Will it Work?
Published on July 12, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events

I heard about this boycott last week.  It's a boycott against McDonald's for supporting same sex marriage for throwing their money and support to the homosexual activists.  Many feel that McDonald's is abandoning those who helped make McDonald's the successful company it is namely familes with children.  I don't like McDonald's anyhow, so it doesn't really affect me.  I'd much rather go to Subway, BK,  or Wendy's anyhow. 

I didn't even know, until now,  that there was a National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, did you?  So the American Family Association has called for this boycott.  This is from their site: 

Throwing out any pretense of being neutral in the culture war, McDonald's has taken up the rhetoric of gay activists, suggesting those who oppose same-sex marriage (SSM) are motivated by hate.

AFA has asked for a boycott of McDonald's restaurants because of the company’s promotion of the gay agenda. AFA asked McDonald’s to remain neutral in the culture war. McDonald’s refused.

In response to the boycott, McDonald's spokesman Bill Whitman suggested to the Washington Post that those who oppose SSM are motivated by hate, saying "...hatred has no place in our culture." McDonald's has decided to adopt the "hate" theme used by gay activist groups for years.

Whitman went on to say, "We stand by and support our people to live and work in a society free of discrimination and harassment." Mr. Whitman has intentionally avoided addressing the reason for the boycott. This boycott is not about hiring gays or how gay employees are treated. It is about McDonald's choosing to put the full weight of their corporation behind promoting their agenda.

McDonald's donated $20,000 to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce in exchange for membership and a seat on the group’s board of directors. The NGLCC lobbies Congress in support of same-sex marriage.

McDonald's CEO Jim Skinner said the company will promote issues they approve. "Being a socially responsible organization is a fundamental part of who we are. We have an obligation to use our size and resources to make a difference in the world...and we do."


Comments (Page 11)
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on Jul 19, 2008

Yep, Christianity never condemns the sinner. Did you not read my explanation? Look at it this way. Sin is like a block of cement. As people, we are standing on the edge of a diving board. We need to either get rid of our sin, or have someone (Jesus) help us get rid of it. Otherwise, when we dive off (die), we fall and sink, and we won't be saved, because cement is too heavy. When Jesus helps us, we can leave the cement behind, and enjoy the swimming pool.

Sure it doesn't, but it's the vessel. Christians can, and do.


you're not understanding SP. I said, when you hire someone you CANNOT by law asked them about religious practices. So it never comes up in an interview. Only their past working history, present skills and abilities and salary negotiations are spoken about. You CAN"T ask them if they belong to a cult or not. Later after you employ them and find out, you CAN"T fire them either by law. That' religious descrimination.

I said I am trying to. So, would you say it's fine to not religiously discriminate against someone, but would you say that it's fine to not hire someone that is gay, since it's one of the goals of the evil homosexual agenda? I'm not applying this to the law, I'm applying it morally.



on Jul 21, 2008
I don't support Hooters either!

You don't wear a bra?

on Jul 21, 2008

The so-called "homosexual agenda" is simply about the rights of individuals to live out their own sexual preferences and be accorded the same rights as everyone else.

But as KFC said:


it's not about hiring homosexuals

it's not about homosexuals eating at McDonalds

it's not about how homosexuals are being treated at McDonalds


This is not about what people do in their bed rooms, it's about politics outside the bed room. Whether or not men should be allowed to marry other men (and women other women) is a question that has nothing to do with being homosexual as such.

Incidentally, homosexuals have the same rights as everybody else: a homosexual man has the right to marry a woman, just like a heterosexual man. They want a new right.

So, I am sorry, but while I would/will not support the boycott (I don't think the issue is important enough), I can see that such a boycott is perfectly legitimate.

Corporations have an obligation to behave as good citizens, but how picking sides is being a "good citizen" while remaining neutral is "bad", I don't understand. It's not a civil rights issue.

If McDonalds wants to support gay marriage, that's fine. And those who are against gay marriage have every right to boycott McDonalds for it. But it isn't obvious that being against gay marriage is somehow "evil".


on Jul 23, 2008

if I apply the logic to several of your statements.

-Good stewards of money by not patronizing them (a business).

Do you ONLY patronize Christian organizations that ONLY use their money for Christian agendas (as all other agendas would be sinful)? Including groceries, gas, etc.

Let's go another step how about income? Does your only income come from Christian organizations or people that adhere to only your agenda?

Just some questions.
on Jul 23, 2008
Those are good questions AD. Of course we should be careful in all areas on how our money is being spent since all comes from God. So I try my best to be a good steward of my money. I'm sure there are times I unknowingly give to something or purchase something where the money isn't being used very well. If I find out that it's not good, I would stop.

But as far as buying something from a secular organization and not a Christian organization, no I don't monitor it that closely. But if I know something is helping to contribute towards a cause of sin, there is no way I'm going to help that along. Not all secular causes are sinful or have sinful agendas.

I would not work in a company or organizatin that was not honoring to God. So I wouldn't recieve money from an organization that promotes sinful activities. Like I said, I don't patronize nor would I work for Hooters either.

on Jul 23, 2008
Like I said, I don't patronize nor would I work for Hooters either.

ah come on... not even for free hot wings?

on Jul 23, 2008
Those are good questions AD. Of course we should be careful in all areas on how our money is being spent since all comes from God. So I try my best to be a good steward of my money. I'm sure there are times I unknowingly give to something or purchase something where the money isn't being used very well. If I find out that it's not good, I would stop.

But as far as buying something from a secular organization and not a Christian organization, no I don't monitor it that closely. But if I know something is helping to contribute towards a cause of sin, there is no way I'm going to help that along. Not all secular causes are sinful or have sinful agendas.

Doesn't this seem like a bit of contradiction?

This almost sounds like... If I don't know about it then it's okay?

My point being this. Where is the line drawn in your logic?

What about if a business contributes to another business that supports such said agendas (and on and on)?

It's one thing to not patronize an establishment but it is another to campaign against it.

on Jul 23, 2008
We'll I'm not exactly campaigning. Other than here, I haven't mentioned this to anyone in person. I'm not going door to door either.

How can I know about everything? If and when I do find out something is not right, I make it right but until then how am I to know?

I know of no business that would give to one business to give to another business. In othe words why would a business give to McDonald's so it can give to the homosexual agenda? Makes no sense to me.

not even for free hot wings?

they give free hot wings?   
on Jul 23, 2008
I know of no business that would give to one business to give to another business. In othe words why would a business give to McDonald's so it can give to the homosexual agenda?

I think you misunderstood.

Let's say (completely hypothetical here) that McDonald's purchases their beef from a farm that advocates for the homosexual agenda. Would you still patronize McDonald's?

What if the beef farm buys their grains from a farming co-op that advocates?

Or the Farming coalition buys fertilizer from a business that advocates?

See how this can go on and on?
on Jul 23, 2008
Geeze AD this isn't legalism 101 here.....and usually I don't answer the hypothetical..but for you........

I probably wouldn't have a problem with this. My problem is my money being spent on McDonald's who takes my money and dumps it into an agenda that I don't believe in. If they buy their soda or beef from an organization who supports the same cause then their money is being spent towards a product and they have to make that same decision I'm making. If everyone did not support or patronize the business they deal with for say...this reason, the funds would dry up and there would be no money going towards this agenda that fights against Christ.

It's not rocket science and it's not something we have to worry about. It's just making a decision not to support something that goes against Christ.
on Jul 23, 2008
Geeze AD this isn't legalism 101 here

wasn't trying to go into legalism...just trying to understand your POV here.

The reason I ask is Coca-Cola is Pro Homosexual and is in many restaurants (including our local McDonald's).

WWW Link

According to this website Coca-Cola is more of an advocate than McDonald's.

Although I spoke in hypothetical I do have reasons for it.

Pepsi is also included in this list. Making the majority of all restaurants on your list.
on Jul 23, 2008

AD you hit the nail on the head in what I tried to get across, kudos for that.

on Jul 23, 2008

Oh, and KFC, thanks for letting me discuss this with you.

on Jul 24, 2008
wasn't trying to go into legalism...just trying to understand your POV here.


The reason I ask is Coca-Cola is Pro Homosexual and is in many restaurants (including our local McDonald's).

So Coke and Pepsi also are pro homosexual marriage ammendment? That would bother me more than the restaurants because we don't eat out that much but do like our cokes!

Pepsi is also included in this list. Making the majority of all restaurants on your list.

Again, I wouldn't not visit a restaurant because they buy from say Pepsi. If I find out that Pepsi/Coke are also supporting what I deem unacceptable than I would stop drinking those beverages but wouldn't stop going to the restaurant.

It's not that God is saying or dictating anything to me here so much as it's me just being sensitive to the cause of Christ. If I think something or someone is working
against Christ I'm just not going to support it. If it breaks God's heart shouldn't it break ours?

Oh, and KFC, thanks for letting me discuss this with you.

you're welcome!

on Jul 24, 2008
So Coke and Pepsi also are pro homosexual marriage ammendment? That would bother me more than the restaurants because we don't eat out that much but do like our cokes!

I can't say for amendment but according to that website they support the Gay agenda.

If you look at that link that gives you a fairly long list of corporations that have 100% support of the HRC (pro homosexual agenda). Keep in mind that McDonald's is recorded as only 85%.

Looks like you have a decision to make about your cokes?

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