Just Give It To Me Know
Published on October 15, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In US Domestic

I didn't know whether to put this under humor or politics to be honest.  It's so stupid it's laughable.  What were they thinking.  I read this in today's newspaper. 

In KY the Frankfort State Journal has reported that the director of the Legislative Research Commission has received a 47% raise in salary going from $132,000 to $195,000.  For those who are inept at math this is a $63,000 increase. 

What kind of a message is this sending to state employees?  They received a 1% raise not nearly the 47% raise Sherman received.  My he must be very good at what he does.  I'm hoping there's more to this story. 

The pay increase makes Sherman one of the highest paid employees in state government earning more than Gov. Steve Beshear's $120,000.  A panel of legislative leaders authorized the pay increase by a vote of 11-5. 

Rep. Carl Rollins-D is incensed and is asking Sherman either to resign or refuse to accept a pay raise of this magnitude.   I'm kind of worried because this is one Democrat that makes sense to me. 

It's a wonder there hasn't been a revolt yet. 

And we want to give the government more money to play with? 

on Oct 15, 2008

$63k increase.

And if their state is like this one, the peons aint getting a pay raise.

on Oct 15, 2008

I'm kind of worried because this is one Democrat that makes sense to me.


It's alright,  you can come over to the dark side. We've got cookies!


It's a wonder there hasn't been a revolt yet.


Most people are all talk and no action. Then again, those who've taken action (with a few exceptions) have been labelled radicals or worse. We're a nation of apathy and sedentary lives, sadly.


Peace, ~L


on Oct 15, 2008


you can come over to the dark side. We've got cookies

and porn movies from what I just heard! 

on Oct 16, 2008

This is why pay raises for elected officials should be up to the electorate NOT those that are elected.  We should be the ones to approve pay raises so that it can be done based on performance rather than a whim.

on Oct 17, 2008

We should be the ones to approve pay raises


on Oct 17, 2008

You want to hear about another nasty little loophole that equates to a pay raise?  In WV (I think in Charleston) there is a circuit court judge who is up for re-election this year, he is unopposed so he will obviously win, yet just this week he decided to "retire" which means he's entitled to a pension of about $81K/year.  This means that after he wins the election he could return to work as the circuit court judge making about $116k/year plus the pension of $81k/year for a grand total of almost $200k/year.  Hows that for a pay increase and abuse of the system?

on Oct 17, 2008

ridiculous.  My husband said this has been around for years and there is some looking into closing this loophole.  Hopefully soon.  I mean com'on we're supposed to be in a recession and everyone is hurting.......well except the government that is.  This stuff needs to be stopped. 

I'm just wondering why these loopholes are open like this when we, as average joe's don't quite get the loopholes the government officials get. 

I say throw them all out and start over. 

Vote for Palin! 

on Oct 21, 2008

I say throw them all out and start over.

I could not agree more, which is why I am going to be voting against as many incumbents as I can.  Unfortunately too many of them are running unopposed in my state, but I guess that just means that Donald Duck will be getting a vote for an awful lot of offices this year.

on Oct 28, 2008

but I guess that just means that Donald Duck will be getting a vote for an awful lot of offices this year.

hmmmm now that's an idea!