So it's the day before Christmas and the boys are all home. So I'm sitting here thinking about the games we'll play tomorrow. It's quite common on Christmas for us to open up a few games to play. My favorites are scrabble and cribbage. But now that I have a son that likes to use scientific words I've never heard of I'm not so sure about the scrabble idea. I may have to table scrabble until he leaves since he's the first to go back to college.
Basically I play different games with the different boys. Brian is so into Chess. I've never been able to beat him, but I think I can say I've given him the best game at least here in this family. I remember when he was little......if he got even the smallest idea he was starting to lose it....he would lose it.....throwing the board up in the air in a fit. He doesn't do that anymore.....thankfully.
David is my scrabble buddy. We're pretty evenly matched there. And Bobby is my cribbage partner. It's funny I never play cribbage with the other two.
But it really gets heated when we all play hearts. And brutal. There is no mercy. Funny how nasty a game with the name of "hearts" can be....LOL.....with four must be a testosterone thing!!!
This year I got all of us one of those fancy big wood sets that have all these games in there. It's like a coffee table item. Nice looking. It has scrabble, chess, checkers, cribbage among others I think.
So what games do you like to play? Or is it about football and videos? We do that too!!
But's all about being close to family and enjoying the day of Christ's Birth and enjoying the family he's given us. We may bicker and argue over the stupidest word or chess move but it's what draws us closer together and we always look forword to it.
The family that plays together stays together.