Can We Be Sure?
Published on February 2, 2006 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Religion
Is there a God? How can we be sure?

I believe this can be intelligently answered. The reason we believe He exists is He told us so and revealed Himself to us.

God is not silent. He has revealed to us who he is, what he's like and what His plans are for Planet Earth. He has revealed these things thru the bible. This is not just a mere book but the very Word of God. The evidence is more than convincing to any that will honesty investigate its claims.

Over the centuries many have tried to destroy this book to no avail. Martin Luther said in the 16th Century,

"Mighty potentates have raged against this book and sought to destroy and uproot it-Alexander the Great and princes of Egypt and Babylon the monarches of Persia, of Greece and of Rome, the Emperors Julius and Augustus-but they prevailed nothing. They are gone while the book remains and it will remain forever and ever, perfect and entire, as it was declared at first. Who has thus helped it-who has protected it against such mighty forces? No one, surely, but God Himself, who is master of all things." 1

The French skeptic Rousseau saw something different in the scriptures.

"I must confess to you that the majesty of the scriptures astonishes me; the holiness of the evangelist speaks to my heart and has such striking characters of truth and is moreover so perfectly imimitable that if it had been the invention of men, the inventiors would be greater than the greatest heroes." 2

Another reason we know that God exists is that He appeared in human flesh. Jesus was God who became a man. "The Word became flesh and lived among us." John 1:14. He also made it clear that He had come to reveal God to all that would listen, and He would show us the way .

If one wanted to know what God was like all he would have to do is look at Jesus. Lord Byron said,

"If ever man was God or God was man, Jesus Christ was both." 3

His coming back from the dead established Himself as having the credentials to be God, and it was this fact that demonstrated truth to the unbelieving world.

So we have the Bible and the person of Jesus Christ as two strong reasons for the existence of God. No other religion or philosophy gives us near the comfort in knowing that there is a loving God who cares and is involved in our everyday life.

1-Fritz Ridenour, Who says G.L. Publications, Regal Books, 1967
2-Encylocopedia of Religious Quotations, Frank Mead, p32
3-Encylocopedia of Religious Quotations, Frank Mead, p81

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 02, 2006

Does God exist?

Yes.  But not in the way you might think.  There are many, many faces to God (or at least the deity I know, anyway).  Everyone has to choose their own path.

Personally, I feel more affinity with Gnosticism, Buddhism and Taoism than I do with Christianity.  But, that's just me.

on Feb 02, 2006
hmmmm I know some about Buddhism but was wondering....what is your definition of Gnosticism? Doesn't it have something to do with Knowledge?
on Feb 02, 2006
I believe that 'proof' that God exists would nullify the need for faith.

And, as I believe faith is central to my worship of God, there can be no solid 'proof', other than that which I have experienced in my studies and my own life. That is sufficient for me.
on Feb 02, 2006

There are many, many faces to God

Theodore Sturgeon - The Nine Billion Names of God!

But to the point, the greatest destructors of faith are not the ones that try to destroy it, it is those who do evil in the name of it.

on Feb 02, 2006
Well from a Christian perspective the definition of FAITH is "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

We may not "see" God in the physical but we believe the evidence is there. We "see" him in the spiritual.

Another way to look at it is to use as an acronym....F-A-I-T-H. Forsaking All I Trust Him.

While I do know many follow God blindly I don't see where he asks us to blindly follow him. I believe our Faith is built on evidence. For some like skeptics like me.....I like evidence. But at this point in my life do I still call on God to show me this? No. Not anymore.
on Feb 02, 2006
Another way to look at it is to use as an acronym....F-A-I-T-H. Forsaking All I Trust Him.

Hey... I've seen that before.

Nichole Nordeman says it better than I ever could...

Fool For You

There are times when faith and common sense do not align
When hard-core evidence of You is hard to find
And I am silenced in the face of argumentative debate
And it's a long hill; it's a lonely climb'

Cause they want proof
They want proof of all these mysteries I claim'
Cause only fools would want to chant a dead man's name
Maybe it's true

But I would be a fool for You
All because You asked me to
A simpleton who's seemingly naive
I do believe You came and made
Yourself a fool for me

I admit that in my darkest hours I've asked, "What if?"
What if we created some kind of man-made faith like this?
Out of good intention or emotional invention
And after life is through, there will be no You

'Cause they want proof of all these miracles I claim
'Cause only fools believe that men can walk on waves
Maybe it's true

Unaware of popularity
Unconcerned with dignity
You made me free
That's proof enough for me

I would be a fool for You
Only if You asked me to
A simpleton who's only thinking of the cause of love

I will speak Jesus' name
And if that makes me crazy, they can call me crazed
I'm happy to be seemingly naive
I do believe You came and made Yourself a fool for me

Luke 16:19-31 (New International Version)New International Version (NIV)Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society The Rich Man and Lazarus 19"There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. 20At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21and longing to eat what fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. 22"The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23In hell,[a] where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24So he called to him, 'Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.' 25"But Abraham replied, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.' 27"He answered, 'Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father's house, 28for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.' 29"Abraham replied, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.' 30" 'No, father Abraham,' he said, 'but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.' 31"He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.' "Footnotes:Luke 16:23 Greek: Hades

I can be sure God exists, because I see His hand at work in my life. He's proven His Word to be true in my life. From personal experience, I can say -- without a doubt -- that He is real and involved in my life. I don't need "evidence," although I believe it is all around me. Scientific studies and archaelogical digs don't do much for me. What's real to me is that I can see Him at work in me and in my circumstances every day. I can sense His strength when I am weak... I can feel His peace when I need it most... I watch Him provide for me in miraculous ways. I seek His guidance and receive it -- through His Word, through other Christians, through circumstances. That's all the proof I need. Yes. I'm sure.

on Feb 02, 2006
You've given no proof at all. Better stick with taking things on faith and stay out of the proof business.

And to answer your title question, "No."
on Feb 02, 2006
Gnosticism is a historical term for various mystical initiatory religions, sects and knowledge schools which were most active in the first few centuries C.E. around the Mediterranean and extending into central Asia. These systems typically recommend the pursuit of special knowledge (gnosis) as the central goal of life.

Source: Wikipedia Link

Have you heard of or read the Gnostic Gospels, buried for centuries and found at Nag Hammadi? There are over a hundred Gospels that contradict the four accepted or Orthodox Gospels. Some of the Gnostic Gospels purport to have been written by James, brother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Mary's gospel states quite authoritively that Jesus appeared to her as a ghost. Jesus was not believed to have "risen" for 200 years after his death. See Link

The Gnostic Gospels were disputed and "destroyed" by the church for threatening the church's authority. Buried in the desert by a adherent, they survived hidden for centuries. Early Christianity was practiced quite differently than modern Christianity. For one thing, women had equal stature in the early church, their was no Papal authority, people were free to seek after truth in their own fashion. After the Emperor Constantine a lifelong pagan, made Christianity the official religion of Rome, beliefs from other religions were integrated to form the basis for modern Christianity.

Martin Luther was referring to the Old Testament or Torah in the cited quote, I believe. He found Judaism quite appealing....until the Jews of Germany refused to convert. Then he became anti-Semitic.

If you feel the Hand of God on you in your everyday life, consider yourself blessed. But the existence of God or the primacy of a single vision of God can't be proved. Hence the term "Faith."


on Feb 02, 2006
There are many, many faces to God (or at least the deity I know, anyway). Everyone has to choose their own path.

Absolutely. That's the way it is,
on Feb 02, 2006
If you feel the Hand of God on you in your everyday life, consider yourself blessed. But the existence of God or the primacy of a single vision of God can't be proved. Hence the term "Faith."

Well said Larry.

believe that 'proof' that God exists would nullify the need for faith.

I agree BlueDev.
on Feb 03, 2006
'I believe our Faith is built on evidence.'
Wrong, KFC! As BlueDev puts it, ' I believe that 'proof' that God exists would nullify the need for faith.' Faith is belief specifically in the ABSENCE of evidence.

Now, to answer your initial questions: 'Does God Exist? Can We Be Sure?'
If God exists - yes, and yes, but only after we die.
If God doesn't exist - no, and no.
on Feb 03, 2006
Now, to answer your initial questions: 'Does God Exist? Can We Be Sure?'
If God exists - yes, and yes, but only after we die.
If God doesn't exist - no, and no

I think we can be sure. It's no longer "faith" for me. I know that God exists. Some people might interpret that as arrogance, but it's my own truth. God definitely exists. Must be a sixth-sense, or something of the like.
on Feb 03, 2006
I know that God exists.

You can know it for yourself but you can't prove it to others. If you could, you would most certainly change the world as we know it!
on Feb 03, 2006
Yes, I agree. It can only be proved for oneself, when we're ready.

We are spiritual beings, and "God is Spirit", (a Biblical teaching - John 4.24, Geneses 1.27), which means that it's all a question of Spirit. This in turn means that by definition, it's all 'subjective stuff'.
on Feb 03, 2006
You can know it for yourself but you can't prove it to others. If you could, you would most certainly change the world as we know it!

Amen! Knowledge of God comes from God alone. We can talk about Him, discuss theology and even have wars and blame them on Him, but in the end, my knowledge of His existance doesn't go very far in proving it to someone else.

Those of us who are raised by parents who teach us about God can only go so far on the teachings of our parents. Whether a person is raised with a particular belief or not, there comes a time in everyone's life that they have to decide for themselves. That is when true faith comes in.
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