What A Difference A Day Makes
Published on October 1, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Home & Family

The house is finally quiet.  I could actually hear a roach scurry across the floor (if there were any) now that the two babies have flown away with their parents.

It's been a very noisy and busy week in this household. We went from a family of two to a family of six for about eight days. I'm still finding toys here and there. I also found a cloth diaper in the dryer this morning.

Just about the time you start to get into a routine it's time to switch gears again. Now quiet is restored once again. It was fun though while it lasted.

Ethan slept in our room on a twin mattress in the corner; so every night we'd tip-toe in not wanting to awake what could very well  be an angelic being turned into a three foot grouchy monster with not enough sleep. Can't have that.

Last night it was sort of sad to see the now empty bed still there with no little almost two-year old spread out upon it.

We spent much of the week either chasing Ethan around or driving him around in the golf cart. Boy, didn't he just love that golf cart.  When we couldn't find him, we'd see the garage door open and find him sitting, even in the dark, in the golf cart with his hands on the wheel. Loved it. I told my son he needed to get one to drive around the base with. It's a very handy vehicle to have around.

Most of the time Ethan sat on our laps as we drove all around our new home town. He never uttered a peep as we drove around in the outside air soaking up the sights all around him. He was like a sponge taking in as much as he could and learning all sorts of things in the process.People would wave when they saw him. When we took both little boys out one evening a couple went by in their golf cart and gushed at how cute they were.

See, driving out in the fresh air with the golf carts it's so easy to converse with the car coming at you espeically when you or they are stopped at a stop sign or maybe when you're passing each other. Quite often people will say hi or something to you as you pass by. When I'm running sometimes they either give me a shout of encouragment or tell me to get on the sidewalk. Talk about grouchy. Somebody didn't get enough sleep. So this malady is not limited to just two year olds.

Taking him or the little baby out was impossible without someone stopping to comment on them. Around here little children are a rarity and much appreciated. Everybody wants to either touch them or look at them. When I went to the grocery store with Ethan we were stopped a bunch of times. One couple even commented on how he looked like a cherub. Ya, they should have seen him pitch a fit when I put him in that carriage when we first walked in. But now he smiled sweetly at them and held up the roll of toilet paper explaining all about the use of it (I imagined because I had no idea what he was saying).

On one shopping trip Amanda, sensing a cranky baby about to erupt, and went out to the golf cart with baby Troy only to be accosted by about 10 people as he lay on the seat waiting for me to come out. I guess this never happens on base where everyone is either pregnant, about to be pregnant or have already been pregnant during the last year or so. Another baby is just another baby there. Seeing a three month old baby laying on a golf cart seat is just way too much to resist around here.

So today it's all about cleaning up fingerprints all over the lanai door and picking up the rest of the loose toys scattered here, there and everywhere to be put back into the toy box until next time. Hopefully it won't be too far into the future.

Right now I don't expect to see the grandbabies again until New Year's when we'll have a few days in the KY-OH area. We will be celebrating both a wedding and maybe a Christmas with our sons and grandsons. Always something to look forward to.

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