Published on November 8, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Religion


Whether we voted for Obama or not we should be on our knees daily praying for him and our nation.  Scripture says we are to pray for our enemies and our leaders.   I believe, as Christians,  we need to pray harder than ever.  This was sent to me by a friend and I agree wholeheartedly that this is what we need to do. 
1. Pray for Obama's protection. We already know that some weird, neo-Nazi fanatics in Tennessee plotted to kill Sen. Obama during his campaign. Let's pray that racist hatred is not allowed to spread. Let's cancel every assassin's bullet in the name of Jesus. May civility triumph over bigotry.
2. Cover his wife and daughters in prayer. It is not easy to live under constant media scrutiny. Pray for Obama's wife, Michelle, and their two daughters, Malia and Natasha, as they face invasive cameras, nosy reporters, maniacal fans and dangerous enemies. Obama is not only a politician but also a husband and a father. 
3. Pray that Obama will govern with God's wisdom. God rewarded Solomon because he asked for wisdom instead of wealth, long life or vengeance on his enemies (see 1 Kings 3:11-12). Pray that Obama will order his priorities like that. Despite Solomon's tragic character flaws, his legacy was wisdom. We can ask God to give our president the same grace.
4. Ask God to keep our president humble. Many great American leaders became corrupt after they moved to Washington. The fatal attraction of fame, wealth and power proved irresistible. The only thing that will guard a man or woman from this pitfall is humility. May God deliver President Obama from the curse of pride.
5. Pray for wise and righteous advisers to surround him. Godly leaders cannot do their job alone. Even the best leaders have failed because they trusted the wrong people. Pray that Obama will not select his counselors based on party, race, pedigree or political cronyism but on godly character and proven wisdom. Pray also that he will not allow secret traitors into his inner circle.
6. Ask for the spirit of reconciliation. Some segments of our deeply divided society want nothing to do with Obama now that he has won the presidency. Even some Christians will be tempted to harbor resentment and nurse political grudges throughout his term in office. Pray that God will grant forgiveness and healing so that leaders on all political levels can have constructive dialogue.
7. Pray that Obama will adopt pro-life convictions. Many politicians have changed their views on key issues while in office. In the 1800s some leaders who favored slavery later denounced it. In the 1950s some who opposed racial integration later became champions of it. Even though Obama won approval from many voters because he sanctions abortion, God could soften and change his heart.
8. Bind all evil forces assigned to manipulate our president. The specter of Islamic terrorism looms over the United States, and dark forces are ready to infiltrate. Our only hope lies in prayer to the God who is able to expose and outwit the schemes of the wicked. This is truly a time for spiritual warfare, and intercessors must not come off the wall in this hour! Pray that no foreign government, terrorist organization or demonic principality will use Obama as a tool. We must stand strong against the spirit of antichrist that promotes dictatorship, persecution of Christians and hostility toward Israel.
9. Pray that Obama's door will remain open to the church. The loudest voices of secular culture from Bill Maher in Hollywood to atheists in academia would be happy if religion were removed from public life. Pray that Obama, who claims to have a personal faith in Jesus Christ, will unapologetically welcome Christian leaders into his company and seek their counsel. And pray that false religious leaders (who claim to know Christ but deny His power) will not have his ear.
10. Pray that our nation will enjoy God's peace and blessing during the Obama administration. The apostle Paul instructed early believers to pray for all in authority so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity (1 Tim. 2:2,). God's will is for America to experience peace and prosperity so that we can continue to export the gospel to the nations. This must happen whether a Democrat or a Republican is in the White House. As we cry out for God's mercy on our wayward nation, pray that He will allow us to be a light to the world as we finance global missions, feed and heal the world's poor and share Christ's love at home and abroad.

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on Nov 08, 2008

This is much more important and meaningful than all the people saying 'Obama's not MY president'.  Good on ya.

on Nov 08, 2008

thanks S.C.  I acknowledge that God's allowing this to happen for his purposes. 

I would love dearly to see all these prayers answered!  But in my heart of hearts, I sense something very sinister is about to happen.  I didn't feel like this when Clinton got in even though I was very against him as wel.   Mostly with him though I just sensed hypocrisy. 

on Nov 08, 2008

I agree wholeheartedly that this is what we need to do.

Amen to all of these prayers ....

I sense something very sinister is about to happen. I didn't feel like this when Clinton got in even though I was very against him as wel. Mostly with him though I just sensed hypocrisy.

You are really something KFC !!!

Why did you spoil your good work by this?

please ... stop the superstition ...

You still think he is a muslim ... i can assure you that no muslim of any kind or degree of religious belonging will ever say what Obama said many many times ... if any muslim said any of those things he will automatically become a non-muslim... why cant you believe that?

he declared clearly that he believes in Jesus, the son-of-god, ... and that Jesus is his savior which is the standard christian belief ... but that automatically makes anyone a non-muslim.

relax KFC he is a christian through and through .... no reason for the doom and gloom you feeling and trying to spread ...

please stop ... for our country's sake.

on Nov 08, 2008

Like the many before him, he's going to need it, even more!  That said I understand the feeling of agnst and the disillusions, but if our country doesn't have all of its' citizens behind it, then we might as well roll over.  When Bush won his second term in office, not everyone was happy, I definitely wasn't happy too, but I gave him the chance and so did many others.  The doom and gloom was not like this, it is really disheartening.

on Nov 09, 2008

Whether we voted for Obama or not we should be on our knees daily praying for him and our nation.

Bravo for saying so.....KFC.


Like the many before him, he's going to need it, even more!

Absolutely....all of our leaders in positions of authority present and those to come in Obama's administration and the nation need prayers. I agree that of Obama even more becasue his smooth talking campaign promises included furthering the culture of death within the first 100 days of taking office.

the feeling of agnst and ..... not everyone was happy,

I wanted more than ever and hoped for a McCain/Palin victory, but prayed the Lord's Prayer that God's will be done.

That describes me from the first moment I knew Obama had won...I bawled for a while and then accepted it exactly as KFC describes....somehow, (although I don't understand) this is according to God's purposes.











on Nov 09, 2008

This is much more important and meaningful than all the people saying 'Obama's not MY president'.  Good on ya.

Yeah, that is almost as lame as when the retarded libs where doing it against Bush.

While I agree with the post, I will begin doing everything in my power to deprive the Obama government of my money.

on Nov 09, 2008

7. Pray that Obama will adopt pro-life convictions. Many politicians have changed their views on key issues while in office. In the 1800s some leaders who favored slavery later denounced it. In the 1950s some who opposed racial integration later became champions of it. Even though Obama won approval from many voters because he sanctions abortion, God could soften and change his heart.

Mitt Romney is a good example of a change of heart concerning his views on abortion, stem cell research, etc.  We know it happens.

Of all the issues, abortion is like no other becasue it's the dividing line due to the fact that the inalienable right to life itself  is at stake. Obama's voting history and campaign promises to prioritize abortion quite truthfully terrorizes me.  He's promised to keep the abortuaries open wide and make infanticide "legal" by passing the Freedom of Choice Act, (FOCA) which would deprive people the freedom they presently have to enact restraints and regulations on the abortion industry. It would invalidate virtually all state and federal limitations on abortion, including partial birth or late term abortion.





on Nov 09, 2008

But in my heart of hearts, I sense something very sinister is about to happen. I didn't feel like this when Clinton got in even though I was very against him as wel.

And I too share your concern.


please ... stop the superstition ...

Please THinkaloud, be serious. Anyone who's been closely connected as Obama has with very radical people like Louis Farrakhan, William Ayers, his Communist mentor Davis, and his pastor of 20 years, Rev. Wright, to name a few, ought to be looked at with grave concern and healthy scepticism.  

The problem that must be admitted is the mainstream news and print media, ABC, NBC, CBS,and CNN, Newsweek, etc. were all so biased for Obama that they repressed real vital information and refused to properly vet Obama....whereas every other past president went through scrutiny. Obama got a free pass.  

And this isn't sour grapes or bitterness coming from me...I accept him as our president elect.....thankfully, we still have free elections and our electoral process worked. He got the most votes and won the electoral college.

It's just that like KFC, I'm not going to stick my head in the sand and assume all is hunky-dory now that he's been elected. There is much we still don't know and that which we do know (at least in my discerning mind) leaves a kind of doom and gloom question mark.



on Nov 09, 2008


It's not superstition.  I wish it were that simple.  No, it's based on facts or non-facts that we can't seem to get on Obama that makes me nervous about our future. 

My husband came home from work and said they had been alerted at the office.  There's a major tax program overhaul coming due in May of 09 that will be retroactive for January 09.  Already that's going to cause a whole boatload of problems for the tax situations.  How do people plan when they can't see the new tax laws until May 09 and then be told it goes back to Jan 09?  Half the year will be over and many will be scrambling. 



on Nov 09, 2008

Not so fast, TA.

 , always the devilish LW

As for the spelling ... i spell it Qura'an (no a after the u) ... many people spell it Qura'n. The reason i do it that way is to be closer to the arabic pronuncitaion. the a' is like the a in Al Gore (just to remind you of him    ). the second a is to make it sound like AAAAAl Gore.

Allah does make allowances for subterfuge and deception in certain circumstances.

Yes He does. just one condition though ... it must be under severe duress , i dont think some one was holding a gun to his head when he said those statements. and what would he achieve by hiding that he is a Muslim anyway?

i really cant figure that out. many USA leaders and presidents did much more good regarding Muslims and Arabs more than any of their own Muslim leaders. Carter, Clinton, JFK and even Eisenhower come to mind. they hate Truman and W of course ...

on Nov 09, 2008

The problem that must be admitted is the mainstream news and print media, ABC, NBC, CBS,and CNN, Newsweek, etc. were all so biased for Obama that they repressed real vital information and refused to properly vet Obama

You must be kidding ... and i am dead serious here.  all of them ... and I mean ALL  were pro-McCain .... even in their presenting of things that were in Obama's favor. CNN to the end refused to put many states in their estimates of his electoral count even though he was soo far ahead .. they blasted all those terrible ads million times a day helping McCain spread his foolish attacks.. and all in the name of news... and you think CBS interview with Palin was bad for her? they called it the most sympathetic interviewer .. still Palin failed... and the ABC interview that was a joke .. still she failed ... and Larry King ... OMG ... he brought McCain and his wife so many times and not once Obama... and did you wtach Blitzer on CNN ... he was soooo obvious to the point that one of his partners on the show wrote about it on his blog .. on CNN site ... you kidding me??? all of them wanted McCain .... you think we are not watching what is going on ???? i know the Game .... the Rep always do that to cover the real bias toward them...

 Except MSNBC (which you didnt even mention)... they were clearly pro-Obama... the only one ...

Even The NY Times which everyone accuse of being biased toward him ... They supported Hillary not him ... they just couldnt support McCain or Bush after the hot water that both of them put the newspaper in regarding the Iraqi-war lies.

There's a major tax program overhaul coming due in May of 09 that will be retroactive for January 09.

and that is the gloom and doom you say will bring disasters of biblical scale to the Nation?

we all hate taxes .. you are not alone in that ... and the congress are not going to let him go wild on that ... get real KFC, no one like taxes .... most of all Dem's ... i really mean that ... we are the least to afford any increase in taxes.... others may hate taxes but they may be able to afford it ... we hate it and most of us can't afford it

on Nov 09, 2008

and that is the gloom and doom you say will bring disasters of biblical scale to the Nation?

oh no TA.  That's just a side note.  Our economy's woes is just the beginning. 



on Nov 10, 2008


The problem that must be admitted is the mainstream news and print media, ABC, NBC, CBS,and CNN, Newsweek, etc. were all so biased for Obama that they repressed real vital information and refused to properly vet Obama


You must be kidding ... and i am dead serious here. all of them ... and I mean ALL were pro-McCain

Then tell us ThinkALoud, how much did you learn from the media of the unpleasant truths about ACORN voter fraud, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's connections with Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers and Louis Farrachan? Be honest, did they report that after the AIG, (AMerican Issues Project) ran a TV ad calling for an examination of the Obama-Ayers connection, Obama's political thugs demanded that the Justice Department begin an investigation into AIG? 

And how much did the MSM tell you about Beverly West's question to Biden about Obama's Marxism, THinkAloud?

And why did Obama throw the more conservative media off his plane the last 3 weeks of the campaign?

Tell us what did you learn from the MSM about Obama's voting record on abortion, including infanticide?

On the other hand, now think about how many times you heard that it's the Republicans, especially President Bush, who are responsible for everything that has to do with the economic crisis that hit Wall Street. When in truth and fair reporting, the main culprits were Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer and Chris Dodd. Did the MSM report that Obama was given the largest amount of money from the crooks who "did in" Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? If they did no one in my family heard it. 

Although Liberals will deny it, the Left controls the most of the mainstream media...which continually spins, conceals, or represses Democrat wrong-doing. They plan to keep control too....getting Obama elected was key for the Democrats to pass into law something they call the "Fairness Doctrine". This will ensure that talk radio gets silenced.

Oh, yeah, the warning signs are all around us and the concern over this is very real.

on Nov 10, 2008

and that is the gloom and doom you say will bring disasters of biblical scale to the Nation?

oh no TA. That's just a side note. Our economy's woes is just the beginning.

There is no doubt whatsoever that our economy woes are just beginning. It's going to get worse, much worse. There is going to be economical suffering. However, often suffering is a form of purification which our nation needs as a whole.  


on Nov 10, 2008

I'm too busy praying for America!

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