Who Are You Voting For?
Published on June 10, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Republican

I've been thinking.

I do that from time to time.

Anyhow, I've been thinking I have no choice but to vote. 

Earlier in the year I said, and meant it, that I felt I could not vote the way things were going.  I'm not excited about any of the candidates at all.  I've said repeatedly I'm not a McCain supporter and I had no desire to vote for him.

Of course many razzed me saying no vote is a vote for Hillary or Obama.  So what?  To me they all looked alike once you get past color and gender. 

Anyhow I've been thinking. 

Now it's down to two.  Obama and McCain. 

When all is said and done I have to admit Senator McCain has not spent decades aiding and abetting people who hate America. 

Quite the opposite.  He paid a huge price for resisting our enemies even as they held him prisoner and tortured him.   What has Obama done?  What has he proven to us? 

The choice is a no brainer.

I'm voting for McCain. 


Comments (Page 11)
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on Sep 05, 2008

KFC, I love it how people try to change your mind on who you're going to vote for by throwing out at you random non-sense.  I also agree with you on that both candidates are  ummmmmmmmmmm not the 'best' choice. 

After reading several pages, of people saying that if you (meaning KFC) had any brains you would vote for Obama.  Well if they (those people saying that) had any brains they should state why KFC should vote for Obama.  Here's how a logical (the exchange of information) argument should you go: a statement is made back by fact the other party can accept, deny and state a fact of why they're denying, or say that the statement and fact are not linked then make another statement.

Brining up that McCain voted for Bush 90ish% times isn't going to most likely make KFC change his mind, for judging by his post one can guess that he probably doesn't mind that.  Nor is saying McBush McSame, or singing old McDonald had a farm going to help persuade him either.

Let me give an example of a logical argument.  I just stated that McCain voted for Bush 95% of the time.  Which is TRUEISH (again the media does this all the time and tells half of the story).  It is made out that McCain has voted 95% of the time with Bush all the time but that statistic is only for this year.  Go to congressional quarterly voting studies.  While McCain's support of Bush has been down to 77% and vote with his party as low as 67%.  Again, Mc'Same', went against his party 33%.

Meanwhile, Obama has a more 'consistent' record.  He's voted nearly a perfect score, yes he's close to 100% (a few tenths of a percent off) voting with Demcrats (google congressional quarterly voting study).  Let me get this right.  First, you can clearly tell that he is 'SO WAY' bipartisan.  Seconde, Demcrats have had control of Congress for about 3 years.  Please tell me what changes have come.  The economy is doing so-so worriedish (for the most part as in its not as bad as it could be) yet the stock market keeps going down by big loses.  Yes I understand it takes some 'time' for policies to go through.

Again, I don't like either candidate.  In fact, the two candidates (maybe 3ish) I liked were very articulate (one wasn't the two were), all were intelligent, and two were believers (followers of Jesus Christ, which I am. I'm not sure if the thirdish was) Why is that important because its part of their character.  Why is character important? "People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously.  This is how character is built"  What a great quote thank you Mrs. Roosevelt.

Dr. Guy and KFC, the more comments/articles I read from you guys the more I appreciate your thoughts.



on Sep 05, 2008

Again, I don't like either candidate. In fact, the two candidates (maybe 3ish) I liked were very articulate (one wasn't the two were), all were intelligent, and two were believers (followers of Jesus Christ, which I am. I'm not sure if the thirdish was) Why is that important because its part of their character.

Well it sounds as if we're on the same page.  I originally was backing Huckabee here on JU and elsewhere when nobody even knew who he was.  One asked me if that was the name of a restaurant.  Ha!  Then he came on strong for a bit and shook things up a little.  Unfortunately he  didn't connect as well with the public as I was hoping.  I think money was an issue as well.  He just didn't have the big bucks the big guns had.  Too bad because I liked Huck. 

Dr. Guy and KFC, the more comments/articles I read from you guys the more I appreciate your thoughts.

thanks.  It's good to have someone who "gets" me.  Hahahahaha.  Not many here do! 

PS....I'm a she, not a he! 



on Sep 05, 2008

Dr. Guy and KFC, the more comments/articles I read from you guys the more I appreciate your thoughts.

YOu have made a point I have been trying to make with the following!

Let me give an example of a logical argument. I just stated that McCain voted for Bush 95% of the time. Which is TRUEISH (again the media does this all the time and tells half of the story). It is made out that McCain has voted 95% of the time with Bush all the time but that statistic is only for this year. Go to congressional quarterly voting studies. While McCain's support of Bush has been down to 77% and vote with his party as low as 67%. Again, Mc'Same', went against his party 33%.

Also, when they talk about that "90%" or whatever, they also include the bills that are unanimous or nearly so (LIke naming post offices and such)  By that measure, Obama is over 50% voting with Bush!  But you will never hear those numbers coming from the MSM or Obamabots.

on Sep 05, 2008

Dr Guy

Also, when they talk about that "90%" or whatever, they also include the bills that are unanimous or nearly so (LIke naming post offices and such)  By that measure, Obama is over 50% voting with Bush!  But you will never hear those numbers coming from the MSM or Obamabots.

Dr. Guy, with your astute observation skills you're actually pretty close.  Obama has voted I believe the highest with Bush was 49% of the time.  Now, when I met someone that supports Obama.  I am going to remind them of the Bushama effect (aka McBama) of 49% and just leave it at that.  I won't mention the year or nothing.

Example Agrument:

McBama supporter:  McSame McBush yodda yodda yodda.  He went to an Ivory League School (*so did a lot of people*). yodda yodda yodda He cleaned the streets of Chicago in a single bound yodda yodda yodda McBlame McSame McBush

Me who doesn't like either candidate too much:  Hmmm that's interesting so how can he lead?  What has he done since taking office? Do you have some facts?

Bushama supporter:  Well you know McCain voted with Bush 95% of the time.......... McSame ect ect ect....

Me who doesn't like either candidate too much: Yes in 2007 he did vote with Bush 95%.  Well did you know that McCain went against his party 33% of the time.  Obama voted with his party nearly 100% all his term. So that leaves oh about no% going against his party, true bipartisan.  Oh WAIT A MINUTE: Did you know Obama voted with Bush 49% of the time? go to congressional voting study.

McBama supporter:  What!  Who shot who in the what now......

Me who dispies the media of this country:  No McBlamo No McBillary No Way....


on Sep 05, 2008

p.s READ MY LIPS I DID NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH THAT....' wouldn't that speach have been so much better if combined the two?

p.p.s KFC, my utmost apologies

p.p.p.s KFC, I take that is your initials?


p.p.p.p.s  I like using p.s as well

on Sep 05, 2008

p.p.p.s KFC, I take that is your initials?

She is not Colonel Sanders.

on Sep 05, 2008

She is not Colonel Sanders.


But does she like fried chicken?

on Sep 09, 2008

Arguing with a republican is like yelling at a brick wall, its pointless they always think their right now matter what.  KFC you are disgusting period your comments are applalling and show your interlect.

You Christians want this to be a religous state like Saudi Arabia only under some idealistic Christian laws. I'm fine with people having their beliefs but seperation of church and state is a must other wise every religous nut would come outa the wood work and have us under their ideology.

The hypocracy I see with some of these christians amazes me. Ok I'm done ranting.

on Sep 09, 2008

Quote feature not working:

Jay says, "Arguing with a republican is like yelling at a brick wall, its pointless they always think their right now matter what. "

Um, I don't find very many liberals that are different, so you may want to add an OR and add Liberals.



on Sep 10, 2008

they always think their right now matter what.

Now matter?  Is this a new form of pig latin?

And just for the record, who besides a moron will argue a point if they dont think they are right?  By implication, are you insinuating that democrats are then arguing because they do not think they are right?  Sounds like a bunch of idiots to me.  But I dont think so lowly of democrats.  I think they argue because they think they are right as well.

on Sep 10, 2008

they always think their right now matter what. KFC you are disgusting period your comments are applalling and show your interlect.

ummmmmm it's "they're right"  not "their right" and at least I know how to spell "intellect." 

The hypocracy I see with some of these christians amazes me.

and just like a liberal to give me nothing.......as in ZERO!  What the heck are you even talking about?  Why am I disgusting?

who besides a moron will argue a point if they dont think they are right? By implication, are you insinuating that democrats are then arguing because they do not think they are right?

exactly.  What in the world brought this on? 

p.p.s KFC, my utmost apologies

p.p.p.s KFC, I take that is your initials?

no problem!  Nice to have you around and yes KFC will do fine.

But does she like fried chicken?

you bet!


on Sep 10, 2008

A lot of the people in my new classes have Obama pins.

I am waiting to see how he comes up....our stats class has to do a class project looking at all the polls a week before the election, then we have to say, using statistics, who will win.

I'll let ya know how it goes.  Should get interesting if the polls show McCain winning since over half of the class are visible O-bi-none supporters. 


on Sep 10, 2008

I'll let ya know how it goes. Should get interesting if the polls show McCain winning since over half of the class are visible O-bi-none supporters.

ha!  Ya, loved to know....hey you're going to have lot of new material to blog on here.  Keep us informed as to what's going on in the classroom.  That'd be cool!  I've seen a few, not many, Obama 08 bumper stickers around here. 

A lot of the people in my new classes have Obama pins.

what ages are we talking about here?  Just curious. 


on Sep 10, 2008

Using the stats of where people stood on the issues before the election campaigning for the primaries even began, I can tell you McCain + Palin should win relatively easily over Obama + Biden, but then this discounts smears, youth, peer popularity, and (dare I say it) race/gender.


Should be interesting to see what your class think with a week to go, do a post for us with their findings


on Sep 10, 2008

what ages are we talking about here? Just curious.

Well the ladies I am thinking about are late 20's early 30's.  There are actually very few people in the Master's Program under 27...

I will post our results when we are done...possibly with graphs and everything....heh...if I can learn excel. 

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