I came across this quote the other day in my reading. It was written by Thomas Macauley, a British Parliamentarian who wrote these words concerning the United States in 1857:
"Your Republic will be as fearfully plundered and laid waste by barbarians in the 20th century as the Roman Empire was in the 5th Century, with this difference-the Huns and Vandals who ravaged the Roman Empire came from without and your Huns and Vandals will have been engendered within your own country."
Is that what we are witnessing today in our own country morally, politically and economically? Are we becoming less dominant while other nations are gaining influence? It seems that way to me and others as well.
Time Magazine ran an article in April titled "Is the Almighty Dollar Doomed?" The article went on to prove that the growing consensus that the days of the dollar reserve system are numbered. And by looking at what Obama's doing with the auto, banking and healthcare systems he's helping this along at a very alarming rate. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said that the days of the U.S. primacy are gone and that "global problems require global solutions."
Many of us screamed during the campaign last fall that Obama wasn't interested at all in the United States as is. That's what all this change talk was about. He's all about change and we're seeing that on a daily basis, but are we ready for this? Where's our say? He's not interested in the U.S. as a world power. He's interested in the U.S. becoming part of a European Union. He's interested in globalism, not nationalism.
I heard Obama is going to France on July 4th. Let's see if that's true. Will he really go to Europe instead of celebrating the birthday of this country for the first time as President of it? That speaks volumes to me.
Stock has been dropping, businesses are failing, national debt is staggering, major financial institutions have been nationalized and we're heading right straight into Socialism. Newsweek came out with an article in February entitled "We Are All Socialists Now." Included in that same magazine was another article "Big Government is Back-Big Time."
Scary. This week's paper here ran an AP article about Obama's wish for more bank controls as he's ready to roll out an overhaul of the "intricate rules and systems that govern America's troubled financial institutions, proposing the most ambitious revision since the Great Depression."
Thomas Jefferson's words are not being heeded. He said:
"A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."
And that's exactly where this is all headed. Think about that when you listen to Obama sell his health insurance plan tonight.
I, for one, am going to bed early.