Who will be empowered by the Dragon
Published on October 15, 2009 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Religion

For centuries many have speculated over who the antichrist would be.  Many pointed to the tryants of yesteryear as the man of perdition but they would come and go and we'd go on to the next bad guy who surely must be the man of the hour.  Many movies in recent years have been attributed to him and many speculate on the when and who still today.  Many, as I do, believe he's among us today.  He wouldn't even know he's the man appointed for this task yet.

So who is he?  What does the bible have to say about this man?  Many know that the last book of the bible, the book of Revelation reveals quite a bit about this antichristos where we get our English translation "antichrist." 

The word antichrist appears only four times in scripture and only from the Apostle John although there are other passages implicitly describing this man of sin as well.  When John spoke of this antichrist he was describing a time when Israel and the Jews would be at the center of the antichrist's persecution and the Christians would be expected to intervene being faithful, bold and courageous during a time unlike any we have ever seen before. 

The thirteenth chapter of Revelation reveals what will happen in the final stages of the "latter days" that the bible so frequently mentions.  This is written for us to understand and to be prepared.  It's not a pleasant chapter to read but critical that we understand it.  This is a doom and gloom chapter of the whole bible where a couple of really bad individuals empowered by Satan himself will be leading the whole world. 

Many are fearful to read such things but we must remember it's written to help us; to give us full disclosure so that we're not caught off guard and that we remain faithful.  There's nothing in this chapter that gives us hope, joy or anything to encourage us.  The time period we're talking about is three and a half years.  This will be a long period of time for many trying to escape the clutches of two very wicked men. 

John saw two beasts.  One is coming up from the sea and the other coming out of the land.  This means that the first beast will be a Gentile (sea=world) and the second beast will be a Jew (land=Israel).  The first beast will be the antichrist.  The second beast will be his false prophet doing some mighty miracles called lying wonders by the prophets of God.  So we're looking for a Gentile and a Jew working together.  World peace and one world government will be their goal.  Their message will be one of unity.  But it's deception at its finest. 

The first beast, coming from the sea had seven heads or seven Kingdoms.  Later in Chapter 17 we see more about these heads.  I believe these heads after studying these passages along with the book of Daniel are seven kingdoms.  These kingdoms all have one thing in common.  They all severely oppressed Israel thru the centuries.  They are Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Greece, Persia, Rome and Germany.  They are all Gentile Nations. 

The seven heads have 10 horns.  Horns are known to be used of animals for fighting, showing power and strength.  It could be the nations mentioned above have 10 kings representing them while they oppressed the Jews.   This beast John saw in his vision was like a leopard and his feet were like that of a bear and his mouth like a lion.  The leopard depiction speaks of his rapid speed as to how he moves, the lion analogy speaks to his feroucious behavior and loud roaring giving us a picture of his vivid personality. 

One of the heads will suffer a fatal head wound.  He will be wounded to death but then will be healed.  So the speculation goes on that it's either a Kingdom or a King.  The personal description seems to indicate a King will be declared dead.  Interestingly I just read an article in the paper about Hitler.  They really have no idea if he really did die when they thought he did.  The skull they have has been listed as a hoax.    Whoever this ruler is, there will be widespread speculation.  He will be well known, widely recognized and,  scripture says, the world will wonder over the beast who was raised from death to life when his deadly wound is healed. 

In verse 4 it says the world will worship the dragon (Satan).  This is not hard to understand at all.  Can you understand just how rapidly America has turned away from the God of the Bible and towards a one world government?   This antichirst will be blaspheming the God of the universe.  His speech will be laced with mockery and ridicule.  It says he will speak great things and power will be given him to do such things for 42 months (3 1/2 years).   This also is not hard to see.  Just look at the media and the world of entertainment.  Sin is mocked and accountability is a thing of the past.  Look at David Letterman's exposure of his infidelity and how his audience laughed and his guests patted him on the back or Polanski who brutally raped a young girl and the call for his release.   It's going to get much worse. 

The second beast, a Jew,  will be the false prophet to the Antichrist and will be doing the miracles as if he were Elijah.  Many will believe this is the projected Elijah they have been waiting for.  The Jews will be on board and they will listen and follow this second beast.   His job is to authenticate the antichrist's message.  The signs and wonders he will be able to do will make many believers and they will have no reservations taking the mark of the beast.  This mark will enable us to buy and sell.  Without it we will not be able to do business of any kind. 

At the end of the chapter we see the infamous 666.  What does this mean?  It says the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is 666.  

In John's day there were three prevalent languages.  Hebrew, Greek and Latin.  All three gave numerical value to each letter of the alphabet.  Many over the years took the different  names of the world's most hated men using the alphabet and the number it represented and came up with all sorts of ideas of who the Antichrist could be.  We've heard names such as Nero, Alexander, Mussilini, Kissinger, Hitler, Kennedy and various popes. 

But what numerical value do you take?  Hebrew?  Greek?  Latin?  Some point out that it doesn't say six hundred sixty six but just 666.  What's the difference? 

We read many times especially in the OT that God is Holy, Holy Holy.  Three times for emphasis.  We read here that the number of the antichrist is the number of man...666.  Six is one short of perfection.  Man was created on day six.  Could John be saying under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that the antichrist is "just a man, just a man, just a man?"  He is not deity but many will be worshipping him as if he were.  Could this be a reminder? 

We do know that in the end God will defeat the antichrist, the false prophet,the Dragon and all who follow them. 

We need to be found faithful even unto death if necessary. 




on Oct 15, 2009

I read your article with interest. It won't surprise you that I disagree with most of your Biblical interpretations.

While there is no Catholic tradition that requires our adopting any particular view of antichrist, nearly all Catholic writers have expected the antichrist is a person, a man, as you say.

For a time, I thought the antichrist is a system, but lately I'm becoming more convinced the antichrist is an evil man in charge of all systems.  

Anyway, what we do know  for sure from both the Old and New  Testament, from Genesis through the Book of the Apocalypse, there is a universal struggle between good and evil, ending at the Last Judgment with the victory of Christ over Satan.



on Oct 16, 2009

notoriously through the centuries the RCC stayed away from the book of Revelation.   I know this because my own mother left the Catholic church in the 70's as a result of not being able to delve further into the scriptures regarding end times.  She was told she didn't need to know and that the priests had it all under control (so to speak) as to what she needed to know.  Same with other family members. 

The RCC also, from what I understand looks at most of Revelation as already having been a past series of events.  They don't look at much of the book as still to come but as already come.  So yes how we look at the scriptures would be vastly different.  I, along with many others look at the events of Revelation as still future. 

But let's look at what we do agree on.  The Antichrst will be a man as you say, in charge of all worldly systems.  It's not hard to see as we are rapidly moving toward a one world government.   


on Oct 16, 2009

notoriously through the centuries the RCC stayed away from the book of Revelation.

Notoriously? Here you go again...slamming against the Catholic Church. The Bible is preeminently a Catholic Book....The Chruch has a long, rich history of protecting and defending it.  Over a three year course, every passage of the New Testament, including the Book of the Apocalypse, is faithfully read at Holy Mass and explained by the priest in his sermon.


I'll grant that the Church teaches that reading of the Holy Bible with reliance solely upon one's own understanding or comprehension of it is no sure way to arrive at the truth taught by Christ. And the history and experience of Protestantism bears this out...as every time a Protestant reads the Bible and interprets its meaning according to his own understanding, a new doctrine was developed and a new church sprung up. .....it's still going on today.

And more to your point, I don't have to tell you that over the centuries the wildest absurdities have resulted from the Protestant forefather's theory of private reading of the Book of the Apocalypse. How many Christians have drifted away from the one true Faith of Christ from believing someone's mad-cap reading of an isolated text?

I know this because my own mother left the Catholic Church in the 70's as a result of not being able to delve further into the scriptures regarding end times.

And I'm telling you that all Catholics are free to read the Scriptures. The Popes, over the ages, have written encyclicals that have been distributed throughout the Chruch all over the world encouraging Catholics to read the Holy Bible.  


on Oct 16, 2009

lula posts:

While there is no Catholic tradition that requires our adopting any particular view of antichrist, nearly all Catholic writers have expected the antichrist is a person, a man, as you say.

The RCC also, from what I understand looks at most of Revelation as already having been a past series of events. They don't look at much of the book as still to come but as already come.

Note, I made a specific statement.

Again, the Church has not spoken definitively on the meaning of every text in the Book of the Apocalypse (Revelations). 

So, it's not the Chruch per se, rather it's Catholic theologians, exegetes, scholars, etc. who propose that many of the events of the Apocalypse have already taken place.

And this is reasonable as far as I can tell. I think it's a mistake to restrict the predictions of Revelations to any particular age. I think when you put the last Book with the rest of the Bible, we can conclude that St.John sees the forces of evil ever reviving and renewing their attack against Christ and His Church.  Only with the end of the world itself will the influence of antichrist and the Beast come to an end.

Through the ages, surge upon surge of evil will attack the Chruch, now prevailing in a greater degree, now beaten back.


on Oct 16, 2009

But let's look at what we do agree on. The Antichrst will be a man as you say, in charge of all worldly systems. It's not hard to see as we are rapidly moving toward a one world government.

Even though we can get a kind a glimpse of the Antichrist and the signs of his arrival from Sacred Scripture, it remains a mystery. The word "Antichrist" occurs only in 1St.John2:18-23. He warns the people against false teachers and speaks of several Antichrists and he carefully distinguishes between the many and the one principled agent.

"Antichrist is coming, so even now many antichrists have arisen." 

Antichrist, which is the mystery of iniquity and the mystery of Satan, might be more of an ongoing system that denies Absolute Truth. All the enemies of God bear the characteristic mark of the Antichrist. That brand is their denial that Our Lord Jesus Christ is God made man who came to earth and redeemed mankind. St.John the Evangelist states that the denial of Christ is aptly called the spirit of the Antichrist.

To me, Antichrist can best be understood in the context of total war being waged in which God, Christ, and the Church are being attacked by Satan, his devils and their earthly accomplices. Whoever cooperates in the Antichrist work, becomes an agent culpubly involved in Satan's plan to scuttle God's plan for the salvation of mankind. 

I think this Satanic antichrist enterprise has been going on since the fall of angels and the fall of mankind from the day of Creation. Every man whether they know it or not, like it or not, accept it or not, find themselves in the heart of this struggle between good and evil.


on Oct 17, 2009

The word "Antichrist" occurs only in 1St.John2:18-23.

Now this is what drives me crazy about you Lula.  Did I not say this in the beginning of my blog here?

"The word antichrist appears only four times in scripture and only from the Apostle John although there are other passages implicitly describing this man of sin as well." 

So why do you come back with this statement?

The word "Antichrist" occurs only in 1St.John2:18-23.

as if I never even mentioned the topic? 

Go back and check your own Catholic bible and you'll see John does indeed mention the word AC 4 times.  1 John 2:18, 22, 4:23 and 2 John 1:7

and please stop contradicting me...or at least read what I'm saying. 



on Oct 17, 2009

The word "Antichrist" occurs only in 1St.John2:18-23.

Go back and check your own Catholic bible and you'll see John does indeed mention the word AC 4 times. 1 John 2:18, 22, 4:23 and 2 John 1:7

oops! I missed 2 St.John 1:7.

on Oct 17, 2009

oops! I missed 2 St.John 1:7.


on Oct 17, 2009

What do you mean and...and....?

Now it's time for you to read what I wrote....

"The word "antichrist" occurs only in 1St.John 2:18-23"....that includes the first 3 times you named, does it not?

John does indeed mention the word AC 4 times. 1 John 2:18, 22, 4:23 and 2 John 1:7

C'mon ....get your dander down....




on Oct 18, 2009

No.  4:2-3 is outside the scope of 2:18-23.

on Oct 18, 2009

"The word "antichrist" occurs only in 1St.John 2:18-23"....that includes the first 3 times you named, does it not?

No.  I just told you it's in 1 John 2:18, 22 (there isn't anything in v23) and then in 4:3 and 2 John 1:7.  That's 4 instances that John uses that term.  Again... 2:18, 2:22, 4:3 & 2 John 1:7. 

to clarify, I made an error.  I said:

Go back and check your own Catholic bible and you'll see John does indeed mention the word AC 4 times. 1 John 2:18, 22, 4:23 and 2 John 1:7

It should say 4:2-3 not 4:23.  (actually should have just said 4:3) 

No. 4:23 is outside the scope of 2:18-23.

Are you speaking to Lula or me?  I'm not getting your comment here.  There is no 4:23. 



on Oct 18, 2009

Was talking to Lula, just stating that 1 John 4 is not included in 1 John 2:18-23.

on Oct 19, 2009

ok, gotcha Jay...that was my whole reason for my comment ..."and...and."   AND she still didn't get it.  But I can see you did.