Exactly Who is Going to Feel Uncomfortable Here?
Published on December 19, 2007 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events
I'm shaking my head over this one. Where are we heading anyhow? How slippery is this slope? How much sense does this make? Everything nowadays seems to fall under discrimination doesn't it? Isn't this just another "all about me" moment?

Another news story from Focus and I'm looking at the operative words here......"she" and "men's locker rooms."

A student is accusing Massachusetts' Northern Essex Community College of discrimination for not allowing her to use the men’s locker room.

Elizabeth Santiago, who is biologically female but calls herself “Ethan” and presents herself as a male, said she would feel uncomfortable using the women’s locker room.

The college said Elizabeth could be in danger of being sexually assaulted in the men’s locker room. The student filed a complaint against the school, the Eagle-Tribune of North Andover, Mass., reported.

“This tiny minority of students — less than a fraction of 1 percent of the population — is asking the rest of society to not only affirm them in their gender confusion and pain, but to radically reorder the ways in which the culture makes reasonable and rational accommodation for the two genders,” said Caleb H. Price, social research analyst for Focus on the Family.

Officials at Southern Utah University are facing a similar situation. Kourt Osborn, who was born a female but self-identifies as a male, is accusing the school of sexual discrimination for not allowing her to live in a male dormitory.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 19, 2007

The rest of the students should bring charges of Sexual Harrassment against Elizabeth.  Isn't that exactly what would be the charge if a man went into the women's locker room (or woman was found in a man's locker room)?


Why should her choices in life make her any different than anyone else?

on Dec 20, 2007
(or woman was found in a man's locker room)?


Isn't that exactly what would be the charge if a man went into the women's locker room


on Dec 20, 2007

Why should her choices in life make her any different than anyone else?

That is the nut of the debate with both the transgender and gay community.  It is no longer an issue of "equal", but more than equal.  They learned well from the feet of the likes of Sharpton and Jackson.

on Dec 20, 2007
if you have the equiptment, use the boy's room

if you dont', you don't get to.

I don't care what your name is, what you wear or how you act. This is a biological difference, not a social one.
on Dec 20, 2007
i say let her use it. if she gets raped too bad. it was after all her choice right.

just like anyone who gets drink or gets high and then drives and kills someone. this should be murder 1
on Dec 20, 2007
if she gets raped too bad.

I'm surprised that you all have such low opinions of humanity, that she'd automatically get raped by the guys in the locker room.
on Dec 20, 2007
that she'd automatically get raped by the guys in the locker room.

this is the reason that the school is saying no.
on Dec 20, 2007
kind of doubtful that any guy would touch her.
on Dec 20, 2007
Why should her choices in life make her any different than anyone else?

Okay, here's a thought. I'm not saying I've decided what side of the issue I'm on, I'm just thinking.

What were to happen if there were, let's say, hypothetically, a college with dorms divided on religious lines. There's a Christian dorm, a Muslim dorm, a Jewish dorm, and an "everyone else" dorm.

Let's say there's a young person (gender is, in this instance, irrelevant) who was born Jewish. Nice Jewish last name like Steinberg or something.

Let's say this person, while being born Jewish, now identifies themselves as Christian, and wants to live in the Christian dorms - but due to their parentage as a Steinberg or something is denied, and is told to live in the Jewish building, because that's just the way it's supposed to be.

I bet all of you would be the on the front lines defending this person's right to live in the Christian dorms, rather than the Jewish based on their biological makeup.

Just a thought . . . what's the difference?
on Dec 20, 2007
Let's say this person, while being born Jewish, now identifies themselves as Christian, and wants to live in the Christian dorms - but due to their parentage as a Steinberg or something is denied, and is told to live in the Jewish building, because that's just the way it's supposed to be.

I bet all of you would be the on the front lines defending this person's right to live in the Christian dorms, rather than the Jewish based on their biological makeup.

the difference is that the school is concerned that she might get raped. if she does get raped she will sue the school because of it.

a jew who is now a christian isn't going to be beaten by the christians in the dorm. but he might be beaten for living with the jews.
on Dec 20, 2007
What were to happen if there were, let's say, hypothetically, a college with dorms divided on religious lines. There's a Christian dorm, a Muslim dorm, a Jewish dorm, and an "everyone else" dorm.

Funny, I didn't realize there were such substantial biological differences between Jews and Christians. Thanks for enlightening me, SC.
on Dec 20, 2007
Funny, I didn't realize there were such substantial biological differences between Jews and Christians. Thanks for enlightening me, SC.

I'm being facetious. There's plenty of people who actually believe there is a biological difference, though . . .
on Dec 20, 2007
There's plenty of people who actually believe there is a biological difference, though . . .

Yes, and we have names for those people.

I realize and concede your argument, to a point. While I shake my head at the whole "Gender identity disorder" thing, I have to realize that the world is made up of kooks who actually think there is such a thing, and that someone enabled in their mental illness would be as uncomfortable in a ladies' restroom or dorm as would I. But opening the doors to the men's room isn't a solution, otherwise, men could equally press for the rights, and you could very realistically have a situation where a sexual predator has access to normally private restroom facilities of the other gender.

Not a good thing. Not at ALL.

If the college wants to offer a certain number of unisex bathrooms on the campus, that is their call. But men's locker rooms and dorms should be offlimits to women and vice versa.
on Dec 20, 2007
Speaking from a female perspective....I just have to ask.......why in the world would she want to use a man's bathroom? Living with all guys I do know that my bathroom is ALOT cleaner than the boys bathroom. So I don't get it.

To me it's like the choice between using a gas station bathroom or beauty parlor bathroom. No question in my mind which I'd use. Besides....every stall has doors so why would it make such a big diff for this student to use the ladies bathroom anyhow?

It seems tho everybody is just looking for something to complain about nowadays. Doesn't it? Are we all turning into a big batch of complainers?
on Dec 20, 2007
Are we all turning into a big batch of complainers?

Yup....if everything's got to be "fair", someone's always getting the short end somewhere!
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