Does the name Nimrod ring a bell?
Nimrod was a mighty hunter, of men's souls the saying goes, living after the days of Noah and the great flood. You can find the biblical story in Genesis 11 but there is also much more written outside the pages of the bible and quite easily attainable. Nimrod was a leader, one who established his own kingdom, its chief city being Babel or Babylon. His goal was to unify the people to follow his lead in a revolt against God as they attempted to build a tower of worship to the sun.
Of course, God stepped in, confused their language and the people scattered settling around the globe as He intended in the first place.
According to ancient writings the wife of Nimrod was Semiramis. She later became known as the "queen of heaven." The story is told that after her husband died, he became a sun god and she later became impregnated by a sunbeam carrying her late husband's sperm. This, of course, would be considered a counterfeit miraculous birth. Her son's name was Tammuz. When he was a young man he was killed by a wild boar while out hunting.
She mourned his death for many days and miraculously he was resurrected (now a counterfeit resurrection). When he was resurrected he was resurrected as Nimrod in the flesh. Sound familiar? This became the beginning of a counterfeit religious pagan system and can be verified easily enough. Just google any of the names involved and you will see the writings behind it.
The Harlot is not just a harlot now. She has now given birth and has become the mother of Harlots to many other pagan religions started right here with the family of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz manifesting itself in many other false mother/child religious systems throughout all history.
In Egypt we had the mother/son of Iris and Osiris
In Assyria we had the mother/son of Ishtar and Bacchus
In India we had the mother/son of Isi and Iswara
In Asia we had the mother/son of Cybele and Deoius
In Greece we had the mother/son of Aphrodite and Eros
And in Rome we had the mother/son of Venus and Cupid.
Cupid? Yes, the cute little angel with the arrows we celebrate on Valentine's Day. The names and places may have changed but it's all the same mother and son worship that started with the family of Nimrod. Sounds innocent especially when you think of Cupid who is associated with love. Cupid is none other than Nimrod resurrected and is always seen with a bow and arrow. Remember Nimrod was a mighty hunter of what? Men's souls.
This story is not just a cute little story that has no merit behind it. We see the history of all this inside and outside the bible. When the Jews were in Babylonian captivity Jeremiah admonished the Jews for worshipping the "queen of heaven." He said this to them
"The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven and to pour out drink offerings to other gods that they may provoke me to anger."
The prophet Ezekiel during this same time period recorded his vision writing this:
"Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord's house which was toward the north and behold there sat women weeping for Tammuz. Then said he to me, Have you seen this, O son of man? turn you yet again and you shall see greater abominations than these." Ezek 8:14-15
The Jews had prostituted themselves away from God by such worship. In the Temple of God itself they were found worshipping Tammuz the son of Semiramis. The Jews were warned repeatedly to stop and turn back to God by Jeremiah yet they did not heed the Prophet's words. They were eventually exiled to Babylon even as Jeremiah wept over his homeland knowing their outcome. Their temple was smashed and the altar ruined.
So in effect God gave them what they wanted. He gave them captivity in a land of idolatry for seventy years. The principle of reaping and sowing was in full swing. We always reap more than what we sow and we always reap after a measurable amount of time after we sow. It may not be right away but it will eventually come to fruition.
This exile seems to have worked because after the Jews returned from Babylon, idolatry has not been a problem since for the Jewish people.
The Catholic church has drunk deeply and eagerly from the golden cup that Mystery Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots clutched in her hand. The Reformers who recognized this lost their very lives trying to disassociate and break with Rome's idolatrous practices with the same mother/child worship perpetuated by their own Mother Church.
All over the globe we can still see the shrines to "Mary, Queen of Heaven" and her son. The Reformers mistakenly believed that Rome was the Mother of harlots spoken by John in his book of Revelation, but who could blame them? It's written that the Harlot is drunken with the blood of the saints. As these Reformers (saints) went to their stakes kindled by the pages of their bibles and set ablaze by the RCC they had no idea that Rome was just another harlot in a long line born to the Mother of Harlots.
The Mother Harlot got her beginnings way back at the foot of the Tower of Babel and those who drank from her cup were scattered all over the world. Every religion, every idolatrous observance and every attempt of man-made worship can be traced back to Babylon, the Harlot's birthplace. She was well matured before Rome ever came on the scene and even now continues to "sit on many waters."
The RCC, is not by far, the only religion who has succumbed to the seduction of the Harlot. Many cults, Buddhism, Shintoism, Protestantism, Muhammadanism, and all the other thousands of religions have taken more than a little sip of her perpetual overflowing cup. They have become intoxicated. This intoxication is brought about by her persecution of the bride of Christ. She plays the jealous woman. Her anger is kindled against the true love of God and so she persecutes those that make up His bride.
Yes, this Harlot is a jealous woman. She represents all false religion throughout history and is still active in the persecution of all those who love God and are faithful to Him.
Throughout all of history God's people have always been persecuted by false religion coupled with godless government We are fast approaching the time that will peak in what is called by Jesus as the "great tribulation" in which the Harlot (false religious system) rides the beast (godless government) and comes after God's elect in such a way that Christ even said himself "Except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved." Matt 24.
"My people, go you out of the midst of her." Jeremiah 51:45
"Come out of her, my people." Revelation 18:4