Everyone is anxiously awaiting the news
Published on August 20, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Politics

I am axiously awaiting the naming of the VP positions especially for McCain.  There still could be a chance I'm not going to the polls this year.   Hopefully this won't happen but alot hinges on the VP choice McCain makes.

During this past weekend's Q&A with Rick Warren of the Saddleback church John McCain answered very simply to the "when does life begin"  question.  He came right out and said life begins with conception. 

Obama, on the other hand, gave this long convoluted answer which in my book was really a  "I don't know" answer.  But then again, Obama has extreme pro-abort ideas and he's sticking by that pro-choice position. I like Ronald Reagan's stance on this issue.  If we don't really "know" and there is much debate on this "when does life begin" issue shouldn't we NOT abort and err on the side of life?  He said we don't bury a "seemingly" dead person until we first make darn sure he's dead first.  So why kill a human being if we're undecided on when he becomes human first? 

There has been some talk about McCain choosing a pro-abortion VP.  I guess what he'd be saying, by doing so, is that abortion is not that big of an issue and if his VP is a pro-abort guy than so be it. 

I would have a problem with that.  

Because if McCain really believed that life begins at conception, he'd do all he can do to protect unborn life and picking a VP who is ok with murdering babies in the womb, in my book, is hyprocrisy.  How can two walk together if they can't agree on the most basic of all basic things? 

At least, Obama is upfront with his belief even if, in my book, he doesn't have a clue about many things including the abortion matter.   He's not being hypocritical but only relaying what he believes to be true,  At least Obama (and I cringe when I say this) is sticking to his beliefs and is honest with us on this issue. 

Somebody told me this week that if McCain picks a pro-abort VP then he will vote for Obama even though he strongly disagrees with him.  His reasoning would be if McCain goes against what he believes  (or says what he believes) by picking a pro-abortion VP  then he deserves to lose.   I'm not sure why McCain would go against his own belief and that of  the majority of the party that supports him.  To me it would be political suicide.

I know one thing.  I will NOT vote for Obama for any reason.  If anything a  NO vote for McCain is a vote for Obama anyhow. 

We will know soon enough. 

What do you think? 






Comments (Page 6)
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on Aug 26, 2008

In-vitro fertilization is the baby (or fetus if you will) surviving outside the womb before implantation.

It isn't a fetus until a few days to after implantation in the uterin wall.  It is a zygote up until that point and a zygote can survive for a short time outside the womb, because it needs to as it awaits implantation during the normal process following natural conception.

Funny the one thing the pro-choice side ridicules is the choice for abstinence. I think it's the ONLY sexual choice they don't like.

I can't speak for all pro-choice people out there but I for one am all for abstinence as the only 100% effective method of birth control.

And I won't deny that some pro-choice groups distort the facts to bring in the cash, but the same can be said about the pro-life crowd.  In fact any group that depends on donations may at one time or another distort things to get more money, look at political campaigns for that as well.

When you were in the fetus stage of development, were you alive or just potential life?

I think I've answered this already, I was a potential life.  I wasn't a life until I was actually born.

So you're saying that since a fetus can't survive on it's own, abortion is OKay. Sadly, this is valueing what the fetus can do instead of who he is. Children already born are not viable. If we leave a two year old alone, he will die. Is a two year old who cannot live by himself less human or less alive than a mature adult?

You are misconstrueing what I was saying.  A fetus under 22 weeks of gestation can't survive out of the womb no matter what measures are taken to keep it alive.  there is no life support system in existence today that can do that.  However there are life support systems that can keep help them survive after 22 weeks, the further along they are in gestation the better their chances.  After they are born yes they require assistance to live, but with that assisstance they are able to live.  That is part of my distinction between a fetus and a child.


Ok look everyone, it's obvious that I'm not going to change your opinions and you're not going to change mine.  So let's just agree to to disagree and be done with this whole thing as this thread has gotten way out of hand which is why I attempted to avoid this discussion in the first place.

on Aug 26, 2008
It isn't a fetus until a few days to after implantation in the uterin wall. It is a zygote up until that point and a zygote can survive for a short time outside the womb, because it needs to as it awaits implantation during the normal process following natural conception.
You can choose whatever words you like to dehumanize the baby. The fact remains, that at that point, only 1 of 2 things will happen. It will be born, or it will die. But it will not be anything other than human if it survives. And therein lies the difference. If it is a human, then abortion is not a convenience or right. It is murder. If it is just a parasitic growth in a human, then it can be excised. You have your belief, I have mine. And to date, there is no conclusive scientific evidence to say either of us is right or wrong. Only belief.
on Aug 26, 2008

And to date, there is no conclusive scientific evidence to say either of us is right or wrong. Only belief.

With that, we can all agree.   

The trouble is, even if the precise instant that an egg becomes a 'human' can be determined scientifically (which is itself something of a dubious notion), that won't move us any closer to resolving the Constitutional dilemma.

on Aug 26, 2008

And I won't deny that some pro-choice groups distort the facts to bring in the cash, but the same can be said about the pro-life crowd. In fact any group that depends on donations may at one time or another distort things to get more money, look at political campaigns for that as well.


Before I comment on what you said, I just want to say even though I disagree with you on some issues (like this one) I appreciate what you bring to the discussion. 

Now on your above statement.  What reason would the pro-life people distort the truth for cash?  How is this done?  They don't receive any funds that I'm aware of like PP is getting.   Most of the pro-life groups I know about work only on donations giving out their services for free.   It's not nearly the industry nor as powerful as the (government backed)  PP group is. 

In April the annual report for PP revealed that the abortion giant had a total income of $1.02 billion with reported profits of $115 MILLION!!!! Taxpayers kick in more than $336 million worth of government grants and contracts at both the state and federal level.  The abortion business is a big racket, based on lies and nothing more.  Follow the money trail. 

In 2006 alone there were 289,750 abortions.  Oil execs, tobacco execs, banking execs, pharmaceutical company execs and baseball players have all been hauled up before Congress for highly publicized whippings by crusading lawmakers.  But the execs of PP have escaped government scruitny and public accountability for their predatory behavior, dangerous medical practices and deadly windfall.    Why is this? 

How come our athletes are being stripped of medals, other awards, or status and hauled before the media and congressmen for doping or gambling etc and nothing is said bout PP's efforts to advise underage teens on how to circumvent parental notificaltion laws to secretly obtain RU-486, the abortion drug cocktail?   Why is this?

Where is the concern for the women and children who were mistreated by PP clinics in Kansas, where DA Phil Kline has filed a 107 count criminal complaint against the abortion racket with charges ranging from falisfying documents to performing illegal late-term abortions?   Huh? 

For whatever reason Washington has turned a blind eye to this bloody government funded business.   These obsene profits are made only from tragedy. 

How does this even compare to the pro-life movement who will do anything to save the life of a child and mother?  Instead of taking from these confused, scared moms to be, they give to them, helping them in every way imaginable to keep the life growing inside them with no benefits to themselves. 

So I refuse to vote for any elected leader who backs this murderous organization because I believe they too have blood on their hands. 

on Aug 26, 2008

And to date, there is no conclusive scientific evidence to say either of us is right or wrong. Only belief.

It's not rocket science to know when life begins.  From a scientific, biological standpoint, human life begins at conception when the sperm from the male fertilizes the female egg.  I know, I know, you don't want to hear this....but it doesn't make it less so.  This is Science.  True Science. 

Once joined the sperm and egg form a new individual human possessing its own unique genetic code.  About 21 days later this new life has a heartbeat.  The chromosomal composition of the newly formed individual remains unchanged whether it is permitted to reach maturity or not.  The DNA is all there and in place. 

If an  seven or eight month old fetus is a human entitled to legal protection then why isn't a seven day old fetus entitled to the same protection?  They both have the same unique genetic composition.   So are we only aborting because of size?  Size matters?   That's it? 


on Aug 26, 2008

The trouble is, even if the precise instant that an egg becomes a 'human' can be determined scientifically (which is itself something of a dubious notion), that won't move us any closer to resolving the Constitutional dilemma.

Not until we have a new emancipation.

on Aug 26, 2008

Now on your above statement. What reason would the pro-life people distort the truth for cash? How is this done? They don't receive any funds that I'm aware of like PP is getting. Most of the pro-life groups I know about work only on donations giving out their services for free. It's not nearly the industry nor as powerful as the (government backed) PP group is.
In April the annual report for PP revealed that the abortion giant had a total income of $1.02 billion with reported profits of $115 MILLION!!!! Taxpayers kick in more than $336 million worth of government grants and contracts at both the state and federal level. The abortion business is a big racket, based on lies and nothing more. Follow the money trail.

I don't have any specific examples of where the pro-life movement distorted facts to get money.  I do know from reading an article a while back that Crisis Pregnancy Centers were using bad data (extremely out dated or just plain false information)  in a lot of the information that they were handing out to essentially con women into avoiding Planned Parenthoods when all the women wanted was birth control advice or assisstance in putting a child up for adoption.

As for Planned Parenhood taking in a lot of money keep in mind that any abortions that they perform are NOT federally funded.  They are paid for by donations and by the individual getting the abortion.  They depend on money from donations for most of what they do from providing low cost birth control to counselling services for women and men alike.  Abortions make up about 10% of the services that they provide yearly.  Not sure if that helps or not.  I really can't speak to their lieing because what you have said is news to me, it doesn't make it wrong it's just news to me.

In 2006 alone there were 289,750 abortions. Oil execs, tobacco execs, banking execs, pharmaceutical company execs and baseball players have all been hauled up before Congress for highly publicized whippings by crusading lawmakers. But the execs of PP have escaped government scruitny and public accountability for their predatory behavior, dangerous medical practices and deadly windfall. Why is this?

From my experience PP doesn't go out seeking women to perform abortions on.  In fact when the women come in for the procedure they counsel them to try and desuade the woman from getting the procedure done.  The last thing that PP wants is for a woman to come in and get the procedure only to regret the decision in a day, week, or months later.  That's the difference.

How come our athletes are being stripped of medals, other awards, or status and hauled before the media and congressmen for doping or gambling etc and nothing is said bout PP's efforts to advise underage teens on how to circumvent parental notificaltion laws to secretly obtain RU-486, the abortion drug cocktail? Why is this?

This is news to me.  I'm not denying it, simply stating that this is the first I've heard of PP showing teens how to circumvent laws.  If they are doing that they should be hauled in front of congress to explain their actions.


And again I thank you for the debate on this issue but I know you aren't going to change my opinion on abortion and I doubt I will change yours so we will just have to agree to disagree.

on Aug 26, 2008

Once joined the sperm and egg form a new individual human possessing its own unique genetic code. About 21 days later this new life has a heartbeat. The chromosomal composition of the newly formed individual remains unchanged whether it is permitted to reach maturity or not. The DNA is all there and in place.

I agree with this.  If it weren't for the need for a mother to nurture it to independent viability, there would be no issue.  The logical extension of your line of reasoning is to get the troublesome mother out of the equation, once we have the technical ability to do so.  I believe that day is a long way off but the whole notion smacks of '1984'.

on Aug 26, 2008

I believe that day is a long way off but the whole notion smacks of '1984'.

Actually I think it is Brave New World.

on Aug 26, 2008

Actually I think it is Brave New World.

Good job.  Aldous Huxley is the author.  Written about a young man from a 'savage reservation' (similar to the indian reservations of today) who was raised on Shakespeare.  He is invited to see this "Brave New World" where babies come from labs, their social class pre-designated, and in which sex is purely recreational.  Like basketball.  Co-ed, basketball. 

It's a good read.

on Aug 26, 2008

Yep, I blew the reference.  BNW it was.

on Aug 27, 2008

How did a discussion about the VP for the office that is the highly influential in countless issues suddenly all about abortion?  I know that in this country there are a LOT of people more interested in other things.  Or is the President to be and his VP supposed to pander to special interest?  (Yeah, I know they DO...which is a sin if there ever was one...but should they be?)


Sorry if this was asked on pages 3-6.  Lula's one issue voting rants on one of the earlier pages were too pathetically predictable to be interesting, so I just skipped to the end.


Hey Lula...who caused death to exist in the first place?  That's right.  Now shut up.

on Aug 27, 2008

How did a discussion about the VP for the office that is the highly influential in countless issues suddenly all about abortion?

Well Ock, did you read the original blog?  We've made a bit of a turn but not a blind curve here.....much of the discussion starting from the original posting had to do with the President picking a pro-abort VP. 

And while that is just one issue out of many we could have discussed it's the one I picked because it was getting lots of press at the time I wrote this. 

The issue is important to me because as a pro-lifer I believe abortion is murder.  So when I choose my next President I prefer to choose one who doesn't have blood on his hands. 

Obama is extreme in his pro-abortion views even to the extent that he has a history of backing any movement that would limit a doctor or nurse from assisting a baby born alive as a result of a botched abortion.  I read this from an article called Obamicide showing how deep Obama really goes with this issue. 

"Although Obama's love affair with partial-birth abortion has served to chip away at his finely polished veneer, his opposition to the Born Alive Infants Protection Act (BAIPA) has revealed to the world that backward extremism permeates his marrow.
BAIPA very simply requires that when a baby survives an attempted abortion – when she is "born alive" – further attempts to kill her must immediately cease, and steps must be taken to ensure her health and well-being.

During his recent "not-ready-for-primetime" appearance at Pastor Rick Warren's Saddleback forum, Obama was asked at what point "a baby gets human rights."  His answer was shocking:  "Well, uh, you know, I think that whether you're looking at it from a theological perspective or, uh, a scientific perspective, uh, answering that question with specificity, uh, you know, is, is, uh, above my pay grade," said Obama.
What?!  Above my pay grade?  And this man wants to be the leader of the free world?  Even the most ardent pro-abortion wactivist would have likely said that a baby gets human rights as soon as it's born, right?  But Obama couldn't say that.  His opposition to Born Alive proves he doesn't believe it.  And if he had said it, he'd have been called on it."


on Aug 27, 2008

Obama is extreme in his pro-abortion views

And you're not in your pro-life views?  Just asking.

on Aug 28, 2008

And you're not in your pro-life views? Just asking.

Are not most people?  After all, it is why we outlaw murder.

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