How much stupider are we going to get?
Published on September 30, 2009 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events

Did you hear about the latest on the news today?  It's about a Mom who watches the neighbors' kids at the bus stop for the other moms.  She got a letter from the State advising her to stop because it was akin to working in an unlicensed daycare and since she was not licensed by the state she was ordered to stop watching the neighborhood kids. 

If it rains she was told to leave them outside and have their parents give their kids an umbrella. 

Ridiculous!   Check out the interview with Matt Lauer this morning.

on Sep 30, 2009

So, according to Idiocy Michigan Style it is better to neglect the kids completely than have a mother watch them without their permission?



on Sep 30, 2009

What if one of the kids has an accident?  Matt Lauer is a dufus.

This is ridiculous.  The state of MI told them that if any kid comes over to play and their parents aren't home its day care.  What a load.

on Sep 30, 2009

So, according to Idiocy Michigan Style it is better to neglect the kids completely than have a mother watch them without their permission?

Yeah really.  Leave them outside to be abducted.....look its a kid buffet and I have an empty shed in the backyard! 

on Sep 30, 2009

Totally outrageous!  It would be perfectly legal for you to drop your kids off with their 92yr old half deaf half blind grandparent though.  They aren't even paying her so why is it the government's concern?!

on Sep 30, 2009

Totally outrageous! It would be perfectly legal for you to drop your kids off with their 92yr old half deaf half blind grandparent though. They aren't even paying her so why is it the government's concern?!

How can it be considered 'day care' when no monies are exchanged?

on Sep 30, 2009

So, according to Idiocy Michigan Style it is better to neglect the kids completely than have a mother watch them without their permission?

evidently.  This is goverment intrusion big time.  I am so glad my kids are raised because I would probably be jailed.  I spanked them too.    Oh the horror!   But I'm sure I'm safe because of the statue of limitations by now. 

This is ridiculous. The state of MI told them that if any kid comes over to play and their parents aren't home its day care.

How many abused kids find solace in another's home because their own parents aren't around for them?  Good grief.  In this case it's all permissible with parents helping other parents.  We did the same when my kids were young all the time. We had kids coming and going. 

It makes me wonder who called this in. 

Matt Lauer is a dufus.

tell me you're not just finding this out...LOL

Totally outrageous! It would be perfectly legal for you to drop your kids off with their 92yr old half deaf half blind grandparent though

You know what kills me about all this?  The fact that plastered all over the news lately is that young blond girl they just found after 18 years in CA.  She was abducted at a school bus stop.  Hello? 

How can it be considered 'day care' when no monies are exchanged?

see how our tax monies are being put to use?  This is the part of stupid I was thinking about. 

on Oct 01, 2009

Guess my grandma was running an unlicensed day care the whole time I was growing up.  There were always about 12 rugrats at her house.  Just ridiculous!

on Oct 02, 2009

Only the State is competent to protect children.  No one but the State can be trusted.

So much for that 'village' business.

At least, as I understand it, someone in local government there has recognized the stupidity of this law & is proposing to do something about it.

on Oct 03, 2009

Only the State is competent to protect children. No one but the State can be trusted.

check out the latest (sent to me by my d-i-l) ...this time in New York.   This is getting past ridiculous.,2933,559460,00.html