One Of Hope
Published on August 2, 2010 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Life Journals

A few months ago I wrote about a couple who were riding on a motorcycle and had a very bad crash.  

Go here:

They were hit from behind and it looked like both were not going to make it.  They were not wearing helmets.   At home were two teenagers who were distraught at possibly losing both parents. 

Well here's the rest of the story. 

As I wrote earlier, she was pronounced brain dead a few days after the accident and after much discussion the plug was disconnected and she passed.  While his wife was being buried he was still fighting for his life not having any idea that his wife was dead.  Nobody thought he'd make it or if he did, at best, he would be in a vegetated state. 

Now, months later, Jeff walked into my husband's office leaning on a cane but very cognitive and certainly far from a vegetative state.  My husband said he held the whole office spellbound with his story.  Not a word was said as Jeff explained what happened. 

He died four times during the first few days.  The last time he died the doctors worked on him but after a time decided to let him go.  They went away to get the paperwork ready for his death. 

In the meantime, Jeff distinctly heard a voice, clear as a bell.  This voice which he absolutely attributes to God said "Son, it is not your time yet. Wake up."   He then woke up.  Just like that.  Eyes wide open.  He said the doctors came in and were absolutely shocked.  He was dead just a minute before and now he was wide awake. 

When he looked around he saw his whole body was covered up in casts and bandages.  He had broken half his face from his chin to the top of his head on one side. Split it wide open.  So his head was all wrapped up.  His whole left arm was completely wrapped up.  He had holes and bandages everywhere except for one place. 

On his right arm he had a tattoo.  It was a cross with thorns and flowers with the words "not perfect but forgiven."  Over that was the scripture verse 2 Thess 2:13-17 which is about salvation.  That part of his arm was untouched with no injury and with no cuts.  Not even a puncture wound like he had everywhere else.  It was the arm facing the door so anyone coming in or looking in from the doorway would have seen this tattoo. 

My husband came home with wonder and amazement on his face after after seeing this man.  He is still all banged up but very cognitive and talkative.  Nothing can explain this but a miracle.   Nobody would have ever thought he would have walked around like this just a few months later.  He said he's in alot of pain still and with tears in his eyes said he was glad his wife didn't go thru all that he's going thru now.  He still has a long way to go. 

Like I've been saying forever it seems, God is here.  He's alive and very interested in each one of our lives.  Jeff is a walking talking example of this.  I think as we grow closer and closer to end times, God will reveal himself even more because it's not His will that any should perish.  How many people will come to Christ as a result of Jeff's story?  I'm sure we won't quite know this side of eternity but I can't wait to find out. 






on Aug 03, 2010

well from my POV it's very believable but for most it's not.  Although I have to clarify.  While I believe God is real and alive  I would have doubted this myself thinking the scripture is clear that one can't go to heaven and then come back to tell about it.  But he didn't see anything.  He only heard a very clear, distinct voice. 

But have to say this is the first person we've ever known to have such a tale to tell. 


on Aug 03, 2010

well from my POV it's very believable but for most it's not.

I am glad you added that.