the blank). All with her, no one else. It's the same case for homosexuals; preference, love, attraction, etc. It's pretty simple really.  



on Apr 22, 2009

Btw, KFC you have a Private Message.

on Apr 22, 2009

Btw, KFC you have a Private Message.

ok, I'll check it out. 

Hmmm, looks like some think she has a potential case for a lawsuit?

This has since exploded since I first wrote about this.  Right now, there's a discussion going on in the background on the radio.  She's saying she would not change her answer and feels like she did the right thing in giving her honest opinion as she was asked.  To do anything less would have been deceptive.

The bible says "blessed are the peace makers".....not peace keepers and there is a difference.  A peace keeper tries to avoid all confrontation for the cause of peace. Keep the peace no matter what.   This person is usually well liked and is quite comfortable keeping her head in the sand when anything controversial comes up. 

A peace maker is one who is not afraid to confront error and is one that believes truth must prevail for the sake of real genuine peace.  Get things out in the open and deal with it.  Only when you have the truth can you really have peace.  Usually peace makers are not as well liked and most of the time are viewed as a trouble maker. 

I believe Miss California is a Peace Maker and I resonate with her totally.  Jesus also was a Peace Maker and he also was considered a trouble maker just like Miss California.  Not bad company to keep IMO. 

I wonder how a guy can look at these beauties and still prefer another guy? I don't think I'll ever understand!

now that's coming from a "real" man! 



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