The Bible is one of the most widely owned books, a best seller of all times, but, sad to say, one of the least read. Many people simply do not understand what the Scripture is. Many have never learned that it is God's revelation of himself to humanity and describes who He is and how we can have a relationship with Him.
Another reason it's not read or mainly overlooked is that it's wrongly assumed that it lacks authenticity. In many opinions, the Bible, both the OT and the NT are nothing but exaggerated myths and stories written by men and at best only partially true. Many that believe this to be true have never really cracked it open to read it for themselves. They believe it because it's easier that way. It's much easier to believe that than to search it out for themselves. It takes time. They in no way believe this could be genuinely true or believe it to be a divinely inspired book because they have not been personally acquainted with the Author. Once you meet him, the book suddenly takes on a whole new significance.
The bible is a remarkable collection of 66 books united by a common theme of God's redeeming love for humanity. Just the fact that these books were collected, agreed upon and accepted as the Word of God is itself a miracle of God's providence. Some believe it was only a church council that met behind closed doors accepting some and rejecting others that made this decision on what we are holding today. Some believe that these books just happened to be collected with no special criteria. Some others still think the decision was made as a result of some sinister plot of censorship by the big whigs in the CC.
But let's look at the truth. When God authorized the writing of these books the people recognized it as such and preserved it. For example in the OT Moses wrote "all the words of the Lord." (Ex 24:4) and these writings were laid in the ark of the covenant (Deut 31:26). The writings of Joshua (Josh 24:26) and Samuel whose words were put "in a book, and laid....before the Lord" (1 Sam 10:25). The same is said for Jeremiah and Daniel (Dan 9:2).
As the number of books increased the subsequent generations honored them as the Word of God. Ezra possessed a copy of the law of Moses and the prophets (Neh 9:14, 26-30) and was responsible for gathering together the OT canon. Not all Jewish literature was considered inspired. For example the book of Jashar existed (Josh 10:13), the Book of the Wars of the Lord (Num 21:14 and others (1 Kings 11:41).
As the canon grew, it was often described as "Moses and the prophets." Later it was the "Law, Prophets and the Writings." Jesus himself mentioned this threefold division when he spoke of the OT (Luke 24:44). I think he mentioned just about every OT writer in the gospels.
To be fair some have questioned some of the OT books at one time or another. Some thought Song of Solomon was too graphic in a sexual way. Esther not once mentions God so some thought it wasn't inspired. Some scholars thought Ezekiel was anti-Mosaic. But most Jewish scholars did not question these books and were regarded as canonical soon after they were written. We can see now they are in complete harmony with the other books of the OT and fit quite nicely with the OT as well. It was the provential hand of God who kept these books together.
So the canon of the OT was closed in about 400 BC. Some call this time the 400 silent years. The silence ended with the birth of the Savior.
So we know that the OT is based on the Hebrew OT canon that was accepted by the Jews. This is the same canon that Christ gave credibility to by his frequent references to as the Word of God.
Therefore these OT books were selected by the Jews without the benefit of a council to debate each books. While there were some disagreements at times the decision was never in the hands of any select committee. In AD 90 in Jamnia a council met and the canon of the OT was on its agenda. This council basically only ratified the books that the Jews had accepted 500 years earlier. These books had already proven themselves as authentic.
I believe God himself is the true author of both the OT and the NT. He carefully chose human authors to write down his message for us. He used diff men from all backgrounds, experiences and personalities. He spoke his words to them and thru them to us via the Holy Spirit. He used their individuality to express his message to us and he left nothing out. There is nothing missing from the word of God.
When I meet people that scoff or tell me they've not read it I challenge them to give it one year of their life. What's one year? Take one year, read it daily, inspect it, meditate on it, ask God (if he's really there) to reveal himself. Most of us will live until we're 70 or so. If we find it's not what it's claimed to be, then you can with great assurance say with certainly it's not inspired. Otherwise, you're only voicing an opinion on a book you've not researched for yourself. It's a win-win. If the truths in there are not truths at all, then you have lost nothing. If the truths in there are indeed life giving truths, and you recognize it as so, you have gained eternity with God. So what's a year in comparison to all eternity? Isn't it worth it to at least check it out?
I wanted to go into the NT canon but maybe next time.
"The Bible is worth all the other books which have ever been printed." Patrick Henry
"I gleaned more practical psychology and psychiatry from the bible than all other books." George W. Crane
"I thoroughly believe in a unviersity education for both ment and women; but I believe a knowledge of the Bible without a college course is more valuable than a college course without the Bible." William Lyons Phelps