Don't Look Towards Washington
Published on January 31, 2009 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events

"These actions were so profound that it leads you to believe there was a tremendous indifference to human life." 

Over and over again we read the same sort of disturbing but true stories.  They are getting just a bit too common with increasing frequency.  There seems to be no end in sight.  But this is not fiction.  It's not made up.  It's real honest to goodness evil that lurks in the hearts and minds of people.  Stuff that novels are made up of. 

Evil has been here since day one.  We know that.  But just in my lifetime I've seen and heard things that were once a  rare horror now  become a ho-hum happening of the day.  We have become a nation of desensitization. 

Just pick up the paper and read the latest. What am I talking about?   The family of seven who were shot to death in California?  The Baby Grace ordeal in Texas?  The Casey chaos here in Florida?  The V-Tech slaughter recently of a young female student?  

People are scared.  They are locking their doors now more than ever.  Gone are the days when one never bothered to lock doors and windows.  We are supposed to be a more learned and intelligent people than ever before.  We have more of everything at our fingertips to encourage us to be anything we want to be.  I'm afraid tho with intelligence comes greater ways to manifest evil.   The saying goes if you educate a dumb thief you get a more sophisticated, intelligent crook.    Is that what we're seeing in Washington?  I'm thinking so.  But that's another story. 

Just this week  I read a news report of an older lady who died of a heart attack because a 20 year old thug decided, while on the run from police, to take refuge in her house.  He's now being charged with murder.  He scared her literally to death.  Do you think he cares? 

I believe we are a nation who has lost her way.  I believe that started when we took God out of everything.  When we started aborting the unborn we showed the world by our actions that we did not hold the sancitity of life sacred.  We are now reaping what we have been sowing these last 40 years. 

"These actions were so profound that it leads you to believe there was a tremendous indifference to human life."  This was said by a Lt. Frank Cannella of the NJ Police Dept after a long planned attack on a young 19 year old woman.  This recent attack was planned by her friends whom she thought were taking her to a party.

Instead they dropped her off in 8-degree weather in the middle of nowhere.  She was wearing only a dress and one shoe, losing the other in a scuffle as they threw her out of the car. 

Here's what kills me.  Even after knowing the Good Samaritan story (who doesn't?) a motorist stopped but refused to give this girl a ride.  It wasn't until over an hour later in the  below freezing cold that another driver stopped and brought her to the hospital.  She ended up with frostbite to both feet. 

There was a time when we used things and cherished people.  I'm afraid today in our materialistic world it's the other way around now.  We  live in a world that for the most part, cherishes things and uses and abuses people because we do, face it or not, have an indifference to human life. 

I'm reminded of Ben Franklin's comment to Thomas Paine.  They were friends and Paine, who was about to pusblish his new book "Age of Reason," first decided he wanted his very intelligent friend's opinion so he sent the unpublished book to Franklin to get feedback.  This is what Franklin wrote back, keeping in mind he was the "least" religious Founding Father to our country.

"At present I shall only give you my opinion that the consequences of printing this piece will be a great deal of odium drawn unto yourself, mischief to you and no benefit to others.  He that spits into the wind, spits into your own face." 

He was basically saying this book was not a good idea.  What good would come out of taking religion out of the public?  If men are wicked enough with religion, what would they become without it? 

I think we are now seeing the answer to these questions. 





on Jan 31, 2009

What good would come out of taking religion out of the public?

The answer to your question is none whatsoever if the religion is Christ's religion, Christianity.

The Christian religion and its precepts is as necessary to good morals as the right course is necessary to good navigation. The first half of your article describes when people depart from its precepts.

In his "Farewell Address", Washington said some remarkable things....that "Religion and morality are the two "great pillars of human happiness"....are "indispensable supports" of our political prosperity and therefore our national security, "....."religion and morality are the guarantees of security, of property, of reputation, of life itself..."let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintianed without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of pecular structure reason and experience both forbid us to expect that  national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle."




on Jan 31, 2009

If men are wicked enough with religion, what would they become without it?

Religion is the basis of individual and social morality, therefore these evils you describe above in the domestic home, workplace, and society in general, economic injustice, dishonesty, crime of all types, increase to the degree that man departs from religion.

on Jan 31, 2009

Evil begins with thinking of other people as things. All crimes stem from that first step.


on Jan 31, 2009

In his "Farewell Address", Washington said some remarkable things

ha!  I was just thinking my subtitle certainly didn't mean George Washington.  You knew that right? 

Evil begins with thinking of other people as things.

Well that certainly is part of the problem but I'm afraid it starts even before that. 

Right thinking precedes right living all right.  But right thinking isn't right until we realize why we're here in the first place. 


on Feb 01, 2009

Right thinking precedes right living all right.  But right thinking isn't right until we realize why we're here in the first place.

So no one is capable of making a right action? It is impossible to know exactly why we're here, even for Christians with access to a bible.

All you need to do is remind yourself that other people aren't things, and most evil acts will be extremely difficult if not impossible to commit. I say most because I can't think of any that are made easy by humanising your target, but as a keen moralist your mileage may vary.

It's a little less complicated than your theory, and requires no belief in an almighty, but I reckon it works.

on Feb 01, 2009

It is impossible to know exactly why we're here, even for Christians with access to a bible.

well not for a Christian with (or without for that matter) a bible.  The bible gives us the answers to why we're here.  To me that's a lot less complicated than what the world has to say, because in all reality, they have no idea.  Why do you think you have been placed here? 

It's a little less complicated than your theory, and requires no belief in an almighty, but I reckon it works.

I'm not sure what you mean that a belief in an almighty is complicated.  In fact, I'd say just the opposite.  It's quite simple.  There's something bigger than us who created all that we see and hear.  When we turn from Him (the almighty) we open ourselves up to evil because we have shunned his protection believing erronously that we have it all under control. 


on Feb 02, 2009

Sometimes it seems  there is none left in our world, no one who cares anymore, with all the horrors that are happening out ther.  But ever so often there are those that are out there doing good, and who do have that morality within, God's world is not lost, His people are still here.

on Feb 02, 2009

I personally believe that people get their morality from whatever it is that they serve.  Everyone, even atheists, serve something - maybe not a supernatural God, but a god nonetheless.

For example, in my experience most people who are atheists say that their morality comes from society.  What is right and wrong to them is relative based on what everyone else thinks about it.  In their case, society is god.

I imagine this could easily give rise to an interesting philisophical debate.

on Feb 04, 2009

But ever so often there are those that are out there doing good, and who do have that morality within, God's world is not lost, His people are still here.

Yes, and for that we must be thankful.  When all seems grim we do get some story or happening that shows that all is not completely lost.  God still has a remnant that are listening to his moral code built inside each one of us. 

I imagine this could easily give rise to an interesting philisophical debate.

yes, it could.  I could play either side quite well actually. 

For instance, in this case, I could say that it was a 50% chance that someone stopped to help this young girl.  In the story of the Good Samaritan it was only 33% as two out of three walked by the man dying in the road. 


on Feb 05, 2009

The answer to your question is none whatsoever if the religion is Christ's religion, Christianity.

*Yep gonna be a thorn.*

No, Christ's religion was Judaism. 

*K done being a nudnick*


If men are wicked enough with religion, what would they become without it?

KFC, I would argue that one who is wicked under/with religion is FAR worse than one without.  A wicked person with religion often uses deception and few pieces of truth to advance an agenda. Hint: the Anti-Christ is supposed to use religion to deceive a large portion of the world with peace.



on Feb 05, 2009

No, Christ's religion was Judaism.

Agree.....we have good reason to believe that Jesus practiced Hebraic Judaism.....that is, until the Sanhedrin and heads of the Jewish nation and official guardians and exponents of the Jewish religion publiclly proclaimed to Pilate, "We have no king but Ceasar!" At that moment the Jewish religion officially merged and incorporated their nation into the pagan empire of Rome and Hebraic Judaism as God had intended was no more.


on Feb 05, 2009

KFC, I would argue that one who is wicked under/with religion is FAR worse than one without. A wicked person with religion often uses deception and few pieces of truth to advance an agenda. Hint: the Anti-Christ is supposed to use religion to deceive a large portion of the world with peace.

Remember, this is a quote from Ben Franklin.  I understand what he was saying but I also understand completely what you're saying as well.   Franklin was speaking mainly about religion from a personal level not a corporate one. 

Many many religious wars were fought, all in the name of God,  but those with no faith at all have no boundries when it comes to their wickedness.    At least, the religious will only go so far in their wickedness. 

The AC will, as you say,  will use religion for his own benefit to control and murder the masses, all under the guise of peace and religion, but he will throw off that yoke of religion after he gains his foothold (Rev 17-18).  Government has always used religion for their own benefit and religion also has used government to gain what they want as well.  They are two unusual bed partners that have done more harm than good over the centuries. 


on Feb 09, 2009

but those with no faith at all have no boundries when it comes to their wickedness.


That's ridiculous.  Those of us with no faith have plenty of boundaries - based on intellect.  There are certain things that it does not make good sense to do.  Morality does not require a god.  It only requires thought.  


There isn't much thought left these days.  Seems every organized anything, be it religion or government, would prefer to TELL you what to think and have you just accept it out of hand.  And man...that IS easier.


It's also a sin if there ever was one.

on Feb 10, 2009

Morality does not require a god.

Back to Washington's Farewell Address..."reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle."

Fyodor Dostoyevsky: "If there is no God, everything is permitted."

Morality based upon God's laws makes many people (granted, not all) behave better. When a person is down what does Atheism offer?  

You're good at criticising Christian morality, but what does Atheism offer in its place?