I was told by someone once that if you're willing to put about 10,000 hours into something you'd be considered an expert.
I started up line dancing and just finished my third class. So I have a long way to go to reach expert status. Believe me, a long way to go.
Line dancing is a very popular thing down here. Everynight there's line dancing on the square dancing to a live band. It's fun to watch and they look like they're having so much fun. So....I decided....why not learn myself?
I've never really danced before, so I'm not very good. I'm starting to get a very small idea of how this whole thing works. My brain has to somehow connect with my feet and that's the rub. I can see this is going to take a while.
Line Dancing is alot of fun but can be frustrating as a beginner. I guess the trick is to stay with it and not give up. I end up very sweaty afterwards not even realizing the workout I'm getting.
I'm easy to spot on the floor. I'm the one who's looking around and playing catch up on the harder dances changing feet to make sure I'm in step with the rest of the crowd. It's a two hour class with the easy dances first and increasingly getting harder as the time passes. So by an hour and a half, I'm content on just watching because I am totally lost out there. We did the Charleston and a Waltz, both of which I did a terrible job at.
The teacher said there are no mistakes just variations. So I keep telling myself that. I'm a pretty varied dancer. I've got lots of original moves. If anyone looks at me and tries to match my steps they are going to be in trouble.
One lady, trying to help me, told me I needed to take smaller steps. I told her I was a runner. She said ahha that made sense. So I have to put running right out of the mind and think baby steps instead of strides.
So my next class is Thursday with a different teacher. Hopefully I'll stick this out and be able to say I was able to learn how to swim and line dance down here. Then maybe later I'll try something else.
Practice makes perfect.