And It's About To Get Worse!
Published on March 27, 2009 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events

Well here we go again.  Ready for the next slippery ride down the slope as we progress further into moral chaos?  Can't say you haven't been warned. 

Months ago I brought up the fact that in Colorado a new law was being tossed around that gave special public accommodation protections to people who identify as either a transgender or homosexual.  We discussed at the time how this was going to cause confusion in the locker rooms and rest rooms.   

Men would be able to go into woman's restrooms and ladies into men's locker rooms as they so feel like it.  It has to do with gender association or expression.  So if a female feels like a male that day and identifies better with the male side of her self she has every right to go into the men's bathroom and vice versa.  Of course it doesn't take Einstein to figure out this is going to open up a whole nuther can of nuts.  In fact, the nuts will be in the restroom next to you now and there's nothing you can do about it. 

It was hard enough to let our kids use the public restrooms then, what about now? 

In Colorado the Christians geared up for a fight to stop this from happening by placing ads in the local media on what this would look like in reality.  The social problems galore that would follow by allowing such a law.   The liberal governor and legislature of course denied these claims making it out that the conservatives were just a bunch of liars.  Of course isn't that how they always retort back when they have no leg to stand on?   The proponents for this bill  said things like this:

"has nothing at all to do with allowing one gender in another gender's restrooms."

"I do not see any basis whatever for an assertion that the bill requires that men be admitted to women's bathrooms or vice versa."

Now months later guess who has egg on their faces?  Not the conservatives who did everything they could, unsuccessfully I might add,  to stop this bill from becoming law.  Too late now.  The liberals got their way.  Let the reaping begin. 

Now a state agency has issued regulations to enforce this new law and it looks exactly as predicted NOT by the loony left but by the ones who fought tooth and nail against it. 

So who are the liars now?   The state of CO is mandating that all businesses and most nonprofit organizations in the state are required to allow transgendered people-under a very vague definition- to use whichever restroom or locker room they choose. 

The same thing is happening in New Hampshire. 

My husband printed off the new bill up for vote in NH because he just couldn't believe what he had heard from an editorialist.  He had to check it out for himself.   It's called HB-415.   It says:


     In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Nine

AN ACT adding certain terms regarding non-discrimination to the laws.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1 New Section; Statutory Construction; Gender Identity and Expression.  Amend RSA 21 by inserting after section 50 the following new section:

21:51 Gender Identity and Expression.  "Gender identity or expression" means a gender-related identity, appearance, expression, or behavior of an individual, regardless of the individual's assigned sex at birth.

It goes on to say that this new Gender Identity and Expression will be put next to  age, sex, race, creed, color, marital status, familial status, physical or mental disability or national origin anti discrimatory laws. 

Do you understand what this means?  It means if I feel like being a woman one day and a man the next, according to the state, I'm allowed to use either men's rooms or women's rooms according to how I wish to express myself that day.  It doesn't matter what sex I was born as.  I can be male or female now according to the law because what I think or feel.......I am.   It's freedom of expression all the way baby! 

So how does this manifest itself?  Glad you asked.  Here's a few examples from the latest newsletter I get from CO:

*A female encountered a man in a women's restroom in a local airport.

*A teen girl saw a man in a women's restroom at a Colorado Springs Wal-Mart and he exposed himself to her.

*Two teenage girls discovered a man undressing in a women's locker room in a Denver area fitness facility.  Which makes me wonder about Curves.  What are they going to do with this new law?  They can't discriminate.  If a man wants to use the Curves facility they will have to allow this to happen.

*A mother and daughter in a Colorado mall bathroom were intruded upon by a man in his 20's with a red-dyed Mohawk who spent several minutes in the ladie's room. 

Well one things for's sure going to mess up the whole "the wife should submit to her husband" thing now isn't it?  Maybe they'll trade places as they deem fit and take turns being the boss man. 




Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 31, 2009

I didn't use a link but a newsletter like I mentioned above. The newsletter comes from Colorado Springs and is from Focus on the Family Action.

Do you have a particular issue that these are mentioned in?

on Apr 03, 2009

Do you have a particular issue that these are mentioned in?

Yes.  I have it right on my desk. 


on Apr 03, 2009

Yes. I have it right on my desk.

Can you share that with me?

on Apr 03, 2009

Months ago I brought up the fact that in Colorado a new law was being tossed around that gave special public accommodation protections to people who identify as either a transgender or homosexual.  We discussed at the time how this was going to cause confusion in the locker rooms and rest rooms.   

Men would be able to go into woman's restrooms and ladies into men's locker rooms as they so feel like it.  It has to do with gender association or expression.  So if a female feels like a male that day and identifies better with the male side of her self she has every right to go into the men's bathroom and vice versa.  Of course it doesn't take Einstein to figure out this is going to open up a whole nuther can of nuts.  In fact, the nuts will be in the restroom next to you now and there's nothing you can do about it.


Eh, I think the bill needs to be redefined so that there is some sort of certification, because any perverted guy or gal can make such claims and get into the bathrooms. Still, it is a very sticky situation, because then you put the power of deciding who someone is - in the hands of a few. It begs the question: Who decides who you are, you or a shrink? (Assuming it's a psychiatrist/ologist that would be the person)


Ready for the next slippery ride down the slope as we progress further into moral chaos?  Can't say you haven't been warned.

No pun intended, but...


Good lord I cannot stand slippery slope fallacies...they make my head hurt.


It doesn't matter what sex I was born as.


That's the tricky thing... See I've a friend who is biologically female, but psychologically, mentally...she is attracted to men and has all the personality/traits of a man. It's as if she was a man born in a female body.



Well one things for's sure going to mess up the whole "the wife should submit to her husband" thing now isn't it?  Maybe they'll trade places as they deem fit and take turns being the boss man

What is wrong with the wife being the king of the castle? My mother is as tough as any man or group of men and for a while was the "man" of the house. Personally, I don't believe in a wife submitting to the husband. To me, it's all about being equals.






on Apr 03, 2009

I would also like to add that the sources you use my opinion...gag inducing. They're extremely biased and don't shy away from (in my experience) coloring the facts.

:le sigh:


So much for (completely) honest, (truly) unbiased, fact driven news.



on Apr 03, 2009

Can you share that with me?

Sure...if you want to PM me and send me your address,  I'll mail it right to you.  I'm done with it anyhow. 


So much for (completely) honest, (truly) unbiased, fact driven news.

Are you kidding me? Coloring WHAT FACTS?   Colorado PASSED the bill.  Check it for yourself.  I gave you the NH bill.   Just type in the bill number and it will give you the NH Goverment site. 

OH and BTW.......THe NH House of Representatives rejected the bill.  Do you know why?  They said they were afraid that perverts would abuse this law and go into women's bathrooms.  Good for them!!  For once......SENSE!

You fit the bill for the quote:   "for those who believe no proof is necessary....for those who don't believe no proof is enough." 

she is attracted to men and has all the personality/traits of a man. It's as if she was a man born in a female body.

we used to call them tomboys.  I believe there are men who are more "feminine"  than the norm but are still heterosexuals and women who have masculine qualities but are also heterosexuals. 

I don't believe in a wife submitting to the husband. To me, it's all about being equals.

has nothing to do with equality but all to do with role.  God made man and woman equal but gave men the position of head of their families both spiritually and physically.  He gave women the role of bearing children.  It doesn't make the husband less inferior that she bears the children does it?   When we get away from God's best we run into problems. 

I actually wrote about this in one of my latest blogs about Adam and Eve.  Eve usurped Adam's role and there ya go


on Apr 06, 2009

Are you kidding me? Coloring WHAT FACTS? Colorado PASSED the bill. Check it for yourself. I gave you the NH bill. Just type in the bill number and it will give you the NH Goverment site.

OH and BTW.......THe NH House of Representatives rejected the bill. Do you know why? They said they were afraid that perverts would abuse this law and go into women's bathrooms. Good for them!! For once......SENSE!

You fit the bill for the quote: "for those who believe no proof is necessary....for those who don't believe no proof is enough


I was commention on the sources in general/over the length of their news service, not necessarily this one.


has nothing to do with equality but all to do with role. God made man and woman equal but gave men the position of head of their families both spiritually and physically. He gave women the role of bearing children. It doesn't make the husband less inferior that she bears the children does it? When we get away from God's best we run into problems.

I actually wrote about this in one of my latest blogs about Adam and Eve. Eve usurped Adam's role and there ya go

Then how would you view my mother who had to be the head of the house, according to you, a man's role - when no (real) men would be fidelity driven, etc.


we used to call them tomboys. I believe there are men who are more "feminine" than the norm but are still heterosexuals and women who have masculine qualities but are also heterosexuals.

yeah, there are people who are tomboy-ish. That doesn't really answer my question though. She's a woman, who for all intensive purposes has the mind/drive of a man...



on Apr 06, 2009

Then how would you view my mother who had to be the head of the house, according to you, a man's role - when no (real) men would be fidelity driven, etc.

If there is no man in the house, mom has to be the head.  There is no dad.  Otherwise the kids will be taking the lead....and that's not good.   So, yes she is the head of the house.  That's not God's perfect plan for a family tho...but sometimes circumstances dictate and you have to go with it.  But that's not what I'm talking about. 

In God's perfect plan his wish was for men to be men by being the leaders in their family both spiritually and physically.  He's not to rule with a heavy fist but with love and affection for his family, the way God loves the church.  The problem is the women of today, don't allow this.  They want to wear the pants in the family and because of it we have all sorts of problems. 

A marriage with no head is dead and a marriage with two heads is abnormal. 

on Apr 10, 2009


You're not going to believe this one........or maybe you should the way things have been progressing in government these days.

When the bill came up for a vote, it was rejected with the idea that perverts would take advantage of this law.

Well that didn't last.  I guess the Speaker of the House put on a grand ol' speech dripping with emotion and they decided to re-vote. 

Guess what?

This time it passed.  By one vote.  Voting on emotion.  Every time.  That's the name of the game now. 

Moms in NH beware and check the bathrooms before you send your little girls into the girl's room.


on Apr 11, 2009

Voting on emotion. Every time. That's the name of the game now.

Yeah, remember way back when...

no, no. I'm pretty sure that's always been the case. Time for a robot uprising? You decide.

on Apr 13, 2009

KFC Kickin For Christ

You're not going to believe this one........or maybe you should the way things have been progressing in government these days.

When the bill came up for a vote, it was rejected with the idea that perverts would take advantage of this law.

Well that didn't last.  I guess the Speaker of the House put on a grand ol' speech dripping with emotion and they decided to re-vote. 

Guess what?

This time it passed.  By one vote.  Voting on emotion.  Every time.  That's the name of the game now. 

Moms in NH beware and check the bathrooms before you send your little girls into the girl's room.



You know, I know there is a compromise somewhere here. The people in question should, in my opinion, be given the right/privilige to enter into the bathrooms; however, I understand the concern of the parents, et al. Something that comes to mind is that parents, perhaps, should accompany their children into the bathroom. That's what my mother did.



on Apr 13, 2009

I understand the concern of the parents, et al. Something that comes to mind is that parents, perhaps, should accompany their children into the bathroom. That's what my mother did.

maybe that's why I'm starting to see around here family bathrooms?  Not sure who exactly is supposed to use them....dads and moms with young kids? 

But how old does the child have to be before mom lets them go in by themselves?  My son and I were discussing this last night.  He told me he had just read that in Colorado where this law was already in effect  a 14 year old girl was exposed to a pervert who flashed her.  It may be the same situation that I blogged on above. 

Another woman was in a YMCA locker room when a man came in, stripped and took a shower in the woman's locker room. 

I don't think this is a good thing. 

on Apr 14, 2009

Another woman was in a YMCA locker room when a man came in, stripped and took a shower in the woman's locker room.

What was she doing in a YMCA locker room?


on Apr 14, 2009

maybe that's why I'm starting to see around here family bathrooms? Not sure who exactly is supposed to use them....dads and moms with young kids?

Many of the family bathrooms I've seen around here in CO are small private rooms with a lock on the door. 


on Apr 14, 2009

Many of the family bathrooms I've seen around here in CO are small private rooms with a lock on the door.

I've never gone in one but have seen them lately starting to crop up here and there.  Usually I bypass that when I hit the ladies room.  But still don't think there's alot of them around yet. 

What was she doing in a YMCA locker room?

oops....good catch Leauki......YWCA not YMCA


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