And It Cost her a Perishible Crown
Published on April 20, 2009 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events

Miss California didn't know she was about to step into a hornets' nest with her answer to a question posed to her by celebrity judge Perez Hilton at last night's Miss America Contest.  Did you hear her answer and see her beautiful face as she gave it?  Did you hear his question and feel the confrontational attitude coming from him when he gave it?  It was almost like he knew her background and was daring her to answer this question honestly and if so, to her detriment.  It looks like he made sure she paid for this "wrong" answer. 

I loved the applause she got from the audience after her answer believing that most feel the same way as she.  That is, marriage should be between a man and a woman as we have all been brought up to believe.  

You just knew that Hilton was very angry receiving the answer that he did not wish to hear.    She did not back down believing that every state should have the opportunity to vote one way or the other and then giving her own opinion on the matter. 

I think she hit on something important.  It should be left up to the people to vote and not the state representatives who are bowing to the pressure put to them by a militant few like this Hilton character. 

Showing his true colors, Perez Hilton today went on his blog site blasting out Miss California, hate and venom dripping from his lips, as he called her derogatory names.  All because she gave her opinion that did not match his own and standing up for her belief that she was raised with. 

Miss California stated her opinion to the question posed to her and since it wasn't politically correct lost her bid to become the new Miss America.  Basically her answer cost her.  This is truly representative as to what is going on all across the country to those who dare speak out against these new laws allowing homosexual marriages and the baggage that comes with it.   You disagree and you will pay the price. 

I'd like to say to Miss California that she did good.  She is refreshingly honest as well as amazingly beautiful inside and out and her not bowing to the social pressure of our day just to get along speaks volumes about her character.  Kudos!  She may have lost this imperishible crown but I'm just betting she's going to get another that will glitter more brightly in the age to come. 

Check the link below to see how Hilton really exposed his true self.  I thought judges were supposed to be impartial?  Some judge.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 20, 2009

So people should lose a contest because you didn't like the answer to a question you knew would upset you if not given the answer you wanted? Doesn't sound like a biased judge, seems more like payback, someone in a position to make others pay for some kind of suffering you went thru or are going thru. Why did the question have to be about gays? Why could it not be about something else that would not have such a painful reaction to the answer? Why should a small question be the defining point of such hard work in a show that was 95% based on physical beauty? These women don't go there cause they are ugly, fat and uneducated. So why should this simple question cost anyone any title? That's if it did of course, we are basically assuming at this point which in reality this whole argument is kinda pointless now that i think about it.

People lose contests all the time because of that; a la politics. As for your question about the question, if I remember correctly,  I believe the question has to be about something current and (possibly?) controversial. I think the inention is to examine their skills in getting points across, etc.


Yes, because being gay is a crime.


Oh you know it, hun.


Brainwashing involves crafting a minature copy of you with all your biases and a little robot. They aren't allowed to have differeing opinions, they aren't allowed to be their own person and come to their own conclusions. Ever see those Phelps kids that shout out stuff about faggots? That's kind of what I'm talking about.




So you think people should keep their honesty to themselves? You think people should lie to avoid being punished by those who get offended and are in positions that could hurt you? I can see why so many people defend Obama.

Personally, I wouldn't say keep your opinions to yourself, but learn when and where to speak them. Sometimes there is the right time, and sometimes there is a wrong time; e.g. When you're in a room full of violent homosexuals, and you state that you don't agree with same-sex marriage,etc.  Sorry, but that's being a dumbass, no matter your opinion. Another example is in the case of my mother and (oddly enough) same-sex marriage. I'm a huge proponent/activist when it comes to that issue; however, I know damn well that my mother is vehemently against it. So, I keep my mouth shut on that issue, both out of respect for her, and because well I really don't feel like getting into an argument. In essence, I still have my opinions, no one is really suppressing them, and everyone is happy. Or lately, mildly pessimistic.





on Apr 20, 2009

Well thank you for insulting my intelligence.

Not insulting your intelligence at all. You mentioned that parents "brainwash" (I agree in part). But you neglect where most kids spend their time. My parents taught me more than any teacher or professor ever will (as how it should be), and they rarely discussed politics. Was I exposed to a "liberal" education? You bet. I didn't realize it so much as a kid, I have to look back in retrospect now. I went to college later in life and in some courses liberal political ideas are pushed. Don't believe me, write a paper (favorable) on the 2nd Amendment, the war in Iraq, you get the picture. Or you can just ask some of the other folks that went/are going to college later in their life (I won't name drop) and ask them. This is not something I'm pulling out of thin air. Look at the educators unions and follow the money.

I'm lot blaming teachers, it's in there best interest to bring up new liberals. For instance vouchers. It seems like something from a liberal handbook. The parent gets to choose (liberals are pro-choice, right?) the school best suited to their child's needs and the money the states issue per child (tax money) can be used there instead of the public school. Sounds great, right? Everyone wins. Not so fast teachers are against it because lose too many student to private schools, and they might be out of a job. Two options: Preform so well the children actually learn or fight vouchers and ensure a paycheck. Now what political party is against vouchers? And even though many of this parties elites go to private schools. I guess what is good for the masters is not for the common folk. So the party masters hand out other entitlements so there is some qid pro quo.

on Apr 20, 2009

I honestly don't feel myself particularly impressionable at this age.  Children are easily manipulated, but 20 year olds?  Eh...may be stretching that a bit.  I think once you get towards the end of your teenage years you should be able to think for yourself.  People can push all they want, but I don't see how it would really affect someone unless you happen to agree.

Ah, but I'm probably having too much faith in people.  I do acknowledge the stupidity of a lot of my peers.


I'm a zoology major, so politics aren't really involved...I'm thankful for that.


on Apr 21, 2009

This is how the left operates.  They want to demonize this girl because she spoke her mind on what she believes in.  Just because it doesn't "fit" into their line of thought, it's OK to trash her on the internet.


on Apr 21, 2009

Did anyone watchin GMA this morning? 

I did.  Pathetic and very informative as to which way the media is leading us. 

They showed the question and the answer and then they mentioned Perez's blog but only showed a very short clip when he said something like "she gave the worst possible answer in pagent history." 

I guess it's okay for him to give his opinion.........

That's it. 

They didn't show his extreme anger nor his very insulting and derogatory remarks made about this girl. 

In the end they gave him the last word about how she was polarizing.  And what was he doing on his blog??????  Showing love and peace? 

gimmie a break! 



on Apr 21, 2009

I have a question, for all of those who are for "Gay marriage", should one party have to define themselves as the wife and the other the husband?  I'm sorry, I don't understand it at all.  I'm all for equal but different.  I'm for civil unions but the union between a man and a woman is different than any other coupling.  Can same sex couples parent?  Sure.  Can they make a baby?  No.  See, not the SAME.  Why can't that be accepted?

I have no problems with homosexuality.  I don't expect it to be in my face though.  I don't see any more need for a gay parade than for me to go out in the street proclaiming my heterosexuality. 

Men are different from women.  I don't see one as "superior" but they are different.  Women shouldn't be treated EXACTLY like men and gay couples don't need to be viewed exactly like hetero couples.  Just because you view something as different doesn't mean you view it as inferior.

on Apr 21, 2009

No, I don't have kids. There's a difference between educating and brainwashing. Educating is teaching your kids about the world: showing them how things work, telling them what you expect of them, and doing all kinds of fun stuff like that...but most importantly teaching them how to think for themselves.

Educating is about teaching people (children and adults) the necessary skills and information to survive in this world. If teaching them about God and Jesus is what a parent considers information necessary for survival then that's their decision, that does not constitute brainwashing because brainwashing means to force them into believing it as oppose to teaching them and hoping it sticks. Just because someone says "this is what I was raised to believe" does not mean they were brainwashed, it could also mean they chose to stick to those beliefs.

My dad was not much of a religious person, but my mom is a very dedicated Catholic, but even she can't go without breaking the rules from time to time. She did what she could to have me follow in her beliefs, but I chose to go with my own beliefs and while she does not like it, she accepts it. My beliefs are a cross between the basics of the Catholic Church (Or Christianity) with a sense of questioning. In other words, I can follow the basics such as not stealing, not murdering, not swearing in Gods name, but I can also question when certain things don't go with reality such as pre-mariage sex and not always believing that God will always save me. It's my choice to believe in what I want, regardless of my parents education. To me, brainwashing happens when a person should be perfectly capable of chosing but has no control over what they chose to believe. Children are not capable of making choices because they are not educated, period. That is what our society believes and it's the reason parents are responsible for their childrens actions till they are 18.

In the end it's all about choice, you can ether follow what you were taught as a child or you can chose to see things differently.

Every extreme religion preaches hate...even Christianity. The Phelps example is one, but there are many other fundamentalist groups that are really hateful.

You gotta be more specific here Zoo, this is a whole lot of generalizing. Even not having a religion could still preach hate. This makes your point moot because brainwashing would then be normal human behaviour as oppose to a problem.

Hate is a strong word; as a person who has been to a Catholic, an Evangelical and a Christian Church (not sure exactly what kind of church it was), I was never taught or shown to hate but to love.

Yes, because being gay is a crime.

Well it's not a crime to be gay, but it seems to be a crime to be straight since it's the straight people the ones getting punished for not agreeing with gay beliefs. Personally, I have nothing against gay people. Love who you want marry who you want. But i still believe marriage is between a man and a woman. The girl herself did not say anything about how terrible, disgusting or how it should be against the law, she simply said she believe it should be a man and a woman. was that really wrong? Did she deserve to be called a bitch by this man on his site? Did she deserve to be called a bimbo or an idiot just because she was honest in her beliefs? If this is what our country is coming to, then I say the country should go to hell in the hopes that it will teach people a lesson.

I would rather not have the innocent pay from the crimes of the guilty, but at this point I see no other way. So be it.

I understand the limitations to certain freedoms, but this particular one is completely ridiculous. If the people will it, so it should be...and I think we'll see it spread. 4 states down, 56 to go.

I'm confused about this comment, you seem to be commenting as if the girl stated she doesn't want it to happen. She was actually happy that people have choice, but she would rather marry a man than a woman. That is "her" will. I think this whole argument has gotten lost. I now realize I am getting a sense that everyone thinks she was saying something along the lines of "gay marraiges should be illegal" when she clearly stated she wa s happy people have choices but she beleievsin marraige as a man and woman thing.

on Apr 21, 2009

So far as I know she was trailing, but who knows.

Yes, you are correct.  According to wikipedia, Miss California was behind about .3 points.

Since I have NO clue how the scoring is done, I can't really say whether this was an overcomable amount in the final round.


LINK  later added

on Apr 21, 2009

All this shows is there is a correct and incorrect answer, your opinion doesn't matter, unless it's the correct one. This is the college education most parents are paying for today, your replicating your kids professors ideas into your children. If you speak with most educators, they know everything, just ask one. They know what is best for your kids. Just like Pavlov's dog's.... your kids will bark the party talking points at the sound of the bell. Talk about brainwashing. Don't believe educational institutions are political? Just follow the money trail.

Couldn't say it better myself.  This is so right on.  No Christian student has a right to speak out against their professors in one of these classrooms.  If they dare,  they get pummeled and it's not pretty.    They have to keep their mouths shut for the sake of the grade......similar to what some think Miss California should have done. 

That's why so many parents all across the U.S. are taking their kids out of the government schools and also why the Christian colleges are packed out.  The discussion and debate is way more open....go figure. 

So far as I know she was trailing, but who knows.

Really?  Where's your sources?  This comment shows me you didn't even watch the link I provided.  So you're making very leftist comments on something you don't even have full evidence about?   My previous blog on liberals making my head hurt is humming in my head right now....

So you think people should keep their honesty to themselves? You think people should lie to avoid being punished by those who get offended and are in positions that could hurt you?

but don't you see Charles....that's the name of the game right get this agenda to pass much easier we need to keep our mouths shut and allow evil to triumph.  That's exactly what this is and you can see it plain and simple for any who has eyes to see.

Did you notice the aftermath of all this?  Compare and contrast Miss California's attitude during and after this squirmish and test the spirits for yourselves. 

A.D.  called Perez Hilton (some celebrity I never even heard of before) a small little man.  I hesitate to even call him a "man" because he didn't act like a man according to my definition. 

Educating is teaching your kids about the world: showing them how things work, telling them what you expect of them, and doing all kinds of fun stuff like that...but most importantly teaching them how to think for themselves.

There's a stipulation here isn't there?  Admit it.  The stipulation is as long as you go with the current culture it's not brainwashing only education. 

Who's to say Miss California's parents didn't do EXACTLY as you define "education?"  How do you know her parent's "brainwashed" her as you said earlier?  You jumped to that conclusion because of her opinion.   Own it Zoo.   It doesn't match what the current culture is dictating so therefore it means she was brainwashed?

So tell me this do you know you're not the one being brainwashed here?  Hmmmmm?

Well, they're both probably genetic yeah, that's pretty similar. I was focusing more on the bias that people have against them, though.

this comment right here gives credence to what Nitro said about the liberal colleges and the students who are following them.......again....who's being brainwashed? 

So being homosexual (having sex with the same gender)  is NOT a choice but is a gentetic factor?  You know this as a complete fact?  So you have no choice in choosing what gender you're going to have sex with (or abstaining) in the same way you have no choice to change your color you were obviously born with? 

Every extreme religion preaches hate...even Christianity. The Phelps example is one, but there are many other fundamentalist groups that are really hateful.

now you're spreading lies here Zoo.  You're using Phelps as your example to do so.  Do you know the gospel?  Do you know what Christ (the founder and corner stone of the faith) taught?  What about Mother Teresa?  Didn't use her I noticed.  Jim Elliot?  Detrich Bonhoffer?  Richard Wumbrand?  What about the Amish Christians who were plasted all over the news a few years ago forgiving those who came into their compound and killed their people?  Did they preach hate or forgiveness?  What about Rachel Scott (Columbine)?  What about the countless Christians who gave their lives for another?  You have to go to Phelps for your proof?  His actions are not convicting him of a Christian faith. 



on Apr 21, 2009

I, and most others, disagree.

I really could care less either way.  People are either committed to each other or they are not.  I've never understood why people feel that they have to be "married" to make that commitment wrong.  However, I have to disagree that "most others" don't agree with Miss CA.  If they did, then it would already be legal.

4 states down, 56 to go

Did you and Obama go to the same school when you learned about the US?  Of course, he thinks there are only 57 States.....


on Apr 21, 2009

They didn't show his extreme anger nor his very insulting and derogatory remarks made about this girl.

This is deep down really a good thing. People know it is out there, so the credibility of most the MSM shrinks a little more each day. They helped swing the election and now more and more folks are wising up. And they scratch their heads and wonder why Fox is way out in front. People want to see both sides, even if they disagree.

Speaking of hate mongering did anyone catch Janeane Garofalo's hissy fit about Tea Parties? She insulted both conservatives and liberals of all parties, and people of all races that are concerned about government spending. Very repulsive. I guess she can't make it as a comedian. Link or here Link if you can stomach the whole thing. She must not know the head of the RNC is black.

on Apr 21, 2009

Garofalo dismissing it as redneck racists says more about her than about Fox News.  She is such a bitter witch.  She talks about Fox News with such vitriol.  I wonder if it is envy because they have sky rocketed in popularity and her Air America crashed and burned.

I find Keith Oberman jeuvenile and ridiculous.  I have no idea how he got on TV.

on Apr 21, 2009

I find Keith Oberman jeuvenile and ridiculous. I have no idea how he got on TV.

He shouldda stuck to ESPN?

on Apr 21, 2009

Double post.

on Apr 21, 2009

Garofalo dismissing it as redneck racists says more about her than about Fox New

May I add that she sucks on the TV show 24. Her role is probably the sorriest one I have seen on 24.

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