I have a very big test to study for and take and then it's onto studying about the Doctrine of Satan. Now that sounds interesting. There are some things to think about right off before delving into this subject.
First of all there is scarcely a culture, tribe or society to be found in the entire world who doesn't have some concept or fear of an evil power or deity. Many Christian missionaries and secular anthropologists alike have written about the different cultures they were in which included, in some cases, witch doctors, shrunken heads, voodoo dolls and totem-poles.
So where does this universal fear come from? What is the origin of the evil power called Satan? What is his personality like and what activities best describe him? Why does he have so many names? Where is his abode or geographical area he mostly dwells in? And how can we escape him and keep him out of our lives?
Some of these questions I can answer to some degree, some I'm not too sure and others I'm very interested in finding the answers.
What I do know is we live in a society today, here in the US, where his existence is doubted. We see this daily when we turn on tv and see a medieval and mythical two-horned creature holding a scorching fork. Kind of reminds me of Hell's Kitchen I watch on TV from time to time.
We can also understand this lack of belief in Satan after visiting alot of liberal churches who totally ignore or down play the devil. The words hell, damned, evil, and devil are usually not found in the sermons coming from these liberal pulpits.
Heck even some of the conservative pulpits are doing the same avoidance thing when it comes to Satan. Some would rather just not go there.
I think Satan rather likes it this way. This evil disciple of hell seems to thrive best when he is either underestmated, ignored or denied. This way he can go about his wicked ways unheeded, unhindered and unchecked. Paul wrote about Satan hindering us. If anyone is going to do the hindering it's Satan and it's best we keep on denying his existence so he can keep on keeping on.