Will Grade School Be Next?
Published on October 17, 2007 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events
Well it was bound to happen. The kids are getting younger and younger now when it comes to experimenting with sex. Whatever happened to the days when the boys had cooties? Or the dances where the girls stood on one side of the room and the boys on the other not daring to even dance with the opposite sex? Here's the latest in my neck of the woods which made the 6 o'clock news. Actually it's on the news right now as I'm typing this.

A middle school in our area may soon be offering birth control prescriptions to some of its students.

The student health center at this middle school already provides condoms. Tonight the School Committee will consider a proposal to expand the program by allowing students who have parental permission to obtain prescriptions for birth control pills. Well at least they are asking parents. This must be a boon for Planned Parenthood. If they pick up the middle schools as future clientel their revenues are sure to go thru the roof.

A state official said that if the school committee gives the green light, this would become the first middle school in Maine to make a full range of contraception available to some students in grades 6 through 8.
Proponents said a small number of students are sexually active, but those who are need better access to birth control.
Anyone out there have a girl in sixth grade? How would you feel about this coming to your school? This is one of the reasons I'd be homeschooling today. Bad company always corrupts good character. It's very rarely the opposite especially at this age.

Comments (Page 8)
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on Oct 30, 2007

Two things: about the process

1---School started at the beginning of September right after Labor Day. Most schools send a slew of papers, notifications, including permission slips to be read and signed and returned a couple of weeks before school even begins. Others get these slips signed within a very few days of the beginning of school.

This outragious, repugnant school board ruling wasn't in effect then.

2---When parents of 11, 12 and 13 year olds sign the permission slip for their child to go to the health room or clinic, it's usually with the understanding their child will be given a tylenol, their meds as needed, or a bandage for their skinned knee....not prescription birth control pills.

Parents need transparency, not secrecy, when dealing with schools.

on Oct 30, 2007
not everyone on the planet is as smart as you.


Keep it on your own thread!
on Oct 30, 2007
What I don't get is why people seem to insist they HAVE to have their children raised in government schools in the first place!

What I don't get is why people aren't clamouring from the roof tops for vouchers or tax credits for those who want to have their their children educated any where OTHER than government schools!

on Oct 30, 2007
What I don't get is why people aren't clamouring from the roof tops for vouchers or tax credits for those who want to have their their children educated any where OTHER than government schools!

Because I don't want the government in my home, lula. And if they're paying for our homeschool materials, they will dictate to us what we may teach, rather than allowing us the choice.
on Oct 30, 2007

Keep it on your own thread!

What I don't get is why people seem to insist they HAVE to have their children raised in government schools in the first place!

you state the above meaning you dont understand why not everyone is as smart as you and home school. then you take what i said as a personal attack that had nothing to do with this thread.
on Oct 30, 2007
Because I don't want the government in my home, lula. And if they're paying for our homeschool materials, they will dictate to us what we may teach, rather than allowing us the choice.

Oh, for sure, I know what you're saying. You fear that with the voucher or tax credit will come with certain government tentacles.

It's similiar to Catholic schools given certain government grants. In order to get the grant, the school had to implement x, y, and z of government education. There's been many a Catholic school that have lost their way with this Faustian deal.

But, Gid, wouldn't that depend on the way the voucher or tax credit was defined and implemented?

For example, people get tax exemptions for owning their home, so why couldn't those people who don't use the government schools get a tax exemption? That would eliminate the government providing parts of the curriculum, wouldn't it?
on Oct 30, 2007
But, Gid, wouldn't that depend on the way the voucher or tax credit was defined and implemented?

No, Lula, you don't get it. I don't believe in government money for these programs at all. This is not the responsibility of the government, and it's certainly not their responsibility to pay for the private education of my children.

I'd rather see people homeschool and remove the money from the tax base altogether. We're becoming far too dependent on big brother.

you state the above meaning you dont understand why not everyone is as smart as you and home school.

No, that wasn't what I said at all.

Daniel, you have a personal problem with me. Please confine that personal problem to your own thread. I will not pollute KFC's blog with it, and I have let Karma know you're following me through the forums doing this.

I will not explain my answer because I'm not going to continue this fight with you on someone else's thread. Nobody else seemed to have the comprehension problem that you did!

on Oct 30, 2007
you state the above meaning you dont understand why not everyone is as smart as you and home school. then you take what i said as a personal attack that had nothing to do with this thread.

No, Daniel, with all due respect, I think you misunderstood Gid's comment. Read it again carefully and you'll see that Gid, like so many of us, is more frustrated over the monoply that public schools have and with seemingly no easy way for those parents who can't or won't do anything about it for whatever reason.

on Oct 30, 2007
I'd rather see people homeschool and remove the money from the tax base altogether.

This is what I'm saying, Gid. This is how it could work without complication or difficulty. If our children aren't participating in the public system, taking up a desk, etc., then a portion of our tax dollars that goes toward public education should be exempted.

on Oct 30, 2007
No, Daniel, with all due respect, I think you misunderstood Gid's comment. Read it again carefully and you'll see that Gid, like so many of us, is more frustrated over the monoply that public schools have and with seemingly no easy way for those parents who can't or won't do anything about it for whatever reason.

no i got that meaning. but it was the way he said it

What I don't get is why people seem to insist they HAVE to have their children raised in government schools in the first place!

i don't have any kids but if i did they would have gone to public school and i would have corrected anything that i thought needed to be corrected.

on Oct 30, 2007
i don't have any kids but if i did they would have gone to public school and i would have corrected anything that i thought needed to be corrected.

I see it small word time:

People no have to have kids in public school.

People no complainey when public school not be what they want it to be.

People have other choices.

Do I need to make it a PICTURE blog?

Like I said, leave it alone. Your PERSONAL differences with me don't belong here!
on Oct 30, 2007
Little Whip, yes, parental consent is required to use the clinic, but once that permission is given, the clinic won't release any information to them.

Yes, I do consider any government official who systemicatically keeps parents out of the education and medical decisions of their kids "Mengeles". The difference between that and the "Little Eichman" statement is, the people in the World Trade Center weren't doing anything that would qualify them as "Little Eichmans" The fascist, anti parent, Marxists that run the Portland Maine School Board did!
on Oct 30, 2007
The fascist, anti parent, Marxists that run the Portland Maine School Board did!

Very interesting ParaTed.

The reality is that some parents don't give a hoot about turning their kids over to the State. Drop em off at the doorstep, no questions asked. If the Dems get their way, they'll lower the age of mandatory public education to 4, then after a while it'll be 3.

This is something just short of Communisism...where kids from the age of 5 are physically given over to the state to be indoctrinated into Godless Communism. It's happening in Cuba, N. Vietnam, China, and N. Korea.
on Oct 30, 2007
The fascist, anti parent, Marxists that run the Portland Maine School Board did!

Very interesting ParaTed.

Very retarded combination of words. Fascist and Marxist go together about as well as sardines and peanut butter. Best go read up on your political philosophy before you start throwing those loaded words into nonsensical statements . . .
on Oct 30, 2007
Ok, I'll just say Totalitarianists.
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