Things I Like
Published on January 28, 2006 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Blogging
It's been about two full months of blogging for me. I never really wanted to, felt I really didn't have the time. But then one day after months of trying to talk me into it, my youngest son also a JU blogger set me up (so to speak).

"There" he said, "you're all set to go away."

I have to say it's been interesting. For the most part I enjoy meeting and talking with others and seeing the other viewpoints on any given topic. I've always liked to find out how people tick. Why they believe what they believe and why they do what they do.

Basically I find most are pretty respectful and even helpful. And just like the real world I guess I found out that there can be personality clashes even on a non visual contact venue such as JU.

What I find disturbing is those that threaten and are very rude and condemning because they don't like what you have to say. I'm glad to find tho that seems to be a small part of the JU community. I've decided just to stay away from such bloggers.

I am a Christian and I know that rubs people the wrong way. I've even been called arrogant and presumtous right here on JU. Why? Because I dared show confidence in what I believe. I actually have many friends of all persuasions, and at one point even brought a Muslim to a Baptist church with me. It didn't go over too well.

We've taken kids from all over the world into our home. We live in a community that takes in HS dorm students. I've had kids from Bulgaria, Germany, Africa, Serbia, and elswhere and still have communication with some these many years later. They were Eastern Orthodox, Baptist, Atheist, and Muslim and all have been and felt welcome in our home.

I'm not a denominationalist or what most may think a "religious" person is. As a truth seeker I won't stop until I reach my final destination. I call myself a WIP (work in progress) as I continue to grow and learn. I don't get swayed easily and tend to be a very skeptical person. I weigh everything very carefully before taking on any type of belief.

I love God with my whole heart, mind and soul and have found that Christ was right when he said..." I've come that you may have life and life more abundantly." He has given my family that abundant life and it is most rewarding to see others find this as well. Like I've said many times before.....I'm just a begger who found the bread ,and I want to show the others where the bread is., knowing full well there are many out there that are just not that hungry. I know too well that God cannot be a reality for anyone until the necessity makes it so.

Beside my love for God and family, I love to run. I'm a High School X-Country running coach and on good weeks run 30 miles a week. Actually the whole family runs in some capacity even got one running at the Division 1 Level and doing well.

When I'm not at the office and not running, I'm either teaching bible studies or studying for them. I'd love to share some of my studies here on JU and hope others will find it as interesting as I do. I love to do research and am open to show others how the scriptures fit together. I don't even mind a good debate as long as it doesn't get rude or condemning.

Gotta run.....literally.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Feb 09, 2006
Ya, doc....ditto
on Feb 10, 2006
dharmagrl says:
"Personally, I find your constant proselytizing tiresome and I simply don't have the patience to talk to you when you're in 'super christian, converter of all heathens' mode because I get aggrivated and then anger comes a knockin' and I end up feeling frustrated and drained for no good reason."

Yet she continues to talk.... subjecting herself to KFC's "proselytizing"

KarmaGirl says: "I'm not debating with an anonymous troll."

Yet she continues to debate the 'anonymous troll'... (even though her explanations make no rational sense what-so-ever)

MY CONCLUSION: dharmagrl and KarmaGirl are actually enjoying the conversation... why else would they keep coming back for more "proselyting"?
on Feb 10, 2006

Dear "what I find so funny...",

Yes, you are an anonymous troll.  Why don't you register if you want to "add" anything to the conversation?  You do realize that we record IPs even on "anonymous" users, right?  Just because you don't use a static IP doesn't mean that it's not apparent who you are.

on Feb 10, 2006

But if I understand Buddhism correctly you believe to reach nirvana you have to escape samsara. Samsara is the cycle of rebirths that is known more commonly in the West as reincarnation. Freedom from samsara leads to virvana.

You are thinking of "rebirth" in the wrong sense.  First, you have to think only of life on Earth in the here and now.  Buddhist go through life cycles on Earth.  It's part of enlightenment.  "Nirvana" is simply a different term for "enlightenment".  you can't think in "Christian" terms when thinking of Buddhism.  Christianity is based on what happens after death.  Buddhism is based on what happens during life.  Enlightenment is when you are able to escape personal pain, ignorance and greed (at it's simplest form).

on Feb 10, 2006
Samsara is the cycle of rebirths that is known more commonly in the West as reincarnation.

Samsara is suffering, and you have the wrong idea (again) about reincarnation. Nirvana is, as Karma explained, enlightenment. Everyone has the ability to become enlightened. I'll give you an example of a step towards nirvana: this debate is causing me samsara (sufferning). If I walk away from it, my suffering ceases. I figure out that walking away from it ends the suffering, and I don't argue here anymore. That's a step towards enlightenment, and is in itself an enlightenment. I've figured out what causes the samsara I feel here, and I've removed myself from it - thereby ending the samsara.

Like I said, I'm not asked to put faith in anything I cannot try and find for my own self to be true.
on Feb 10, 2006

I'll give you an example of a step towards nirvana: this debate is causing me samsara (sufferning). If I walk away from it, my suffering ceases. I figure out that walking away from it ends the suffering, and I don't argue here anymore. That's a step towards enlightenment, and is in itself an enlightenment.

That's a very good, real life, example.

Namaste, Dharma.

on Feb 11, 2006
Yes this is as I said earlier is different than that of the Christian experience. We look at suffering as not something to get away from but part of our refining experience and draws us closer to him. As Christ suffered so shall we. Nobody enjoys suffering but it's lessened by realizing that God is doing a work in us. He never leaves us alone in our suffering.

My example would be a silversmith refining silver. A silversmith takes the silver and puts it under high hot heat. But he doesn't take his eyes off it. At the right time he takes it out when he deems it's ready. When asked how he would know when it's ready one silversmith replied....."Oh that's easy.....when I see my reflection in it."

That's how it's supposed to be with Christians as well. God is putting his reflection in us. We are all walking at different paces. All on the same path but at various distances so to speak. As we get closer to him his reflection is that much clearer in us and can be seen by others.

Suffering actually brings about good results in the Christians' life. One is patience. We learn to endure. We learn to wait thru it. Peter said.

"Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him be not ashamed but let him glorify God on his behalf. "

While I don't enjoy the thought of trial or suffering, I do know that God like the silversmith has his eyes on me and it's all for a purpose. It's all part of the refining process and many times it's useful later to help others going through their trials and tribulations as well.


What's a IP?
on Feb 11, 2006
well then karmagirl... tell me what my IP address is then.... and furthermore, tell me who i am? ha...
who's to say that i don't have a registered name? but then again, who's to say that i don't? i prefer the hit and run approach to commenting...

and dharmagrl... according to your example, you must not be very enlightened then, because you keep coming back to this debate... just a thought...
on Feb 11, 2006
Namaste, Dharma.

Namaste, Karma.

you must not be very enlightened then,

I never said that I was, now did I?
on Feb 12, 2006
Thanks LW for stopping by and......lilacs?

I'm really not trying to convert or convince so much as trying to explain. I keep saying I can't convince or convert. It's not my job.

While I do use scripture when I feel it's appropriate I certainly do not do so if I feel it's not wanted.

So if you're the bad girl of JU.....what does that make me? Forget it.....I've already been told..............

on Feb 13, 2006
well then karmagirl... tell me what my IP address is then.... and furthermore, tell me who i am? ha...
who's to say that i don't have a registered name? but then again, who's to say that i don't? i prefer the hit and run approach to commenting...

Naaaaw, your to much of a coward to come at anyone head-on.
on Feb 14, 2006

well then karmagirl... tell me what my IP address is then.... and furthermore, tell me who i am? ha...
who's to say that i don't have a registered name? but then again, who's to say that i don't?

I know that you are not registered here.  I'm not stating your IP, because I don't want to be responsible for the hackers.  How is New Orleans this time of year?  How do I know who you are?  It's transparent.  You showed up to stick up for your Mom.  Your Mom has revealed in other threads that she has a son in New Orleans...your IPs track there, you both were Mormons and the only threads you pop up on are ones defending her.  Doesn't take much to put it together.  Of course, your writing gave it away before any facts were even gathered.....

on Feb 14, 2006

My Son was never a Mormon. I was a Mormn before I was married and it was only for a year. So technically while we studied with this group for a year we never really were that ingrained in that religion.

on Feb 15, 2006

So technically while we studied with this group for a year we never really were that ingrained in that religion.

He didn't say he was a mormon- it was just a stretch because he knew so much about it.  People tend to only defend things anonymously when they have an agenda.

BTW, you never mentioned any of your children's religions before (other than "Christian").  Why did you decide to now?  Was it the only part that you could correct?

It's obvious who he is, and I wouldn't doubt if some of the other "anonymous" users that stick up for you aren't one or both of your other two sons.  Anonymous posting really isn't that anonymous.

on Feb 15, 2006
Anonymous posting really isn't that anonymous.

To us it is. To you it's not. You "do" have a little advantage over us peons.
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