Pay The Bills You Incurred!
Published on October 14, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events

Have you noticed lately all the news and talk shows that are showcasing families who are hurting because of the decline of the stock market?  I'm not talking about those who honestly  have situations outside of their control. I'm speaking mainly about those who have no one to blame but themselves for not being prepared.   It's time to fess up and pay up for the excessiveness that has raged out of control. 

It makes me shake my head.  What are they trying to (subliminally) tell us?  Are all these examples we're hearing about politically motivated?  Is this just another Bush bashing moment reminding us all 24/7 this is  his fault?   

I mean where were the media and talk shows two years ago when we were all making money hands over fist?  I don't remember any news or talk shows showcasing people smiling pretty because they were making good money. Where was the media when we were all overspending, buying things we didn't need or going out to dinner way too often?  Look at the average size of Americans.   They can't build enough restaurants around here.  They're full every night still and still continuing to fill the stomachs of those who like to eat out. 

Personally we really started getting involved in the market as our kids started college.  Before then we didn't have any extra money to put away.  But as our income increased we started doing some investing mostly in conservative stock but were also well diversified putting some money into CD's and real estatel.  But our bills were paid.  No debt.  Everything was cash as much as possible. 

We did very well and made really really good money the last six years or so.  We were making such good money we decided to keep it there when we bought another home choosing instead to take out a home equity loan on our fully owned house to help finance the new home.  So we paid for our new home cash and had this line of credit on the old house until things started to go south with the economy.

Last fall the winds shifted and the market started showing signs of distress but not too badly and we waited.  In January we got nervous and took it all out of the market and paid up the equity loan so both houses are free and clear. We were so glad we did considering the latest crisis.   Now we wished we took it out last fall.  We figured we lost maybe $25-30K but even so we made way more than we first invested not that many years ago.  We're still ahead.  Our house may lose value but we could be worse off. 

What goes up must come down eventually.  We all know  there is feast and there is famine.  What gets me are those complaining because they're not prepared and they're whining about it. 

It gets them on TV.

A 17 year old girl wrote the Dr. Phil Show (and subsequently became a guest) voicing her concern about her working mom.  She was worried her mom might have to work the rest of her life until she dies.  Come to find out this mom is a high end Real Estate Agent who most likely was making money like there's no tomorrow before all this happened. 

Now, of course the Real Estate Market has virtually come to a halt.  Did she save?  Was she prepared?  They all knew about the handwriting on the wall.  How could you not?   I've worked with Real Estate (from the accounting side) for most of my working career and saw this up close and personal.  They couldn't sell enough houses and the prices were thru the roof.

Ben Stein was a guest on this Dr. Phil show.  I think he nailed it when he was asked to give his suggestion.  He looked at the Mom and said "there are other jobs out there, not great ones but it's work.  It might not be high end Real Estate but it will pay the bills."  He then looked at the 17 year old and suggested she was old enough to help her mom by getting a part time job to help out. 

Dr. Phil turned and asked the young girl what she was doing and the girl said almost in defiance "I'm a full-time student."  I'm gathering she was saying she didn't have time for a job.  She could at least  pay for her own clothes and cell phone I'm thinking. 

Then today on one of the morning shows they profiled a family with two sons, one in college and one still in High School.  The mom said they had enough money in their tuition account (tied to the stock market) to have paid a full four years in cash for her eldest son's tuition but now it looked more like 2 1/2.   She says now she's clipping coupons and may have to go out and get a job to help him pay for college.  The son is NOT working and from all accounts it looks like he's contributing nothing to his own education. 

Pretty nice deal.  Don't tell my kids.  I've been clipping coupons since my kids were in diapers.  Still do.  I didn't feel sorry for this lady who looked like she lived in a pretty nice house. 

I figured this mom saved roughly about $100-150K or so for her sons' tuition.   Was she complaining when she saw the numbers go up with each stock report prior to this decline?  Where were the cameras then? 

Then there was another young couple on a talk show who said they owe about $150K just in college debt!  Excuse me?  What were they doing while they were going to school?   My three boys didn't come out with that much debt totally between the three of them.  Not even close. 

And this is what kills me.  Dr. Phil looks at these people and the camera and says "don't beat yourself up.  It's not your fault.  You didn't cause much of this to happen."   What? 

Give me a break!





Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 14, 2008

I mean where were the media and talk shows two years ago when we were all making money hands over fist? I don't remember any news or talk shows showcasing people smiling pretty because they were making good money. Where was the media when we were all overspending, buying things we didn't need or going out to dinner way too often? Look at the average size of Americans. They can't build enough restaurants around here. They're full every night still and still continuing to fill the stomachs of those who like to eat out.


Actually, I do recall a ton of stories regarding excess, laments that we are such a materialistic society, and so forth. This is hardly news.  I note, KFC, that you did not write about this until now...or am I wrong?


I am sympathetic to your position, I am, but I do think that this economic disaster has caught everyone including Mr. Bush off guard.  At least the depth and breadth of it.  Not to long ago he thought we could spend our way up...that was the impetus behind that "stiulous" package.  Wrong message.  I believe in thrifty life and saving.  I believe in hard work and that children should have jobs, not just for discretionary spending, but to contribute to the household income, as well.


Still, many people have lost a ton of money in things like IRAs and 401ks.  No fault of their own.  In fact, these are people who do, in fact, save.  They were under the impression, though, that there was someone watching the cat...who just kept getting fatter...but alas, the cat has bailed out with seriously golden parachutes and many of us are left holding the bag.


Last point, the economy is hurting to the extent that jobs are not particularly plentiful.  I know in my area, there are precious few jobs relative to the number of unemployed. 


As far as Bbush bashing goes, he has only himself to blame.  It was he who campaigned on balancing budgets and growing the economy during both elections.  The president sets the tone and often the direction of the country.  Why now, at the end of his term can we not make an assessment of his relative progress or lack thereof?



on Oct 14, 2008

but I do think that this economic disaster has caught everyone including Mr. Bush off guard.

George Bush's finance secretary predicted a possible problem with the big banks in 2003 and proposed a law to regulate them. It was rejected by congress.

I agree that it probably caught Mr. Bush off guard, but his administration tried, unsuccessfully, to stop it.

What worried me now is that so many Americans see the crisis and are willing to vote for Obama, a man whose work as a lawyer representing people who couldn't get mortgages has contributed to the crisis. Yes, helping the poor and (certain) minorities to own homes seemed like a great idea. But now we know that it wasn't.


on Oct 14, 2008

As far as Bush bashing goes, he has only himself to blame.  It was he who campaigned on balancing budgets and growing the economy during both elections.  The president sets the tone and often the direction of the country.  Why now, at the end of his term can we not make an assessment of his relative progress or lack thereof?

Yes, let's. He (i.e. his administration) totally failed to explain the seriousness of the situation to congress, even though he (i.e. his finance secretary) saw the problem in 2003. We should blame him for that.

But we should also blame everybody else for not even seeing the problem and refusing to be convinced that there was one.

John McCain was co-sponsor of another law that could have prevented the banking crisis, in 2005 I believe.

And Barack Obama was, I understand, an activist in the 90s who participated in actions convincing banks to give mortgages to the poor and (certain) minorities.

Let's make assessment of all of their relative progress or lack thereof, regarding the banking crisis, the Bush administration (who saw it coming and tried to prevent it), congress (who rejected the propoals), McCain (who also tried to prevent it), and Obama (who took part in causing it).



on Oct 14, 2008

My kids know we have invested for their college, but we tell them it won't be enough (for exactly the reason that happened in the market this past week) and they will have to work full time while going to school.

I couldn't afford college right out of high school and no one bothered to mention the pell grant, so I went into the AF to get my college money.  Once I was out it only payed for 3 years of higher education and the last year I had to come up with myself...luckily I won an academic scholarship.  So I graduated with no debt.

It will stink big time to have our economy go in the crapper, but in a way it will actually benefit the generation whose never known high unemployment rates and how to appreciate a job when they have it.  Benefit them in the long run when they start making money, saving, and learning about debt responsibility.

I hate to see it come, but on the other hand, I wish it'd get here already so we could get over it already. 

on Oct 14, 2008

Leauki,  you might want to check out the facts before your spread the sort of crap Ann Coulter does:





on Oct 15, 2008

Leauki,  you might want to check out the facts before your spread the sort of crap Ann Coulter does:

And there we go. Apparently it is not all right to make assessment.

The second article is about not blaming the poor and minorities, which is non sequitur because I haven't done that. I blamed the activists who tried to make mortgages available to them. They are NOT the same people, and I think the activists claim to represent the poor and minorities to avoid criticism by claiming that criticism of their work is "blaming the poor (and minorities)".

However, I still think we can criticise the activists.

The first article supports my criticism. Sure, it sets up a few strawmen; but it does say that private lenders made loans to people who couldn't afford them. My criticism above was exactly about that: there were activist lawyers who worked to convince banks to allow such loans.

Nothing I said had anything to do with the Clinton administration or government or government policy. So I am a bit surprised about the articles you link to. They address OTHER criticisms. Perhaps they are true.

But your accusation that I failed to check facts because I didn't take into account articles directed at DIFFERENT criticisms is bogus.

I think it is totally legitimate to criticise the activists (and Obama, who was one of them). Such criticism must be allowed.

And if you want to make assessment, as you say, you should address that criticism (NOT other criticisms that you have no idea about whether I agree with them or not).

I am perfectly willing to discuss Bush's role in this. What's so problematic about discussing Obama's role?


on Oct 15, 2008

But your accusation that I failed to check facts because I didn't take into account articles directed at DIFFERENT criticisms is bogus.

It is about misdirection, as you note.  The one article tries to change the debate (a favorite tactic), and debate whether Fannie and Freddie caused the problem.  I find almost no one arguing that, only that mismanagement on their part contributed to their problems, and to the over all failure of the market.  The problem - which is never addressed in either article - was caused by forcing lenders (and there is no qualifier on the lenders - they may be federal or private) to make loans that were not sound financially.  Based upon the erroneous assumption that there was no down side (the same argument that was made about the dot com bust).  Tracing the legislation back shows the sponsorship generally crossed party lines, but was predominantly demcorat in nature (Schumer and Frank).

The second link was of course just desperation.  The only ones that link blogs to support an argument are those without it.

And KFC - you mention V-Tech - is that Virginia Tech?  If so, that is a state school.  But in today's "tech world" it may be just another fly by night ECPI.

on Oct 15, 2008

I am sympathetic to your position, I am, but I do think that this economic disaster has caught everyone including Mr. Bush off guard

To this degree I'll give you a nod but I think for those who were totally caught off guard their heads were completely buried in the sand.  I remember we were talking about the end of this prosperity two years ago in my office; planning for it even with some of our clients.  We were telling them to pay off their debts and start socking it away to be prepared. 

I also wrote right here on JU a few days ago on that 1999 NY Times Article where there was a warning that if the economy slid even a little the government was going to be caught holding all these mortgages and there would have to be some sort of bailing out.  Just exactly what happened. 

 Those who were awake were not caught off guard.  Nobody could predict how far it would go, of course, but to not see this coming you'd have to be asleep  totally or drunken with all the excesses.   

And Barack Obama was, I understand, an activist in the 90s who participated in actions convincing banks to give mortgages to the poor and (certain) minorities.

more than convincing from what I've read and remember.  The Clinton administration was putting pressure on the banks to give these loans out.  The administration has to bear quite a bit of the blame here for doing so. 

and they will have to work full time while going to school.

all my kids worked  summers and Christmas break.  While in college two of them picked up a part-time job at Applebees waiting tables.  Brian was not allowed to work while going to VMI.  All three did well and came out of school owing about 20K each.  One of them has already paid off his school loan while the other two can be expected to pay about $200 a month or so for 10 years.  That's reasonable and there's no reason (for the most part) that one should have a much bigger burden than that. 

you mention V-Tech - is that Virginia Tech? If so, that is a state school.

Thanks for setting me straight.  You're right.  I didn't think it was but I guess it is a state school.  I've actually been there when Liberty went against V-Tech in a x-country race my son was racing in way back in 2000. 


on Oct 15, 2008

I wasted four years on a German university. I was lazy. I finally quit and moved to Ireland where I worked full-time and studied in the evenings on a private college that cost money. That was more succesfull.

When I studied in Israel I also paid for it myself.

Most of the people I started studying with 10 years ago in Germany are still students working on their first degree!


on Oct 15, 2008


I was told yesterday I could go to Israel and be considered an Israeli citizen.  I never thought about that before.  Remember I told you my Tuesday teacher is a Jewish Christian who is very knowledgeable about the scriptures and Israel?  He takes tours to Israel twice a year and has done so for about 35 years or so.  He turned 73 yesterday.   Anyhow he's the one who told me.  I just never thought about it but who knows.....if it gets bad here, I could go to Israel! 

My grandfather's grandfather was a Jewish Rabbi who denounced God.  I'm thinking it had something to do with the Holocaust but am unsure.  Anyhow this Rabbi's daughter married a Catholic and I came from that line.  Her brother was my great Uncle Harry who I met a few times before he died and was a communist Jew.  I'll have to look more into this. 

on Oct 15, 2008

...still paying for my education 

on Oct 15, 2008

 was told yesterday I could go to Israel and be considered an Israeli citizen.  I never thought about that before.  Remember I told you my Tuesday teacher is a Jewish Christian who is very knowledgeable about the scriptures and Israel?  He takes tours to Israel twice a year and has done so for about 35 years or so.  He turned 73 yesterday.   Anyhow he's the one who told me.  I just never thought about it but who knows.....if it gets bad here, I could go to Israel! 

I could have told you that. I thought it was common knowledge that children of Jewish women are Jews?


My grandfather's grandfather was a Jewish Rabbi who denounced God.  I'm thinking it had something to do with the Holocaust but am unsure.  Anyhow this Rabbi's daughter married a Catholic and I came from that line.  Her brother was my great Uncle Harry who I met a few times before he died and was a communist Jew.  I'll have to look more into this. 

Your grandfather's grandfather...

As far as I know for Israeli citizenship you'd have to be Jewish, have a Jewish parent, or a Jewish grand parent. I assume the Rabbi was married to a Jewish woman. Therefor his daughter was Jewish. She married a Catholic but her child would still be Jewish.

1. Grandfather's grandfather (Jewish)

2. His daughter, i.e. grandfather's mother (Jewish)

3. Her son, i.e. grandfather (Jewish)

4. His son, i.e. father (not Jewish)

5. his daughter, i.e. you (not Jewish)

So I guess that gives you a Jewish grand parent and you would thus be eligible for Israeli citizenship.


But you wouldn't have Jewish status, meaning that you better bring your own husband, because you wouldn't be able to get married in Israel.





on Oct 15, 2008

Remember I told you my Tuesday teacher is a Jewish Christian who is very knowledgeable about the scriptures and Israel? 

Yes, I remember. I hope he is well.


on Oct 15, 2008

I wonder from which tribe your family descends?

If you find out, I WANNA KNOW. 

on Oct 16, 2008

I wonder from which tribe your family descends?

There were 12 tribes.

Moses split one tribe (Joseph) into two (Menasseh and Ephraim).

12 Tribes received land in Israel. The priestly tribe (Levi) received cities all over the country instead.

When Israel split up into two kingdoms, the tribes split four-ways:

Yehuda, Benjamin, and Simeon founded the kingdom of Judaea, capital Jerusalem. From those four tribes (those three plus the Levi half) descend the Jews.

Dan fled the the civil war into Egypt and further south.

Levi remained all over the place.

The other tribes founded the northern kingdom of Israel, capital Shomron (Samaria).

When the Babylonians invaded the northern tribes became the "10 lost tribes".

That's 13 original tribes with Levi split into two (14) minus the four (including half of Levi) of the south.

After the southern kingdom was overrun too and after the first exile the Jews (anf half of Levi) returned to Israel.

Survivors of the northern tribe of Menasseh and Ephraim became known as the Shomronim (Samaritans).

Occasionally a lost tribe is thought to be found, often in India. But most Israelites from all over the world are Jews (Judaeans).

The tribe of Dan was discovered in Ethiopia and most of them live in Israel now. They were officially converted to Judaism to avoid the legal problems of having a third distinct Israelite culture and religion in Israel (Samaritan, Jewish, Dan).

Samaritans today live near their holy temple site near Shomron in the territories and in Holon in Israel. They are Israeli citizens.

Unless KFC has Ethiopian or Indian ancestors, it is likely that her family descends from Yehuda/Benjamin/Simeon (i.e. non-priestly Jews) or Levi (usually family name "Kohen" or "Levi").


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