Things I Like
Published on January 28, 2006 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Blogging
It's been about two full months of blogging for me. I never really wanted to, felt I really didn't have the time. But then one day after months of trying to talk me into it, my youngest son also a JU blogger set me up (so to speak).

"There" he said, "you're all set to go away."

I have to say it's been interesting. For the most part I enjoy meeting and talking with others and seeing the other viewpoints on any given topic. I've always liked to find out how people tick. Why they believe what they believe and why they do what they do.

Basically I find most are pretty respectful and even helpful. And just like the real world I guess I found out that there can be personality clashes even on a non visual contact venue such as JU.

What I find disturbing is those that threaten and are very rude and condemning because they don't like what you have to say. I'm glad to find tho that seems to be a small part of the JU community. I've decided just to stay away from such bloggers.

I am a Christian and I know that rubs people the wrong way. I've even been called arrogant and presumtous right here on JU. Why? Because I dared show confidence in what I believe. I actually have many friends of all persuasions, and at one point even brought a Muslim to a Baptist church with me. It didn't go over too well.

We've taken kids from all over the world into our home. We live in a community that takes in HS dorm students. I've had kids from Bulgaria, Germany, Africa, Serbia, and elswhere and still have communication with some these many years later. They were Eastern Orthodox, Baptist, Atheist, and Muslim and all have been and felt welcome in our home.

I'm not a denominationalist or what most may think a "religious" person is. As a truth seeker I won't stop until I reach my final destination. I call myself a WIP (work in progress) as I continue to grow and learn. I don't get swayed easily and tend to be a very skeptical person. I weigh everything very carefully before taking on any type of belief.

I love God with my whole heart, mind and soul and have found that Christ was right when he said..." I've come that you may have life and life more abundantly." He has given my family that abundant life and it is most rewarding to see others find this as well. Like I've said many times before.....I'm just a begger who found the bread ,and I want to show the others where the bread is., knowing full well there are many out there that are just not that hungry. I know too well that God cannot be a reality for anyone until the necessity makes it so.

Beside my love for God and family, I love to run. I'm a High School X-Country running coach and on good weeks run 30 miles a week. Actually the whole family runs in some capacity even got one running at the Division 1 Level and doing well.

When I'm not at the office and not running, I'm either teaching bible studies or studying for them. I'd love to share some of my studies here on JU and hope others will find it as interesting as I do. I love to do research and am open to show others how the scriptures fit together. I don't even mind a good debate as long as it doesn't get rude or condemning.

Gotta run.....literally.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 28, 2006

Dave is a good son!  And I am glad you have stuck around.  I enjoy your posts and comments.

I hope I am not one of the few (although I do plead guilty for being short with some posters).

Post more, and we will make sure Dave is doing well down here!

on Jan 28, 2006
No, you're one of the good guys...get it...guys? I don't think you've growled at me yet.

David is a really good son. Of course that means next to nothing...really coming from his Mom. But if you ask anybody around here....they'd tell ya the same!!
on Jan 28, 2006

I don't think you've growled at me yet.

No, but I have growled.  But that actually predates (the disagreement) your tenure.  I have just resolved not to read him.

And then there is my work!  Fortunately, I can just post an occassional rant and let that be.

But another rant or 2 (duly labeled) will probably be forthcoming.

Thanks for being a great part of the JU community!

on Jan 28, 2006
~~Beside my love for God and family, I love to run. I'm a High School X-Country running coach and on good weeks run 30 miles a week. Actually the whole family runs in some capacity even got one running at the Division 1 Level and doing well.~~

I think it's great that you have the stamina to run...not many people can do that.

~~I am a Christian and I know that rubs people the wrong way. I've even been called arrogant and presumtous right here on JU. Why? Because I dared show confidence in what I believe.~~

I have read some of your stuff here on JU, and while I don't agree with some of your opinions on religion, I do respect the fact that you stand by your beliefs in a respectful way. You carry yourself very well, and can argue or debate an issue without being mean spirited.
on Jan 28, 2006
I love you KFC.

No kidding.

Sometimes when we write, what may come across as arrogance, is simply assurance. I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. But in truth it is not always easy (especially when that someone doesn't agree with me! heh).

I enjoy your posts and love the way you give solid reasons for what you believe.

Thanks for sharing those details about your life. It helps me get a better mental picture.

on Jan 28, 2006
love you KFC.

You're one of my fave's also Tova. We Christian sisters have to stay together for support. Of all the JU writers thus far....besides HC you are very much like me in belief in God.

I'm planning now on posting more and staying away let's say.......bashing blogs.

and while I don't agree with some of your opinions on religion

That's ok Inbloom. I'm okay with this. I don't know you very well at all but perhaps will get to know you as time goes on. In the meantime I have alot of room for healthy discussions whether you agree with me or not. I find I can learn much from people of all walks.

But another rant or 2 (duly labeled) will probably be forthcoming.

well doc haveta are one of my favorites as well but the last rant almost caused me to have a heart attack. I'm hoping I can help you so I can better read your later rants. I had to skip parts and kinda wished I hadn't read it. Just read that Psalm 23 for the workplace the next time the heat gets turned up. I bet you'll see a difference and maybe it'll just keep the rants at bay......also a good run does wonders. I think the homemade steam propels one to run so much faster.

on Jan 28, 2006
besides HC you are very much like me in belief in God.

Wow, thanks.

I am not as knowledgeable as you. But maybe someday....

Right now I am working my way back to God after a "Desert" experience.

So I tend not to debate God too much on JU. I don't want to get side tracked. And as much as I love to argue, it would be very easy for me to let the debate rule.

on Jan 29, 2006

I don't think you were called arrogant because you're a Christian.  Whether you're a Christian, Muslim, Trekkie, whatever, you're entitled to your beliefs.

As someone who is truly arrogant, I can recognize a fellow traveler and you do tend to get pretty arrogant. 

Sometimes when we believe something strongly enough -- believe it to be an undisputed fact -- we will condescend those who don't see the same thing.  You tend to do this sometimes (so do I).

on Jan 29, 2006
As someone who is truly arrogant, I can recognize a fellow traveler and you do tend to get pretty arrogant

Well I can't argue this really. Because obviously you feel as tho I did come across as arrogant. For that I am sorry. I know that my strong stance can come across that way but I really don't want to be clothed in this so I will try to be a bit better here.

Do you think the Pharisees thought Jesus was arrogant? Afterall he did come in and challange their way of thinking.

Thanks for the constructive criticism.
on Jan 29, 2006
As someone who is truly arrogant,

I have to laugh at this.

Draginol I don't read you as arrogant. Smart yes, even though I don't always agree, but I can't remember a time when I thought you were arrogant.

Now....I'll be watching you! Buwhahahahah
on Jan 29, 2006

Now....I'll be watching you! Buwhahahahah

Be afraid!  Be very afraid!


he is ok.  I just wanted to give you a scare.

on Jan 29, 2006
He's ok, you're ok and I'm okay. Now that's settled.

But Doc......hate to ruin your day.......but you're really not that scary........
on Jan 30, 2006

Afterall he did come in and challange their way of thinking.

Challenging a way of thinking is great.  Saying that somebody else who questions your way of thinking is "wrong" is arrogant.  Asking somebody "what if you are wrong" when you can't imagine that *you* could be wrong is also arrogant.  There's a different in having a strong belief and being arrogant about that belief.

Draginol I don't read you as arrogant.

uh...where have you been?    I spend a lot of time with Brad, trust me, he's arrogant.   


on Jan 30, 2006
I spend a lot of time with Brad, trust me, he's arrogant.


I'll take your word and his word for it!
on Jan 30, 2006
Asking somebody "what if you are wrong" when you can't imagine that *you* could be wrong

ohhhhhh so that's what makes me arrogant? Because I asked that question? That's it? I asked the question to a certain blogger because she was certain I was wrong and has been very vocal about it. This particular person I'm thinking is very hostile to Christianity and I felt very banged up after reading her comments to me. But that's ok....oh and by the way....she asked me the same question.

It's ok for the "other side" to call me wrong but if I dare question foundational beliefs......and show how and why I believe outside of my own opinion it's deemed arrogant. I know how the game works. I understand it. I don't get mad, it's not worth it. It doesn't bring glory to the God I believe in and love.

I have on many threads been very clear that I don't have all the answers but I know who does. Here on JU many think they have the answers.......period. Of course they are not arrogant even if they are basing their answers on what they believe.... not on the facts...... but they are intelligent.....funny how that works. Many just want their ears tickled. They don't want the truth.

Like I said before......if I see someone falling into a hole, I will "shout" if I have to to get their attention to keep them safe. Even though I know it's not politically correct to "shout" someone to safety. It's better to just say...."Have a nice day." softly as they go down and do serious harm to themselves. Of course they will like me better for the here and now but they will hate me later.

I will always shout at least once. If they don't want to listen....that's ok....I don't keep it up. That's why you won't see me on certain blogger's sites anymore. It won't happen.

I care about people that's why I say what I do. My motives are clear. I have no agenda unless you want to call helping people find the peace that surpasses all understanding. I know because I have found it.

Jesus said...."I came so that you can have life and have life more abundantly."
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