Summer is in full swing
Published on July 21, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Blogging

Well it's July and the hot weather is here and I still like living here.   Many back home said, "wait until the summer" thinking I'd hightail it right back after some oppresive steamy weather. 

Nope.  Loving every bit of it.  Well maybe I wouldn't if I was a roof worker or landscaper but since I don't have to do these sorts of jobs the heat really doesn't bother me much. 

Actually we've been watching the weather back home and they've had some days hotter than we have down here in sunny Florida with a lot less AC to help get thru the days. 

We've always had some yucky humid sticky weather in Maine during the summer months.  So actually there's not a huge difference in the summer temps between Florida  and Maine.  The only diff is Maine may have a nice humid free day here and there while we pretty much have humidity everyday broken up only a wee bit by the late afternoon tropical storms that blow in and out of here on a daily basis. 

This week promises to be hot all week.  Really hot.   It should hit the 90's all week with high humidy.  But that's ok.  We go running, biking and swimming about 6-7 pm anyhow.  It's still hot, but great training weather. 

Last night we rode our bikes over to one of the pools and then clocked for mileage the loop around it looking for a three mile running loop.  We then hopped off our bikes, ran the loop back to the pool starting point and went swimming.  I do about 6-10 laps of swimming while he does anywhere between 20-50 laps.  I'm feeling stronger and more confident in my swimming daily. 

We then head for home refreshed and cooled biking the two or so miles back to the house where we have a late dinner and watch a bit of tv.  It's pretty much a routine now for us. 

Tonight I'm going to have B-B-Q spareribs that will be finished off in the crockpot so when we get home very little prep will have to be done. 

I've got big news but I've been promised secrecy until I'm let loose....hopefully soon!  

Until then...have a great safe hot summer! 









on Jul 21, 2008

Gimme hot over cold ANY DAY! I hate the winter! Here's it's in the hundreds everyday but real dry -hardly any humidity at all.

(I do my running either real early or real late -no way gonna do that in THIS heat!   )

on Jul 21, 2008

The humidity is ok if the sun is not out.  I can't take the double wammy when running.  So if it's humid and cloudy or late in the day with no hot heat I'm ok.  Biking is ok either way but running is different for me. 

Probably going to do a three miler tonight and then reward myself by jumping in the pool immediately afterwards for upper body work. 




on Jul 21, 2008

MMMMMMmmmmm  BBQ cat my favorite on a hot day!!!

on Jul 22, 2008

MMMMMMmmmmm BBQ cat my favorite on a hot day!!!

There goes my appetite.

on Jul 22, 2008

MMMMMMmmmmm  BBQ cat my favorite on a hot day!!!

Hey............. who said anything about cat?  I happen to like cats but not enough to eat them.

The ribs were very good btw.

Before that I did run in the heat.  It was 95 and high humidity.  I did well for two but the thought of quitting hit my mind sometime after that.  I managed to get in that third mile but not without stopping for a few paces before starting again.  The funny thing is my last mile was my fastest.  Go figure. 



on Jul 22, 2008

Here in Central Florida at this time of the year it rains a lot in the afternoon.  It is also humid so the rain is a welcome relief, at least most of the time!

on Jul 22, 2008
Here in Central Florida at this time of the year it rains a lot in the afternoon. It is also humid so the rain is a welcome relief, at least most of the time

well that's where I am. I'm wondering how far you are from me? I'm in the Villages, where are you?

We haven't had alot of rain lately. We had to turn the sprinklers on last night. There is like a 30-40% of predicted afternoon rain this week but so far we got missed. I did see lightnening last night and hear the thunder but it missed us. I was hoping we'd get a shower for some relief. Perhaps tonight.