KFC Kickin For Christ's Articles In Ancient
March 30, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
I'm not sure whether to put this under history or religion.  I believe Adam and Eve and their story to be a historical narrative and fits all criteria of being so by using names of people and places as would be expected in any other historical accounting of events.  Of course, we find their story written in one of the oldest manuscripts known to man today.  That is, a book thought to have been written by Moses and perfectly preserved by the Jews through the centuries....
March 30, 2009 by KFC Kickin For Christ
This is Part II.  To see Part I first go here: http://kfc.joeuser.com/article/344743/The_Very_First_Couple   The first thing that happened when Adam and Eve sinned was the recognition of their nakedness.  They had not noticed that before.  We read earlier: " The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame." What changed?  First they were naked and unashamed and now they are naked and ashamed.  How could a man and woman be...