Will Grade School Be Next?
Published on October 17, 2007 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events
Well it was bound to happen. The kids are getting younger and younger now when it comes to experimenting with sex. Whatever happened to the days when the boys had cooties? Or the dances where the girls stood on one side of the room and the boys on the other not daring to even dance with the opposite sex? Here's the latest in my neck of the woods which made the 6 o'clock news. Actually it's on the news right now as I'm typing this.

A middle school in our area may soon be offering birth control prescriptions to some of its students.

The student health center at this middle school already provides condoms. Tonight the School Committee will consider a proposal to expand the program by allowing students who have parental permission to obtain prescriptions for birth control pills. Well at least they are asking parents. This must be a boon for Planned Parenthood. If they pick up the middle schools as future clientel their revenues are sure to go thru the roof.

A state official said that if the school committee gives the green light, this would become the first middle school in Maine to make a full range of contraception available to some students in grades 6 through 8.
Proponents said a small number of students are sexually active, but those who are need better access to birth control.
Anyone out there have a girl in sixth grade? How would you feel about this coming to your school? This is one of the reasons I'd be homeschooling today. Bad company always corrupts good character. It's very rarely the opposite especially at this age.

Comments (Page 12)
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on Nov 05, 2007
"todays parents allow their kids to get away with things that their parents wouldn't let them get away with." Socrates(yes i know i messed up the spelling. and the quote may not be exact but close enough.)
on Nov 06, 2007
Really? In our school the kids had buckets of condoms to pick from including flavored ones. In fact, they were ENCOURAGED to taste test them.

How's that for instruction? Got it on video for proof. Heads rolled but not far enough.

Sex Ed, Planned Parenthood style circa 1979. We had an assembly where the local Planned Parenthood gave a lecture and demonstration about birth control. It was 1 hour a day for two days. The first hour was a lecture on basic anatomy and function, complete with stats on unplanned pregnancy, abortions and STDs among high school students in the state of Florida.

The second day was a few films. The last film was about different forms of birth control. Nope, not demonstrated on a banana or a broomstick, and female contraception wasn't demonstrated on a manniquin. In the film condomes were unrolled over fully erect actual penises, using different sizes (I guess they wanted to make sure no sized guy felt left out). For the women, there were diaphragms and spermacidal foam insertions... once again, I guess they didn't want to leave anyone out because they showed a few different sized women inserting the stuff.

The "class" was supposed to be done in all the schools in Pinellas County. There were so many complaints from students and faculty that the program was cancelled.

on Nov 06, 2007
"I had. The "we" in my statements are the royal we"

Is that a real expression, Royal we, or is that from "The Big Lebowski"? Cause that's the only place I've seen it, and I think it's hilarious.

"Don't have sex.

Okay, now that that's out of the way, here's your birth control, condoms, and other sexual paraphenilia. Here's an instructional video, just in case you want to but you don't know how. But don't have sex."

Not exactly the message of consistency we want underage kids to have is it?

"Really? In our school the kids had buckets of condoms to pick from including flavored ones. In fact, they were ENCOURAGED to taste test them.
How's that for instruction? Got it on video for proof. Heads rolled but not far enough."

I don't think sex education, and passing out birth control means is quite the same thing. At least when I was in school it wasn't.
on Nov 06, 2007
Is that a real expression, Royal we, or is that from "The Big Lebowski"? Cause that's the only place I've seen it, and I think it's hilarious.

I think it originated with the old Monarchies. When the king was it. (L'Etat c'est moi) Now, the "we" (when used in context) is for the people, but called the "Royal we". In the case of the post, I meant it as Americans in general, not Dan, Ted, KFC and I.
on Nov 06, 2007
Never heard it before. Cool, thanks.
on Nov 16, 2007
this was on the factor tonight.

if your 12 year old daughter doesn't have sex regularly she will have eating disorders.
on Nov 16, 2007
this was on the factor tonight.

if your 12 year old daughter doesn't have sex regularly she will have eating disorders.

The only thing I can figure is that Planned Parenthood is in kahoots with wacko psychologists and there both in it for the money!

on Nov 16, 2007
The only thing I can figure is that Planned Parenthood is in kahoots with wacko psychologists and there both in it for the money!

this study was supposedly funded by the government.
on Nov 17, 2007
Great use of tax payer money
on Nov 17, 2007
The same organization is probably already recieving federal funds that will lead to the "study" that will disprove these findings in 5-10 years. ;~D
on Nov 17, 2007
The only thing I can figure is that Planned Parenthood is in kahoots with wacko psychologists and there both in it for the money!

this study was supposedly funded by the government.

No kidding!

Cecile Richards, daughter of former Texas Gov. Ann Richards, was recently appointed president of Planned Parenthood. Her stated goal is to "take back America". PP, the nation's largest tax exempt provider of abortions, latest annual report shows it received $272.9 million in taxpayer money supposed to be used for sex education, contraceptives and other "family planning services".

Little history on Planned Parenthood's founder Margaret Sanger. She called Christianity "parasitic" and looked forward to the day when Humanity would be freed from its "tyranny". She labeled marriage as a "decadent institution".

In an attempt to indoctrinate school children on birth control and safer sex, with video on how to use a condom, PP has developed its website, "Teenwire"...our tax dollars at work!

Knowing that the public is overwhelmingly opposed to taxpayer funded abortions, Congress has written the Public Health Service Act (S. 351), which would prohibit "family planning" grants from being awarded to health clinics like that at King Middle School and PP is livid over this becasue it will cut bigtime into their cash cow, which is abortion, if it passes.

That's why they have campaigns out there pushing stories like this one which is basically an attack against abstinence education. They know if the legislation goes through, not only will PP lose money from being defunded, but the money will go to abstinence education and could actually end up reducing the number of abortions.

It sickens me that my federal tax money pays for this..
on Nov 17, 2007
It sickens me that my federal tax money pays for this..

Me too Lula.

Did you hear that one of the school board members involved was not re-elected to the board in this past election? He said it was, of course, directly related to the latest happenings. No kidding!

on Mar 05, 2008
As a parent who has always vehemently opposed classroom sex ed programs, I've been closely following the Maine King Middle School debacle.

A friend recently sent me some newspaper clippings regarding taht and i thought I'd share the latest go round between parent's rights over their children and the State usurping those rights.

You point out in your article that a Maine middle school committee voted to allow a school based clinic to distribute a full range of prescription birth control (they've been doling out condoms since 2000, btw) to 11-15 year old without parental consent or permission.

Prompted by this action, a Republican Senator, Doug Smith, introduced a bill that would require parental consent before a school could provide prescription birth control to children 14 or under. The Dems in majority control voted not to allow Smith's proposal to be introduced, so it's dead for now. By doing so, the Democrat majority in essence have said the State has the right to intercede in partent's rights to control prescription drugs their children are taking.

Get this: Late last month, the former civil rights attorney, Stephen Wessler, called for Mike Heath, the head of the Maine Christian Civic League, to be censured. ...WHY?

Because he dared to write on the CCL's website that providing birth control drugs to middle age school students without parental permission threatens a child's innonence and that "Jesus suggests that a watery grave is the appropriate resting place for adults who violate this innocense".

Wessler said Heath's words were "inflammatory" and qualified as "hate speech". Oh ya, what's already in canada is coming folks! Quoting Sacred Scripture has no place in public discourse! Apparently it offends liberals and we no siree, we can't do that.
on Mar 05, 2008
Prompted by this action, a Republican Senator, Doug Smith, introduced a bill that would require parental consent before a school could provide prescription birth control to children 14 or under. The Dems in majority control voted not to allow Smith's proposal to be introduced, so it's dead for now. By doing so, the Democrat majority in essence have said the State has the right to intercede in partent's rights to control prescription drugs their children are taking.

Yup, that's the dems for you. First they want pregnant women to abort their kids, then they want to tell the parents they have no business deciding what is best for them.

The Anti parent, anti freedom, anti family, anti child, anti good sense party.
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