Is It or Isn't It?
Published on December 17, 2005 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Religion
Congress Says Christmas Should be Respected

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution
Thursday aimed at protecting the symbols and traditions of

Introduced by Rep. Jo Ann Davis, R-Va., H. Res. 579 is
non-binding and does not carry the force of the law. It
does express the attitude of the House that Christmas
should not be excised from the public square.

Davis pointed out that, despite the fact that 96 percent
of Americans celebrate Christmas, the attack on Christmas
is being led by Madison Avenue, Wall Street, lawyers,
politicians, educators and the media.

"The push toward a neutered 'holiday' season is twisting
America's favorite holiday beyond recognition," she said.
"Yes, Virginia, there is an attack on Christmas."

Ironically, she said, many retailers that flood the mail
with catalogs and advertisements urging us to purchase
gifts for Christmas have done away with using the words
"Merry Christmas."


on Dec 18, 2005
22 voted against it.  And who was one of them?  Bobby Scott!  What an idiot!  His constituency supports it, yet he cant seem to get it through his miniscule head that they are Christian.  He really is a nut case!
on Dec 18, 2005
Well he's got lots of company. Just like a big bag of mixed nuts....all sorts of shapes and sizes but still nuts just the same!!