Published on November 13, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events

Change.  Obama's mantra these last few months.    But nobody really knows what this change is all about.  His picking of his VP and that of his cabinet so far hasn't brought about any change that I'm aware of.  So where's the change? 

The military has been warned.  Change is coming.  The IRS and accountants have been warned.  Change is coming.  But nobody knows exactly what this change entails. 

So we're all waiting for change.  Will it be good?  Will it be a disaster?  Well I think I found something that definitely shows change when it comes to Obama.  Finally, and I wouldn't classify it as good. 

Many know that Billy Graham, an evangelist like no other, has been the religious advisor to the Presidents.  No matter the denomination or the political party Billy was on hand to pray with and advise spiritually the President of the United States for what seems like forever.  He's outlived most of the Presidents he's advised over the years. 

This will change with the current President-Elect.  Obama is seeking guidance from the Episcopal Church's first openly Homosexual Bishop, Gene Robinson. 

The Times of London has reported that Obama has sought Robinson's advice three times during his campaign.  Robinson's ordination has caused a deep rift in the Anglican community and is something that is still being hotly debated even now. 

One of the talking points of these meetings was Obama's comment to Robinson that the election was a "religious experience."   Hmmmmm I wonder what he means by that?  A religious experience?  (files away in brain)

So yes, this is a change.  Graham, a very biblical preacher, who teaches nothing but what is in the scriptures has been replaced by a Homosexual Bishop which is anything but biblical.  This is definitely change. 

Obama is trying very hard to pass off that he is a Christian, but it  also seems that he is working very hard to undermine it instead. 

For a Christian who truly believes it's all about Jesus and his revealed word to mankind, Obama is an oxymoron. 

Continuing to pray for Obama. 




Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 15, 2008

Ethical?  I think you need pinch yourself and wake up from that delusion you're having.  In any case, at least there wasn't all of this overstepping of Constitutional authority.  That nonsense you refer to from the Clinton era also produced record low unemployment rates and a surplus, so please explain to me how a "going back" could possibly hurt the struggling America at present.

on Nov 15, 2008

That nonsense you refer to from the Clinton era also produced record low unemployment rates and a surplus, so please explain to me how a "going back" could possibly hurt the struggling America at present.

the reason we're in this mess to begin with is NOT Bush's fault.  His first six years in office there was NO complaining because we did have record low unemployment.  Did you forget?  We couldn't find enough workers to fill the positions. Remember?  Real Estate was booming both at the construction level as well as the existing homes.  Anyone in the construction business  were having their best years ever.  I know because we were doing their tax returns.  People were making more money than they ever had. Business was good.  Very good for most.  Many were making money hand over fist BEFORE Congress turned over two years ago.  Coincidence?  I don't think so. 

We had our best years in the stock market before this last year.  We made lots of money as did everyone I know who invested.   Didn't hear anyone complaining two years ago when the getting was good. 

The problem is....not to many prepared for the rainy day that was coming.  That's the problem.  If anyone is to blame it's those who lived like there was no tomorrow (eat drink and be merry)and are now complaining because of their own greed and lack of planning. 




on Nov 15, 2008

but I think instead of expecting a complete overhaul of the government, change means getting rid of that nonsense we have had going on in the oval office.

Bush did that - from the most unethical administration in recent memory, to one of the most ethical. I hope Obama's change is not going back to the corruption of the clintons.

No kidding!  Bush brought integrity back to the White House. 

Does anyone remember the mess the Clinton's left behind?  Do you remember the trashed computers and the Whitehouse grounds and offices that were left in disarray with foul language plastered everywhere? 

The orders have already gone out from President Bush that the White House will be left in a very clean organized state.  There will be no trashing and disorganization of the place as they found it eight years ago. 

What Clinton left behind eight years ago, now that's what I'd call nonsense. 



on Nov 17, 2008

Ethical? I think you need pinch yourself and wake up from that delusion you're having. In

Care to prove that clown case?  And let's stick to facts, not opinions.  LIke Fact: Clinton committed Perjury.  Fact: Sandy Burglar tampered with evidence.  Fact: Mike Espy - Bribery and Fraud. Fact: James Riady. Fact: Web Hubbel. etc.

Please stick to the "facts" and not "I think he lied" or other opinions.

on Nov 17, 2008

I'll call it a delusion if I want to, Dr Guy.  My opinion is that your focus on the ethical questions of Clinton's office is vastly unimportant to the questions of Bush's leadership in the wrong direction and overstepping his Constitutional authority.  Same with Cheney.  Bush's administration has been no more ethical than the last one.  They are politicians.  Don't try telling me that Bush is clearly better than Clinton when it comes to running the show, because that is in no way clear.

on Nov 18, 2008

I'll call it a delusion if I want to, Dr Guy.

Your choice, no one is denying to you (yet).

My opinion

Yes indeed it is.  Unfortunately facts do tend to go against that opinion.  A man can have the opinion that the moon is made of green cheese, and no amount of facts will ever persuade him otherwise.  SO it is with this.  I am not talking a difference in policy, or how you would have done things.  I am talking court of law charges and convictions.  The implication is that Obama is going to take us away from what in essence - from a legal standpoint - is one of the cleanest administrations in the last 30 years.  To what?  Back to the most unethical and illegal administration in the last 30 years?

It would seem so from the rhetoric.

Don't try telling me that Bush is clearly better than Clinton when it comes to running the show, because that is in no way clear.

And let's stick to facts, not opinions.

Clearly that is your opinion, and not even on the issue I asked about.  That you avoided the facts is a credit to you.  We can disagree on how the administration was and never agree - and neither be right or wrong.  But when faced with somethign that can be factually presented and argued - that was my question.  I dont care if Clinton cured world poverty (far cry from it as his and his wifes coffers attest), that he did so by illegal means does matter to me.  Apparently the ends do justify the means to some.

on Nov 20, 2008


on Nov 26, 2008

Change. Obama's mantra these last few months.

We all agree there's lots of problems out there and Obama believes the government can solve them. "Change" is going to come in the form of Big, Big, Big government. He's going to make good on his campaign promises to the special interests groups that supported him.

Obama's change will be to advance the homosexual agenda and the proposals for this are outlined under the Civil Rights section of Obama's website,  

So yes, this is a change. Graham, a very biblical preacher, who teaches nothing but what is in the scriptures has been replaced by a Homosexual Bishop which is anything but biblical. This is definitely change.

This will change with the current President-Elect. Obama is seeking guidance from the Episcopal Church's first openly Homosexual Bishop, Gene Robinson.

Can you imagine seeking spiritual guidance from a guy like Bishop V. Gene Robinson who divorced the mother of his two daughters to live in a "civil union" with another man? In Anglicanism and Episcopalism, founded by a dissident Englishman, King Henry VIII, Tudor in 1534,  divorce, abortion and sodomy are acceptable. King Henry executed a number of his wives and he too came to a miserable end.

For a Christian who truly believes it's all about Jesus and his revealed word to mankind, Obama is an oxymoron.

Continuing to pray for Obama.

I couldn't agree with you more, KFC...change from Billy Graham to this guy...?   






on Nov 26, 2008

Obama's change is he changed is mind from changing anything to changing nothing or was it changing it back to the Clinton Admin?

on Nov 26, 2008

The way the MSM is treating Obama he might as well be president. Never have I seen such a lust to assume an office before, I keep praying this does NOT turn into a "be careful what you wish for, you just might get what you asked for" situation.

on Nov 26, 2008

Obama's change is he changed is mind from changing anything to changing nothing or was it changing it back to the Clinton Admin?


ya, the only changes I've seen yet are not really changes at all.  So can that be considerd a change? 

The way the MSM is treating Obama he might as well be president. Never have I seen such a lust to assume an office before,

I know it!  Today I got a News Brief saying Obama is holding another press conference.  What is that all about?  I mean who is the President around here right now?  I've never seen anything like this.  He can't wait to get Bush out of his office.  Good Grief, it's only polite to sit back and not look so anxious as the man who held office for the last 8 years finishes up what he needs to do. 

I keep praying this does NOT turn into a "be careful what you wish for, you just might get what you asked for" situation.

I believe a nation always gets what it deserves.  We're no exception. 

I'm reading a book right now called "Tourtured For Christ" and it's about a guy named RIchard Wurmbrand who lived in Romania being born there in 1909.  This book, a classic, written in 1967 outlines what happened to Romania once Communist Russia got ahold of them.  Pretty scary and I'm starting to see we're really not that far away from this as a reality here.  Socialism is just but a step in the right direction. 

on Nov 26, 2008

Can we wait until the guy is sworn in first, please?


Did Obama wait until he was elected before he changed the presidential seal on his plane?


on Nov 26, 2008


Last I check he was voted in to be President and while he may not be the President just yet, everything he does today will reflect on him afetr Jan 20th.

Well that depends...if what he does reflects well upon him then the MSM will see that he gets all due credit....if on the other hand, it doesn't, them the MSM will repress it or blame it on the Republicans or Bush or both.

on Nov 26, 2008

And yet, here we are rambling on about appointments, advisors, and various other structural measures that are indicative but not substantial in the arguement about change.

C'mon Kurtin!

I can tell just from his list so far of appointees that he's planning on having the most radical pro-abortion administration of all time.

The womb is going to be a more dangerous then ever place to be with people like Emanuel, Bill Richardson, Tom Daschle, Janet natopitiano, Ellen Moran, and Hillary Clinton.


on Nov 26, 2008

What you seem to fail to notice is that a man who claimed we needed change from the same old politics is chosing people who have already been in Gov't positions before.

Good observation, CHarlesCS.

Why not give a new person a chance to prove themselves with fresh new ideas and less corruption just like the American people chose to give the new guy a chance to run the country?

Because there aren't any new far left liberals with fresh ideas out there....Obama's bringing back the Clintonistas for "experience" and "change"!

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