Will it Work?
Published on July 12, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events

I heard about this boycott last week.  It's a boycott against McDonald's for supporting same sex marriage for throwing their money and support to the homosexual activists.  Many feel that McDonald's is abandoning those who helped make McDonald's the successful company it is namely familes with children.  I don't like McDonald's anyhow, so it doesn't really affect me.  I'd much rather go to Subway, BK,  or Wendy's anyhow. 

I didn't even know, until now,  that there was a National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, did you?  So the American Family Association has called for this boycott.  This is from their site: 

Throwing out any pretense of being neutral in the culture war, McDonald's has taken up the rhetoric of gay activists, suggesting those who oppose same-sex marriage (SSM) are motivated by hate.

AFA has asked for a boycott of McDonald's restaurants because of the company’s promotion of the gay agenda. AFA asked McDonald’s to remain neutral in the culture war. McDonald’s refused.

In response to the boycott, McDonald's spokesman Bill Whitman suggested to the Washington Post that those who oppose SSM are motivated by hate, saying "...hatred has no place in our culture." McDonald's has decided to adopt the "hate" theme used by gay activist groups for years.

Whitman went on to say, "We stand by and support our people to live and work in a society free of discrimination and harassment." Mr. Whitman has intentionally avoided addressing the reason for the boycott. This boycott is not about hiring gays or how gay employees are treated. It is about McDonald's choosing to put the full weight of their corporation behind promoting their agenda.

McDonald's donated $20,000 to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce in exchange for membership and a seat on the group’s board of directors. The NGLCC lobbies Congress in support of same-sex marriage.

McDonald's CEO Jim Skinner said the company will promote issues they approve. "Being a socially responsible organization is a fundamental part of who we are. We have an obligation to use our size and resources to make a difference in the world...and we do."


Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 12, 2008
I have heard this same exact charge about other companies or groups and it turned out to be false, so I would definitely check it out further before believing they did anything specific to support gays and lesbian groups.

I have to say, though, gays and lesbians have families too, so...if McDonalds is a family-oriented restaurant, it's not too far-fetched for them to show some measure of support for gay and lesbian families.

I don't think they're family-oriented as much as they just cater to what people in any given area want.
on Jul 12, 2008

I know and have heard about those false stories as well, but when AFA calls for a boycott it's a bit different. 

The head of the AFA met with the head of McDonalds and asked if they would stay neutral in this, what they are calling, a culture war.  McDonald's refused and Donald Wildmon, the head and founder of AFA is calling for the boycott. 

What the boycott is NOT about:

it's not about hiring homosexuals

it's not about homosexuals eating at McDonalds

it's not about how homosexuals are being treated at McDonalds

What this boycott is about is McDonald's, as a corporation, refusing to remain neutral.  Not only have they refused to be neutral they have given the full weight of their corporation to promoting the homosexual agenda including homosexual marriage. 

It will be interesting how this all plays out. 




on Jul 12, 2008

Oh for dumb.  Who cares about the sexual orientation of the people who makes your fries?  Sexual orientation is NOT contaigous. 

So what if they in some way shape or form accept people for who they are, not who shares their bed. 

I wasn't planning on it, but now I'll go to McDs for lunch!  Good on them for doing what they need to do to stay in business and make money.   Leave the neutrality for the swiss.  This won't hurt them even a little bit.

People need to just leave the bedroom to the bedroom and get over it. 

Have a great day!

on Jul 12, 2008
I know and have heard about those false stories as well, but when AFA calls for a boycott it's a bit different.

Actually, it was the AFA calling for a similar boycott of another company due to some alleged contribution to the aforementioned chamber of commerce. It turned out to be false.

I wouldn't agree with the boycott regardless, but I would love to know if the root allegation is even correct. Do you have anything on that (not from AFA, but from an independent source)?
on Jul 12, 2008

Actually, it was the AFA calling for a similar boycott of another company due to some alleged contribution to the aforementioned chamber of commerce. It turned out to be false.

TW, can you tell me what company was boycotted by AFA that was false? 

Who cares about the sexual orientation of the people who makes your fries

did you even read what I wrote?  It has nothing to do with hiring homosexuals.  So the answer is no one. 

People need to just leave the bedroom to the bedroom and get over it.

sigh*  that's not the issue. You totally don't understand the issue.  Nobody cares what goes on in the bedroom.  They can do whatever they wish, nobody much cares about that. 




on Jul 12, 2008

The issue is someone is yet again upset over what someone ELSE is doing in their bedroom.  Period.  Get over it. 

on Jul 12, 2008

The issue is someone is yet again upset over what someone ELSE is doing in their bedroom. Period. Get over it.

My sentiments exactly. How DARE some people want the same rights as everyone else, to do as they wish with their lives?

1) It's none of our business whether someone else is homosexual or not

2) If two people who happen to be homosexual want to get married, good on' em. We have no right to stick our nose in their business and say they can't get married.

3) As with most things related to the perversion that the church has become, this boils down to control. The church will attempt to maintain control through fear and intimidation (if you don't shape up you'll go to hell you know) and boogeyman stories about the evil "gay agenda" that's somehow going to ruin civilization. One of the best ways to maintain control is to stick your nose into other people's bedrooms. I remember one church that I attended as a child passed judgement on couples that they believed had committed adultery by kicking the 'offending' party out and ostracizing them from the community. This applies not just to gay marriage, but also to the issue of abortion, evolution, single parent families, 'subversive' music and so on. This is also why they killed Gallileo- because he promoted an idea that was completely out of the realm of the control of the church!

The more things change the more they stay the same. Today, the boogeyman is homosexuals. Tomorrow it could be you!

on Jul 12, 2008

I hate to say this KFC but regardless what you wanna believe or what the AFA or even McDonalds says. It's obvious this has to do with the fact that these people are gay or lesbian and while this particular situation is not about gay or lesbian people working or eating at McDonalds, it's on eof many steps towards that kind of goal. We all know that when you can't defeat an entire group, you take take them apart 1 by 1, hit one issue with they gay/lesbian community and it opens the doors to more posibilities.

I am not for this kind of boycott because regardless of my beliefs, we are always told God loves us all. So if McDonalds wants to waste their money on things they believe in, so be it. The fact that fast food can be bad for you does not stop people from eating there yet a gay/lesbian issue should? I think many people in this country have their priorities all backwards.

I'd be more worried with McDonalds using unpractical methods to sell food and make money.

on Jul 12, 2008
I haven't eaten there in years. I find it cheaper than even the cheapest places (I'm a Wendy's fan).

The boycott would be called easier for other reasons. *coughsupersizemecough*
on Jul 12, 2008

I'll be bold and say that your compassion is largely non existent.  Everytime I read a supposed Christian arguing against homosexuality it reminds me of the lack of compassion in the modern industrialized Christian thought.  It's amazing how the most important message Christ gave us was for compassion and its the first thing people forget when ranting about existential superiority in his name.  Even if being gay is driven by will, do we forget that the first ability God granted us with was free will.  Christ's teaching where aimed at living and let live.  You can preach and say what you want, but it is YOUR interpretation of the bible that allows you to be intolerant.  I prefer to follow Christ's actual teachings of understanding, compassion, and helping others.  Those serve me better than filling my life with disgust, negativity, judgemental behaviour, and overall holier than thou mantras.  I agree with CharlesCS that I'd worry more about food and money from McDonald's than their religious philosophy, and furthermore if I see you in a Call of Duty 4 server my good friend I wont' shoot you, lol.

on Jul 12, 2008

I would venture to say that the "boogeymen" of the future that Artysim refers to will be the theists, just for this type of attitude: to jump all over anyone and anything that dare to disagree with their beliefs. 

Be careful of the bile you throw, churchgoers.  What's going around may come back around.  I think there's a golden rule in there somewhere.

on Jul 12, 2008
psychx, I'll rebuke you for KFC. There is a thing in business where one should not endorse a political opinion, unless it is the goal of the business, or one of its blatantly stated goals.

KFC has never attacked homosexuals, merely stated that she believes that homosexuality is a sin. If you don't agree with her, you don't have to attack her.

xtine, I'd notice the blatant irony of this statement. The Left has been attacking every basis or morality for years. It has come around, also. Columbine. Virginia Tech. Northern Illinois University. The shootings at Colorado YWAM and New Life, at churches.

Religion never condemns the sinner, merely the sin, but the sinner cannot survive with his sin.
on Jul 12, 2008

What this boycott is about is McDonald's, as a corporation, refusing to remain neutral. Not only have they refused to be neutral they have given the full weight of their corporation to promoting the homosexual agenda including homosexual marriage.


Corporations have a right, if not an obligation to behave as good citizens.  Why remain neutral in the face of discrimination? The so-called "homosexual agenda" is simply about the rights of individuals to live out their own sexual preferences and be accorded the same rights as everyone else.

Be well.

on Jul 12, 2008

It is ironic, yes.

Oh and

Religion never condemns the sinner




on Jul 12, 2008

Yep, Christianity never condemns the sinner. Did you not read my explanation? Look at it this way. Sin is like a block of cement. As people, we are standing on the edge of a diving board. We need to either get rid of our sin, or have someone (Jesus) help us get rid of it. Otherwise, when we dive off (die), we fall and sink, and we won't be saved, because cement is too heavy. When Jesus helps us, we can leave the cement behind, and enjoy the swimming pool.

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