Published on March 13, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Blogging

Hello Gid,

Since you do not offer me a chance to comment on your blog, I thought I would here.  I figured I had two choices.  One, to ignore what you said and the other to speak out on it.

I chose the latter.....obviously.

You said you expect, as a result of what you wrote, to see a flame blog from me?  Based on what?  When have I ever flamed anyone?  My articles are here for all to see and I've not once resorted to flame throwing.  Not once.   I have no use for such immaturity. 

I'm not here to flame you.

You say in your letter "Stopping By" that you have admitted yourself as being dysfunctional.  Well who isn't?  We all come from some sort of dysfunction.  There are no perfect families on the planet that I'm aware of.  I came from a dystunctional family as well.  But I don't wallow in it.  I choose to go on.  While you can't help what happened to you, you do have a choice to make sure it doesn't happen to your own family.  Sorry to say, you'd rather wallow in dysfuntion, then walk away from it.   Change begins with you Gid.   

You were very quick to attack the dysfunctional church. You gave much time to this subject.  From what I could see, they only wanted to help your family even if that meant calling in outside help.  You said no, they were not helping you, and since I wasn't there, what else could I say?   You say, I didn't see things?   You say I didn't notice you needed help? 

To the full extent you're right.  I didn't see the severity until afterwards.  Chalk it up to 20/20 hindsight.  But there were many, many red flags you waved and when I'd comment on them, you'd get very angry with me.  You didn't like me to go there remember?  Whenever I'd question you, you'd get angry.  Usually this centered around the church helping you or "not" helping you.   Whenever anyone would dare question you on CPS or the church you got very defensive.  So obviously you didn't want any advice nor were you looking for help.  You only wished for us to validate your feelings against all the "bad" people who were after you. 

As far as your depression goes that you mentioned in your earlier blogs....I know nothing about that.  I never go back and read old blogs.  I have only enough time to read the current blogs.  If you were in church, like I kept advising you to do, this would have been replaced....I'm sure of it.   Remember Elijah?  Even he got depressed.  He pulled himself away and felt sorry for himself.  He had to be reminded, it's not all about HIM. 

You accuse many of us beliving the rumor in the article that LW wrote.   It was easy to do.  First you disappeared and I was wondering where you were.  I actually posted somewhere that I was wondering where you went to and Tova gave me a link to LW's blog that answered my question.   Along with your disappearance and the pictures came TW's firsthand comments.  Why wouldn't we believe?   You came on and pretty much admitted it yourself.  Again, why wouldn't we believe?  If I remember right, I made one or two comments on LW's blog and it had no "bashing" qualities to it.   It was basically one of shock and 20/20 hindsight. 

After you came on to explain yourself, I sent you a personal message telling you that I was praying for you and your family which I will continue to do.   I'm not sure what else to do Gid. I considered you a friend.  One cannot help another unless they first want the help.  Remember even Jesus asked the lame man..."do you wish to be well?" 

As far as I was concerned, that was the last of it for me.  I would never, ever, kick anyone when they're down. 

I'm sorry Gid that you've had a bad time of it.   But you have only yourself to blame.  Only you can change this around.  Sometimes it's not all that bad to reach rock bottom.  Because it forces you to look up.  It's all you've got. 

Don't blame us for your shortcomings.  We all tried to help you.  You refused to be helped. 

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 13, 2008
Oh, sinned we have...but none of us to such a...magnitude.

Oh, so you have pronounced my sin as being greater than your own? Interesting, zoologist. I'd like to know what version of the Bible you read.

And it's good to know that only your select little group can receive forgiveness from God. I guess John 3:16's a typo, huh?


I am glad that there are Christians that don't believe as you, KFC, Tova, and SC do.
on Mar 13, 2008

And . . . "No one cares about your pretexts, Gid".

on Mar 13, 2008

Never said I did own it Gid. If did have the honor, you would be banned for you own good and that of your family, not to mention the people who blog here.

JU is just feeding your self pontificating addiction.

As to how much you pay TW's grand parents. P-lease. You couldn't clean it up before you left? Couldn't give a little respect to the place they let you stay for free for awhile, before you started paying a paltry little rent?

If you wrote them a $10,000 check today...better make that still doesn't undo the wrong Gid. Not even close.

Here's the biggest problem I have with you.

You screwed up. Bad. And instead of tending to your life, here you are AGAIN, with the same self righteous attitude.

Maybe in a year or so you'd get a better reception. Then at least we could give you the benefit of the doubt.

But no. Someone mentions taking you off the top users list and your back. Like a bad rash.

If you are blogging for you...then why not blog somewhere else? Why does it have to be here?

Because you are lying AGAIN...its not for you..its ABOUT you and your "readers."

on Mar 13, 2008
I am glad that there are Christians that don't believe as you, KFC, Tova, and SC do.

Give them time to get to know ya.
on Mar 13, 2008
Ok, maybe your wife isn't 'forbidden' to drive. Maybe towards the end you *did* have internet access at the house. Maybe the story of 5 year olds in crusty, feces-filled diapers was just that, a story. I do believe I mentioned that those things had been told to me in passing and that I had no way to verify those particular rumors.

Those are a major part of your argument.

And nowhere have I seen it yet mentioned that there WAS another bathroom in the house!

Look, I KNOW the $500's just a pittance, LW. I ADMIT IT! I will make payments to that family for the rest of my life if I need to, but I simply DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY to make everything right at this point. Have you missed the news stories about the climbing gas prices? It cost us FAR more than we expected to move, and that left us short.

There's one of two things I can do, LW. I can either ignore the problem and wallow in it, or I can MOVE FORWARD, using the past as a lesson and working to make a difference in the future. I choose the latter.

Unfortunately, it seems that you and everyone else on here don't want to see that happen. THAT is the reason why most of you find yourselves on the blacklist.

I'm willing to entertain advice from people who offer solutions, but I have no time for people who can do nothing more than criticize, or even put themselves in the seat of God and declare my sins "unforgivable".
on Mar 13, 2008
Unfortunately, it seems that you and everyone else on here don't want to see that happen. THAT is the reason why most of you find yourselves on the blacklist.

No, we just can't believe anything you say. You lied a long time and were a big fat hypocrite to boot.

Now you're here giving attitude...looks like you been here all day...go spend time with your children!
on Mar 13, 2008
If you wrote them a $10,000 check today...better make that still doesn't undo the wrong Gid. Not even close.

OK, Tova...get me a time machine so I can go back and fix it.


If you are blogging for you...then why not blog somewhere else? Why does it have to be here?

Because the site I blog on is MY site...and I don't want to migrate a buttload of articles!

Give them time to get to know ya.

Actually, I get a pretty good reception from those who DO know me, Tova.

Look, Tova. You hate me (despise was your actual word, I believe). That's all well and good. Just stay away. I won't be bullied away from this site from you or anyone else. And as for banning? I've violated NO TOU, Tova, and there's nothing to merit it.
on Mar 13, 2008
Now you're here giving attitude...looks like you been here all day...go spend time with your children!

Actually, I was here earlier...left...came's what a college schedule will do, you know!

I wasn't giving attitude until I was GIVEN attitude.
on Mar 13, 2008
I've violated NO TOU, Tova, and there's nothing to merit it.

You don't have to violate ToU to get banned, man. All it takes is pissing off the right person.

One can only hope . . .
on Mar 13, 2008
OK, Tova...get me a time machine so I can go back and fix it.

That's not the point. The point is YOU DID IT. You disrespected some old people who helped you.

You let your family live in filth. You got up one day, got in your vehicle and drove away. That isn't an accident. That's not even "messing up."

That's in your character.

You lied, not once, but several times, over and over.

That's also in your character.

Can you change your life around?


But character flaws take a LONG LONG time. Certainly more than a month.

And coming back here is like spitting in the face of everyone who ever took your side, ever wanted to help you, ever thought you were telling the truth.

It doesn't matter what you have to blog about. Every time your avatar pops up it is a kick in the teeth to the honest people who were willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

There just doesn't seem to be a lot of shame here Gid. I don't mean lip service either. If I screwed people over as royally as you did, I wouldn't make a point to re-visit a place (JU) where their family and friends are known to socialize.


Because you wronged them. You should be the one making amends. That means not putting your face around a place they enjoy.

Not telling people you won't be run off. Pfft. It's not about running you off.

It's about you respecting people enough to stay away.

That's how I know you haven't changed an iota.

on Mar 13, 2008

I'm willing to entertain advice from people who offer solutions,

Get off the internet and tend to your life. There is the biggest solution.

on Mar 13, 2008


Ok, what I see here Gid, is a bunch of people who are hopping mad.  It's like you're just coming on per normal when we all know that what happened here was anything but normal.  They care about your family Gid. Nobody wants to think one of us here would be neglectful of small children.   Many here are living their nightmares all over again looking at those pics that LW posted. 

But even in their anger they are still trying to help you.  They are telling you that you can't just go on per usual.  I mean, what do you expect us to do?  They feel deceived Gid.   We trust each other here.  We trust that who we say we are.....we are. 

I'm all for you to start fresh right now.  I agree.  The past is the past and now you need to learn from your mistakes and NEVER go back to this way again. 

You say you want solutions?  Kelly gave you a good one.  You need to either leave the blogging world altogether or at best limit it drastically.  Set a time limit and stick to it.  As a fairly new blogger myself, I know there is no way in hell I could have done this with three kids at home.  No way. 

You also need to find an accountability partner at this new fellowship.  Someone that can be a true blue Paul to you.  Someone who is mature and well respected that you can trust.  THen you need to listen to him when he says the hard things.  You need to listen Gid.   You need to meet with him on a regular basis. 

Nobody needs you Gid like your wife and kids.  They need a husband and father.  There is nothing here that should ever take the place of what you have in your own home.  You need to make sure you carve out more time for them than you do blogging.  Journal your time if need be and take a look at where you're spending the majority of it.  Don't let your kids be writing blogs about their dysfuntional dad 10 years from now. 

It's not how you start a race that's all in the finish.  Pick yourself up, do the right thing and focus on the things that are most important and get going.  If you don't you will be an old man looking back with nothing but regrets. 

If you're going to stick around here Gid, I for one would love to see how you are making changes in your life.  I would love to hear truthful stories about time spent with your kids and wife and how they are learning true family values.  I would love to hear that you have an accountability partner who is being the father figure you never had and that you are being submissive to his training. 

I would love to see changes in your life. I would love to encourage you on with these changes and pray for you as you go.  Otherwise we can only think and wonder if you ever really did make any change other than your address. 




on Mar 13, 2008
Oh, so you have pronounced my sin as being greater than your own? Interesting, zoologist. I'd like to know what version of the Bible you read.

I don't read the Bible much. Not all that religious, really. I just compare and contrast things in the real world. Sin happens, but the key to forgiveness and redemption is to repent and trying to change your behavior.

From what I see here...well, doesn't look like that is happening.

Maybe the Bible doesn't share the magnitude idea...but people in the world do. The law does as well. You know, like how murder is worse than jaywalking? Or say...thinking a dirty thought is not as bad as taking advantage of people's good will. Stuff like that, really.

on Mar 14, 2008


Well, then go ahead and make a difference.

Start with treating people better, especially those you wronged (and that includes people who read your blog whom you lied to).


Or don't you get that?

And that's the main "difference" I notice. You are now directly attacking people, doubting their faith, making sarcasting remarks about their spirituality.

Well, I happen to disagree with KFC about a lot of things, but she seems to be a better Christian than you are. Tova7, I have known her here on JU for a few years, is certainly a good representative of genuine Christianity.

Well, I hope that you meet more Christians like KFC, Tova, and SanChonino. Maybe that will finally convince you to do the right thing. You should also listen to KFC and participate in a local church more; invite people to your house, become a NORMAL family and use all the services the church offers to familes.

Instead you seem adamant about making more enemies at JU. What's the point? A blog community is not that important and although friendships made here can last for good, you are currently not making any.

Oh, and why shouldn't one pronounce your sin as greater than ones' own? You seem to be using the principle that one shouldn't judge others as an excuse not to show remorse, even attack those you wronged. That's certainly not the idea behind it.



on Mar 14, 2008

Gid, this is where I am going to disagree with you. I highly doubt that TW's parents have been able to put that house back in livable condition as of yet. Unless I am wrong here, you COULD have used that $500 or next time you have some funds and load up your kids that are big enough to actually work and take them down there and CLEAN on a weekend. If the place is clean I'm sure it could use some paint, or something else. Not ONLY would this initiate fixing your wrongs but would also begin to restore 'good faith.'

I find it VERY hard to believe that there is NOTHING you can do to fix this or to restore good faith. You are very right you owe me nothing but you DO OWE it to your family name to make things write.

You mentioned that you have been extremely selfish lately (on a LW's post) and that you are wanting to change. Only an act of unselfishness can actually begin the process of becoming less selfish.

Just some advise, do with it as you wish.
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