So after all the talk by Obama about change, it was John McCain who beat him at his own game.
It's McCain who brings change to the ticket, not Obama.
Just like I've been saying all along. Obama is all talk with not alot of substance. He's a walking, talking empty suit. His pick of Biden just helped to underscore the fact that when push comes to shove, it's the same old, same old afterall.
Kudos to John McCain for a great first decision as the possible next President of the United States.
While Obama talked about change, McCain just quietly went about and brought it! Palin, a young 44 will be the first female GOP nominee ever. Not only that, she's doing a wonderful job in Alaska (they have a surplus) and is not a hardened old school politician. She brings a vibrant fresh look to the scene of politics.
Hillary must be steaming about now!
It's not about the talk, it's about the walk that matters in the end.
A McCain/Palin ticket will be hard to beat now.