Funny How That Works When It Gets Close & Personal
Published on August 11, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Politics

A friend from VA sent me this and I thought it was cute but also a very simple way to put things.  Funny how things can change when it becomes personal doesn't it? 


I'm reminded of the time that Catherine - a little girl in  our neighborhood - told me that she wanted to be  President one day.

Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there with  us, and  I asked Catherine, "If you were President what  would be the first thing you would  do?"

Catherine replied - "I would give houses to all the homeless people."

"Wow! what a worthy goal you have there, Catherine," I told her  (while both parents beamed),

"But, you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. You  can  come over to my house and clean up all the dog poop in  the back yard and I will pay you $5 dollars. Then we can go over  to  the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and  you can give him the $5 dollars  to use for  a new  house."

Catherine (who was about 4) thought that over for a second, and  then  replied, "Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and  clean up the dog poop himself, and you can pay him the $5  dollars."

Welcome to the Republican Party,  Catherine.....


Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 14, 2008

Welcome to Darwinism, Catherine.

on Aug 29, 2008

With all due respect KFC, I think this story simplifies things way too much. Not all Democrats, or bleeding hearts think the way this story goes. I'm a good example.

Thanks for letting me comment.


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