Where Are We Going To End Up?
Published on March 25, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events

Much has been written here and elsewhere about OKlahoma State Rep Sally Kern and her blatent honesty of her belief on the Homosexual lifestyle. She dared speak out.  Shame on her.   But did you know the rest of the story?

Many know and are angry (especially you know who)  about her comments  on how the "Homosexuality Agenda is destroying the nation" and is a bigger threat to our country than the Islamic Terrorists. 

How many know her speech was not only secretly recorded but also very carefully edited before given out to the public? 

They left out the part where she says, 'The book that I base my life upon is God's Word, and it says to love everybody -- and I try to love everybody, but not everybody's lifestyle is equal.'   They just started with the part where it says 'not everybody's lifestyle is equal.' They didn't include the part that has  Sally  on tape saying that she loves everybody."

Of course not.  That's not as much fun to mock and lash out at.  All this is about, plain and simple, is  "The Agenda" trying to warn anyone in opposition to their militant stance to back off.  Don't even think about speaking out.   If you dare, you will be put through hell as they demonize you taking away any unwanted attention to their unnatural behavior. 

Some have been warning us that once we let this behavior in as normal be prepared for other behaviors called "alternative lifestyles" to want their day in the sun.  And I think I saw the door opening on Oprah last week.  And you know how that goes.  I immediately picked up on it. 

She had on her show a beautiful Mormon, one of three wives wedded to one husband.  This woman did not fit the usual stereotype we think of when we think plural wives.   Even Oprah kept saying you don't look like the type.  She was floored.   This lady was very modern in appearance (no 18th century dress) beautiful and very intelligent.  She could be, and seems to be, a great spokeswomen for this lifestyle.  

Anyhow she said something to the effect that  "in today's day of alternative lifestyles" she would like to see polygamy made legal.   She kept on speaking but I knew........deep down that Oprah would pick up on the "day of alternative lifestyle."  There was no way that statement was making it past Oprah.  Sure enough. 

By golly she did grab right onto it.  Immediately.  She even said, she never thought of it like that and seemed very receptive to this woman as she presented her case.   I mean really, this Mormon woman did have a point.  If we accept this alternative lifestyle how can we say no to others who feel they have a right to marry whom they want even if it involves more than one wife? 

What's next on the agenda?  I do know that those interested in beastiality and pedophilia are watching all this.  How far will we go? 



Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 29, 2008
Did you read my post #15? Here's the part of it that most answers your question.

That's not fact,that's you're opinion. Give me facts, verified by science. Until you do, I will just call you're claim BS. Religious, illogical, blind BS.

Here's my post #15, help me out, tell me what specifically is my opinion.

As to the unnatural-----

Certainly, the shorter lifespan of both males and females practicing same-gender sex calls the naturalness of homosexuality into question.

In addition to that, the natural anatomy of the human body including organ function and reproduction rejects the naturalness of homosexual acts. Homosexuality is contrary to the facts of life. The natural design of the body affirms the sexual union of a man and a woman. Their parts fit perfectly whereas I told Locamama the body parts don't fit in the case of same-gender sex.

The natural design of the body rejects homo-sex, especially male homo-sex. The rectum wall easily ruptures during the sex act which is why disease is so easily transmitted. Be honest...do you really believe this is a natural act when it destroys the biological function of the rectum? Using the rectum for sex is harmful. Empirical evidence shows that females engaging in unnatural sexual practices are nearly as damaging and their lifespan is shortened as well.

Now, besides homosexuality being unnatural, let's add some good ol' common sense.

Common sense tells us that people who engage in harmful sexual practices won't survive very long if they continue to use their body against its natural design.

on Mar 29, 2008
lula posts:
Have you ever heard the chant "We're here, we're queer, and we want your children"?

So, yes, children are in the crosshairs of the homosexual agenda. They are activley seeking to have sex with children legalized. And the focus on children as sexual targets is not at the fringe of the homosexual movement. I've already stated their goals as per their platform in 1992. Then a year later, 7 demands were made at the "Gay" march on Washington that today have pretty much been met. So, the link is there...their agenda is moving right along....homosexualists have demanded open contact with children and we are seeing this in scouting organizations, boys and girls clubs and in schools...their #4 demand.

SilentPoet posts:

Question: Do you live in fear? Do you like perpetuating fear?

You're comments here show nothing more than a paranoia, why not try and get to know some gay people, try to talk to them, and quit lumping together. You're God I'm sure wouldn't like you judging, and assuming.


What is here is not perpetuating fear or paranoia. It's not assuming either. I'm addressing a reality, a very serious one. Homosexual activists have put open contact with youth at the top of their political agenda. The 2nd item in the original 1972 Gay Rights platform reads: "encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared and taught by gay men and women, presenting homosexuality as a valid, healthy preference and lifestyle as a viable alternative to heterosexuality." This demand has been attained and causes me great concern.

As a mother, I've been engaged in homosexual indoctrination in schools for years now and I've seen the success the homosexualists have made in furthering their agenda. I don't want my children buying into the school's message "don't knock it till you've tried it, here's a condom when you're ready. I'm teaching them their happiness and healthfulness lies in practicing chastity before marriage and fidelty after marriage.

Here's another piece of data that will probably raise your hackles. Empirical data show proportionately speaking, a far higher relative incidence of molestation among homosexuals in contrast to data for heterosexuals. This is true in schools, the workplace and other settings.

"As AIDS decimates adult homosexuals,...Gays ....are focusing upon youth and encouraging the coming out process in teens." is a quote from Judith Reisman, A Content Analysis of Two Decades of the Advocate" citing Gilbert Herdt, Ph.D. pg. 41.

I do know and talk with some people who are practicing homosexuality.

You're God I'm sure wouldn't like you judging,

Scripture tells us we are not to judge hearts and souls, but yes, we are to judge behavior. When you think about it, our laws are based on judging behavior towards one another aren't they?
on Mar 29, 2008
The natural design of the body rejects homo-sex, especially male homo-sex. The rectum wall easily ruptures during the sex act which is why disease is so easily transmitted. Be honest...do you really believe this is a natural act when it destroys the biological function of the rectum? Using the rectum for sex is harmful. Empirical evidence shows that females engaging in unnatural sexual practices are nearly as damaging and their lifespan is shortened as well.

If you want to talk about natural design:






(Above link, see: Homosexual behavior in animals)

Yamamoto D, Ito H, Fujitani K (1996). "Genetic dissection of sexual orientation: behavioral, cellular, and molecular approaches in Drosophila melanogaster". Neurosci. Res. 26 (2): 95-107. PMID 8953572.

All of these, and more mention gay animals. Now, either it is natural, or God must have really messed up big time.

Common sense tells us that people who engage in harmful sexual practices won't survive very long if they continue to use their body against its natural design.

Granted, but common sense also says those who blindly follow something will remain ignorant. If you just accept somethign as true, and don't research it, then you're still ignorant.

[quote]Certainly, the shorter lifespan of both males and females practicing same-gender
In addition to that, the natural anatomy of the human body including organ function and reproduction rejects the naturalness of homosexual acts. Homosexuality is contrary to the facts of life. The natural design of the body affirms the sexual union of a man and a woman. Their parts fit perfectly whereas I told Locamama the body parts don't fit in the case of same-gender sex.

Certainly, the shorter lifespan of both males and females practicing same-gender sex calls the naturalness of homosexuality into question.

Something else that should be called into question is the FRI, which says it is a scientific institute.

It's mission:

"...one overriding mission: to generate empirical research on issues that threaten the traditional family, particularly homosexuality, AIDS, sexual social policy, and drug abuse."


FRI is part of a movement of small, often faith-based organizations (sometimes called the Christian Right) which seek to influence the political debate in the United States.

Now does that sound like true, unbiased science? Not only that, but their head honcho, is a Dr. Cameron, who was dropped by the American Psychological Association for his research methods. ( http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/rainbow/html/facts_cameron_sheet.html )

The argument that gays live shorter lives is agenda driven, pure and simple. I've searched and searched and searched, for any credible, honest, unbiased studies that show that gay men, or lesbian women have shorter lives because of their acts, and found none. Not one, not even a sniff.
on Mar 29, 2008
You cannot, with a straight face, say that gays and lesbians are treated equally and fairly in the US.

Yes, I can.

People in the US are very tolerant and fair-minded people. They know the homosexual community has no emergency. They know that they aren't oppressed victims of unjust discrimination. They know that homosexual persons aren't told to sit in the back of the bus or denied a seat in a restaurant becasue of their sexual behavior. They know that homosexuals aren't denied an education becasue of their sexual behavior. They know that signs are not put up in store windows that say, "you need not apply here" becasue of your sexual behavior.

They know that homosexuals as a group are not politically powerless. They know that for the most part homosexual persons are successful, affluent, and undetectable unless they want to be detected.

Why the constant push for "gay" rights? Under the Constitution we all have the same rights as human beings. Homosexual persons are US and state citizens, they already get the same rights as the rest of us do.

Anything over and above this is "special rights"; "special status"....why should anybody be treated preferencially in the law based upon their sexual behavior, something they choose to engage in?

on Mar 29, 2008
All of these, and more mention gay animals.

Knock, knock, SilentPoet...

Humans are not animals. Humans are far above animals in every way.

Humans have free will, operate on choice, and have intelligence. Animals operate on

All of these, and more mention gay animals. Now, either it is natural, or God must have really messed up big time.

No, Almighty God never messes up. We humans do though....and what we have discovered is that animal homosexual activity does not appear to be very common in nature. It's more common in animals in captivity. And also, what appears to be homosexual activity in animals and birds may be deceiving. Many postures that they adopt are ambiguous as to what they mean.

on Mar 30, 2008
Here's another piece of data that will probably raise your hackles. Empirical data show proportionately speaking, a far higher relative incidence of molestation among homosexuals in contrast to data for heterosexuals. This is true in schools, the workplace and other settings.

First off, i cannot find the quote. I googled it and checked other search engines, nothing. Secondly, please, if you can, provide the exact numbers/data/evidence. And not something that could be construed as opinion or heresay.

Also, how can she, a woman who has a Phd in Communications, have any credibility or otherwise, of speaking about homosexuality. Now if she had a degree in psychology, biology or something of that sort, that would be one thing.


What is here is not perpetuating fear or paranoia. It's not assuming either. I'm addressing a reality, a very serious one. Homosexual activists have put open contact with youth at the top of their political agenda. The 2nd item in the original 1972 Gay Rights platform reads: "encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared and taught by gay men and women, presenting homosexuality as a valid, healthy preference and lifestyle as a viable alternative to heterosexuality." This demand has been attained and causes me great concern.

According to you, and btw, it's the 6th one, not second.   

Who's to say those activists who share your beliefs agenda is any better? Besides, if you are going to put your children in a public school, you're going to get what is federally allowed. If you have a problem, put them in a private school, or home school them.

As a mother, I've been engaged in homosexual indoctrination in schools for years now and I've seen the success the homosexualists have made in furthering their agenda. I don't want my children buying into the school's message "don't knock it till you've tried it, here's a condom when you're ready. I'm teaching them their happiness and healthfulness lies in practicing chastity before marriage and fidelty after marriage.

Indoctrination? Only in your eyes m'am. I honestly don't get, or even get close to comprehen how gays/lesbians wanting equal treatment and acceptance of them being who they are, as being indoctrination. As for the not wanting your children buying into it, then try pulling them out of school and into another form of schooling.
on Mar 30, 2008
Knock, knock, SilentPoet...

Humans are not animals. Humans are far above animals in every way.

Humans have free will, operate on choice, and have intelligence. Animals operate on

But my point isn't that they're like us. The point is:

If your God is almighty and powerful, and yet homosexuality occurs in the natural world, as a gene no less (Which is a pretty important building block I might add), then what can you say but hey...it happens naturally.

Kind of blows a hole in your arguement that homosexuality is natural.

No, Almighty God never messes up. We humans do though....and what we have discovered is that animal homosexual activity does not appear to be very common in nature. It's more common in animals in captivity. And also, what appears to be homosexual activity in animals and birds may be deceiving. Many postures that they adopt are ambiguous as to what they mean.

*crickets chirp*

Are you kidding me? Look at the links, look at what is there, and then come back and say that again. If not, let me add this (And yes, it says not necessarily sex, but it doesnt completely exclude sex):

"Homosexual (as well as bisexual) behavior is widespread in the animal kingdom. Animal sexual behavior takes many different forms, even within the same species and the motivations for and implications of their behaviors have yet to be fully understood as most species have yet to be studied.[3] A 1999 review by researcher Bruce Bagemihl shows that homosexual behavior, not necessarily sex, has been observed in close to 1500 species, ranging from primates to gut worms, and is well documented for 500 of them."

Bruce Bagemihl, Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity, St. Martin's Press, 1999; ISBN 0312192398

on Mar 30, 2008
Humans are not animals. Humans are far above animals in every way.

But humans are primates, and primates include various animals, so at the very least we are in close proximity to animals.

Something else to mention, and part of me is saying I shouldnt bother given how similar you are with KFC in views, but if you acknowledge evolution, and that we evolved over time from our earlier ancestors, and that they relied on instinct, we at one point were animals.

Also, "The biological definition of the word refers to all members of the Kingdom Animalia. Therefore, when the word "animal" is used in a biological context, humans are included."


"Animal". The American Heritage Dictionary (Forth). (2006). Houghton Mifflin Company.

So yes, we're humans.
on Mar 30, 2008
Oh, and a bit off track for a moment, but I just wanted to applaud you for your debating and all. I respect your opinion, even if i disagree with it, and It's been fun to debate, and to sharpen our minds.

on Mar 30, 2008

Come on KFC--this really is a gossip story.

on Mar 30, 2008

SP...her God and my God are one and the same and we both know that God says that men having sex with men and women having sex with other women is an abomination to him. Please post the scripture.

Wow!  Not too many ask that around here....lol.  Certainly.   There are many but I'll give  parts of the more commonly quoted one:

Romans 1:18- 27-For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness.........Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonour their own bodies between themselves........For this cause God gave them up into vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is AGAINST NATURE:  And likewise also the men, leving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 

Indulge me if you would. Set aside your religion and all for a second. I ask you to only look at your emotions.

and that's exactly what you DON'T want to do.  You do not rely on emotions for truth.  Emotions have a way to lead us astray.  Never, never depend on your emotions for truth.  Follow the truth in spite of your emotions.

I remember when my brother in law and his new bride went car shopping.  The fact was they didn't have alot of money.  But she spotted a nice black shiny car that she absolutely loved.  There was no way they could manage this in their budget.  She cried and cried...and guess what he did?  Yep.  He bought the car.  Against his better judgment.  Fooled by her emotional outburst.  And they struggled and fought mightily as a result later on.  To this day they are in much debt because they let emotions rule their lives.  This happens all the time.  We can't trust our emotions.  We need to rely on truth which is outside our emotions. 



on Mar 30, 2008

Come on KFC--this really is a gossip story.

Huh?  It is?  What do you mean?

on Mar 30, 2008
and that's exactly what you DON'T want to do. You do not rely on emotions for truth. Emotions have a way to lead us astray. Never, never depend on your emotions for truth. Follow the truth in spite of your emotions.

If we don't use our emotions as well, then we've lost any sense of humanity. Yes, use logic and all, but also be compassionate, etc... You don't show care to your family just by using logic and whatever, you also have compassion, emotions, etc...

So, please indulge me.
on Mar 31, 2008

If we don't use our emotions as well, then we've lost any sense of humanity. Yes, use logic and all, but also be compassionate, etc... You don't show care to your family just by using logic and whatever, you also have compassion, emotions, etc...

To some extent true.  We can't be robots.  You can still be logically and compassionate as well.  They are not mutually exclusive. 

When it comes to decision making, you should not base it on emotions.  It makes for bad decision making quite frequently. 

on Mar 31, 2008
To some extent true. We can't be robots. You can still be logically and compassionate as well. They are not mutually exclusive.
When it comes to decision making, you should not base it on emotions. It makes for bad decision making quite frequently.

So indulge me, put yourself in that situation, or in a similar one.
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