And It Cost her a Perishible Crown
Published on April 20, 2009 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events

Miss California didn't know she was about to step into a hornets' nest with her answer to a question posed to her by celebrity judge Perez Hilton at last night's Miss America Contest.  Did you hear her answer and see her beautiful face as she gave it?  Did you hear his question and feel the confrontational attitude coming from him when he gave it?  It was almost like he knew her background and was daring her to answer this question honestly and if so, to her detriment.  It looks like he made sure she paid for this "wrong" answer. 

I loved the applause she got from the audience after her answer believing that most feel the same way as she.  That is, marriage should be between a man and a woman as we have all been brought up to believe.  

You just knew that Hilton was very angry receiving the answer that he did not wish to hear.    She did not back down believing that every state should have the opportunity to vote one way or the other and then giving her own opinion on the matter. 

I think she hit on something important.  It should be left up to the people to vote and not the state representatives who are bowing to the pressure put to them by a militant few like this Hilton character. 

Showing his true colors, Perez Hilton today went on his blog site blasting out Miss California, hate and venom dripping from his lips, as he called her derogatory names.  All because she gave her opinion that did not match his own and standing up for her belief that she was raised with. 

Miss California stated her opinion to the question posed to her and since it wasn't politically correct lost her bid to become the new Miss America.  Basically her answer cost her.  This is truly representative as to what is going on all across the country to those who dare speak out against these new laws allowing homosexual marriages and the baggage that comes with it.   You disagree and you will pay the price. 

I'd like to say to Miss California that she did good.  She is refreshingly honest as well as amazingly beautiful inside and out and her not bowing to the social pressure of our day just to get along speaks volumes about her character.  Kudos!  She may have lost this imperishible crown but I'm just betting she's going to get another that will glitter more brightly in the age to come. 

Check the link below to see how Hilton really exposed his true self.  I thought judges were supposed to be impartial?  Some judge.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Apr 24, 2009

these two comments seem to contradict each other AJ.

I will consider your challenge.


To the contrary, while everything I know along with my faculties tell me that you are full of it - I have once principle that tends to be stronger. It is the principle of always be open minded. I may disagree, and the facts may support my point - but I'm always going to be open minded to possibilities and chances to prove such points. If I didn't do that, I would be a hypocrit.


I understand and the more you write about your mom the more I'm liking her....

Although....I have to clarify....I'm not really hostile as in "don't get near me" but more in hostile as in the "agenda" and the pushiness as "it's a right" of it all.


She is a strong, strong lady; I respect her greatly and admire her even more. I, quite literally, wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her.


I understand, and I'm similar to a point. I have Christian friends, as well as Muslim friends. So, while I find religion to be silly, I am open and willing to be friends with such people. I wouldn't put things so much as agenda, so much as passion. Your opinion and those of your type that actively promote it are your passionate, which is understandable. Still, in my opinion, there are some cases where such "agendas" as you claim - are good. Think about it, without an agenda for black rights, we wouldn't be where we are today with black rights. Or women's rights for that matter. Agendas can be a good thing.


One person's agenda is another person's justified cause, right? 

on Apr 24, 2009

Double Post

on Apr 24, 2009

yall have gone and done it now. 

by making such a huge ado about less than nothing, you've convinced your heroine that god looked down upon her strutting around in her bikini and becameth so well pleased he doth choseth her to delivereth his word to the peoples of the earth.

for lo, she spaketh thus to the oracle at foxnews, neil cavuto, when encountering him in the holy place of the murdochians:

"I think that I was the one that was blessed enough to get this question. I am so blessed that I was able to speak my mind, my thoughts, my convictions in front of millions of people."

bad enough, but it don't stoppeth there.

apparently sister carrier is of a mind that being elevated to join the elect just may qualify her to join the elected as well.

cuz therefore and whereupon as she madeth ready to withdraw and journey forth unto her home, she prosephied, saying: "I am continuing my modeling career. I'm not sure how far that is going to lead me,  Maybe get into politics, you never know."

whosoever says to his brother, thou fool may be liable to the fires of gehenna, so i'm not gonna say that exactly.

just gonna point out if yall keep this one going, it won't be long--like a few hours of wink practice--before she winds up as your next vp candidate.

on Apr 24, 2009

i had no idea--til just a few minutes ago--this all occured at something other than the good ol ms america pageant.

after discovering the venue was, instead, the trumped up wanna-be, i'm even more taken aback.

yall really watch that shit?

on Apr 24, 2009

Nope.  Never would've heard a word about it were it not for the vicious hate-monger non-celebrity Perez Hilton.  If, faced with the choice of coming down on the side of Miss California or Perez Hilton, you come down on the side of the latter, you have a serious reality-acceptance problem like Perez (who apparently has way more problems than that).

From what little I know of you, I suspect you just like tweaking noses & giving people wedgies.  I choose, for the moment, to consider your comments as part of that fine legacy.

on Apr 24, 2009

Disclaimer:  I did not watch the pageant.  I also think Perez Hilton is a d-bag.

Regardless, I wonder how parading around with your bikini line showing protects the sanctity of marriage.

on Apr 24, 2009

Regardless, I wonder how parading around with your bikini line showing protects the sanctity of marriage.

There seems to be, in my mind, a contradiction here.  She was brought up Christian and has Christian values.  I guess that was well known even by, I assume, Hilton by the post conversations. 

While there's nothing about not attending or having anything to do with beauty pagents in scripture, we actually do see one in the book of Esther with Esther winning the prize....the king.  And it was quite the beauty pagent by the sounds of it. 

But to me, Miss CA's very scantily clad body has no bearing on the sanctity of marriage so much as it is not being modestly apparelled and promoting lust as in maybe causing a "brother" to sin.  We are not supposed to do that.

For that reason, I wouldn't wish or encourage my daughter (if I had one) to participate. 

Maybe in her mind she thought as Miss America she could do some earthly Christian good.  Whatever the case, it looks like her faith has been strengthened and she doesn't seem bitter about losing.  I would not like to see her sue tho.  If she does, I wouldn't support it. 



on Apr 25, 2009

If, faced with the choice of coming down on the side of Miss California or Perez Hilton, you come down on the side of the latter, you have a serious reality-acceptance problem like Perez

take a few to browse backwards thru this entire mindless celebration of irrelevantly insignificant excess--as quickly as possible cuz who knows, instant brain vaporization may prove contagious--stopping only at those comments authored by your humble correspondent, and then notta millisecond longer than is necessary to locate my observation regarding the tattooworthiness of zoo's admonition: apparently you didn't know perez hilton is a douchebag.

i'll cop to having problems dealing with reality here because this whole thread is irrefutable proof more than one real person has (and is) really focusing on a dispute of no real consequence or import between a pair of mannikins neither of whom have any real association with the real miss america pageant. 

on Apr 25, 2009

take a few to browse backwards thru this entire mindless celebration of irrelevantly insignificant excess

well you helped celebrate so what does that make you? Hmmmm? 


on Apr 25, 2009

Oh yeah, this lisping a-hole is the perfect judge for the Miss America pageant.

What a douche.

on Apr 25, 2009

this lisping a-hole is the perfect judge for the Miss America pageant

unlikely he'd wind up doin that.  but since the event in question was not the miss america pageant but rather the miss usa contest...and since miss usa is owned by a non-lisping but no less obnoxiousl self-aggrandizing a-hole named donald trump...there just may be some sorta symbiosis at work here.

there are big differences between the two pageants (snigger): miss usa has no talent competition and miss america contestants don't have to suck up to (or off) trump.

on Apr 25, 2009

you helped celebrate so what does that make you?

the voice of one crying out in the wilderness 'good thing there's nothing more important to get all wound up over"?

ain't as if the nuclear-armed pakistani government just rolled over and let the taliban take control of territory 60 miles outside their capital city or karzai just signed away the rights of afghan women.

on Apr 26, 2009


this lisping a-hole is the perfect judge for the Miss America pageant
unlikely he'd wind up doin that.  but since the event in question was not the miss america pageant but rather the miss usa contest...and since miss usa is owned by a non-lisping but no less obnoxiousl self-aggrandizing a-hole named donald trump...there just may be some sorta symbiosis at work here.

there are big differences between the two pageants (snigger): miss usa has no talent competition and miss america contestants don't have to suck up to (or off) trump.

Yes, I know they are differnt, and I did name the wrong wrong, but do you have an actual pertinent point? The guy is a douche who used an inappropriate venue to try and advance a politcal agenda. If it were a right wing political point would you be as accepting? It was wrong of him, period.

on Apr 26, 2009

do you have an actual pertinent point?

yeah he's a douche.  ain't like it's a big secret.

so's donald trump who bought the pageant some years back to ensure himself a fresh crop of those young model types he craves.

as i already mentioned, there's no "talent" judging involved. 

it already is an inappropriate venue for everything but perving. 

perez is clearly perverted so it all kinda works.  why else would trump have permitted him on the broadcast?

why anyone attaches any significance to anything either hilton or the bimbo hadda say is beyond me.

on Apr 27, 2009


Sadly, this is how some deflect attention away from the real issues, by denigration of the participants and dismissively claiming those participants are 'unworthy' of the issues so why bother with them.

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