It's Not To Late To Teach An Old Dog
Published on May 20, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Blogging

I never learned to swim as a child.  I grew up in the city and outside of a few lake excursions during summer vacation, the only water experience I had was either in the bathtub or back yard kiddie pool.   During one of these lake experiences I nearly drowned falling off one of those plastic floats.  I didn't realize I had floated over my head.  So between that experience and knowing a childhood friend who drowned while trying to save another kid I pretty much set myself up never to list swimming as one of my physical activities. 

When I hit the ninth grade, we moved near the ocean. In fact it was close enough to bike to, and I spent most of my teen years at the beach, sunning myself, definitely not swimming.     

Oh I tried off and on over the years especially if I had access to a pool, but as I got older the fear deepened and I was too embarrased to take lessons thinking I was too old to do so.   Besides that there were not too many opportunities to be alone in a hotel or gym pool so it wasn't really feaible.  I wouldn't dare in front of others to flounder around in the pool. 

So I made a decision early on that my children would learn how to swim while they were young.  I spent many summers at our local beach while they were little  (it's a tough job and someone has to do it) making sure they had Red Cross lessons every summer.  Afterwards we'd stick around for a few hours so they could practice what they learned.  And I could practice my tan. 

It didn't take long before all three boys could swim and easily passed thru the Red Cross course over a period of two or three summers.  In addition to that Bobby had to take some really tough testing proving his swimming prowness during his Boy Scout years.  I remember one year in particular he had to take some stringent tests to be considered an expert swimmer and he passed with flying colors.  Not all his friends were so lucky.  But then again, he's always been a good test taker.  I felt really good that he could swim so well. 

So guess what I'm doing now that I'm in Florida?  I'm teaching myself to swim. 

Yep.  And I'm starting to get it.  Really get it.  It's about time. 

The plan works like this:  my husband and I go for a bike ride every night after work.  This is anywhere between 6-9 miles.  Near the end of the ride we start looking for an empty pool.  We usually check out the brand new neighborhoods and one in particular where there is a brand new pool but no neighbors yet.  That's always our best bet.   We strip (not totally), jump in the empty pool and while he does laps I work on my swimming.  We then hop on our bikes totally refreshed and head for home dripping wet.  It's great! 

At first it was awful.  I was terribly winded and not feeling very good about it.  But I kept at it and in just a short time am seeing some results.  He gives me a few pointers to work on and I spend the time practicing while he does his laps.  We both have improved.  The first night he could barely do three laps and was terribly winded as well.  He's now up to 10 laps without stopping and I can swim two times across the pool doggie paddle style. 

I still can't tread water and am trying to do the breast stroke but am terrible at it.  But right now it's all about gaining confidence in the water and knowing that I can at least swim a little hopefully enough to save myself if I had to. long as I have a point b to go to.  Otherwise I'd be sunk! 



on May 21, 2008

So, you trespass and use somebody's pool without permission?  That seems pretty odd to me.  I sure wouldn't do that, if no other reason than the chance of getting a bacteria from the untreated pool, or to get a chemical reaction from the unbalanced chemicals.  Of course, I tend to not use other people's stuff without their permission, either.

Why don't you just sign up at a local pool for classes?  I am sure you would learn more from an instructor.

on May 21, 2008

So, you trespass and use somebody's pool without permission? That seems pretty odd to me.

and dd I say that?   Why do you always assume the worst in me Karma?  Always? 

The answer is no I don't tresspass anywhere without permission....ever!!!    As a Christian I would never do such a thing.  It would go against my conscience and would not give God glory to do such things. 

We live in The Villages in Florida.  We have access to about 50 or so pools scattered every mile or so.  We have a pass and are allowed in any of the pools free of charge.  These pools are not only mostly brand new but in perfect condition being tended to on a weekly basis. 

From my home alone I have about six pools within two miles of my house in diff directions.  Every village has their own neighborhood pool that only those 30 and above are able to use.  In addition to that we have Rec Centers with pools that our families are allowed (with a pass) to use so that's where all the visiting kids and teens go.  These Rec Centers are here and there and I have 4 within two miles of my house which is in addition to the other six neighborhood pools.

As far as signing up at OUR local pools I think I covered that in the article.  I'm sure you're right tho.  I probably would learn more from an instructor and maybe after I get some basics on my own....maybe I'll get enough confidence to do so.  Right now I'm not there yet and my husband is a good swimmer so he's helping me out. 



on May 21, 2008
KFC, before you know it you'll be signing up for triathlons!
on May 21, 2008
In Karma's defense, it DID sound like you were hopping into unattended neighbors' pools before you explained it in your comment, haha.

I was thinking, "Why is she sneaking into neighbors' pools? She's going to get arrested!"
on May 21, 2008

I was thinking, "Why is she sneaking into neighbors' pools? She's going to get arrested!"

Me too....but knowing you I figured there was more to the story...still it sounds kinda better that way....biking, getting neked, swimming illegally.

Except, er, you're not neked, and you swim legally.

Oh well, can't have everything.

on May 21, 2008
In Karma's defense, it DID sound like you were hopping into unattended neighbors' pools before you explained it in your comment, haha.

I can see both sides. But I had read somewheres else that KFC mentioned that she was living in a gated community I figured it was like the one I lived in.
on May 21, 2008
I was thinking along the same lines as most of the others here. But then I stopped and thought oh Florida retirement communities. When I lived in Arizona our apartment complex had 2 pools. So yes I get that now.

My brothers taught me how to swim using the sink or swim method. I was probably about 7 years old. They tossed me out in the 4 ft of the public pool. I remember being under the water doing summersaults and blowing all kinds of bubbles. I opened my eyes and saw a guy standing beside me. I grabbed the belt loop of his cut-offs and pulled my head above the water. He turns around and looks down at me. He calls me a little sh** and dunks me under the water again. I had caught my breath. I calmed myself this time, kicked my legs got my head above water again and started moving my arms in some kind of swimming motion and made it back to the shallow end of the water. Now that I knew that I could do some sort of a swim stroke. I started practicing. I never became a great swimmer, but I can get by.
on May 21, 2008

I had read somewheres else that KFC mentioned that she was living in a gated community I figured it was like the one I lived in.

yes, I've mentioned a few times about living in the Villages but can see the misunderstanding I suppose especially if you haven't picked up on this.   It was more the tone and accusation without asking first that kind of got my goat. 

KFC, before you know it you'll be signing up for triathlons!

I don't know about that.  My running has taken a dive (hahaha)  lately.  My biking and now swimming (if you can call it that yet) is picking up but my running has hit almost a dead stop. I need alot more practice on the swimming part especially.   


on May 21, 2008

Now that I knew that I could do some sort of a swim stroke. I started practicing. I never became a great swimmer, but I can get by.

ya, that's what I'm hoping for.  I'm not expecting great things just the ability to enjoy swimming somewhat and not have the fear of the water like I used to have. 

I was thinking, "Why is she sneaking into neighbors' pools? She's going to get arrested!"

ha!  Now that would make for an interesting blog.......KFC gets caged.  Ohhhhhh I could see lots of one liners now...LOL.



on May 21, 2008

Swimming is fun, but it's too tiring for me. Beyond a couple Olympic laps in the pool, I just crash.

on May 24, 2008
The secret to treading water is to relax! Really that is all it is. And remember, fat floats, muscle does not.

So when you jump in, just relax and gently move your arms back and forth (to create a greater area of flotation).

Treading water is the antithesis to a workout! And very refreshing.
on May 26, 2008

Swimming is fun, but it's too tiring for me. Beyond a couple Olympic laps in the pool, I just crash.

well this is where I'm at except It's more work than fun right now.  I still waiting for the fun part to take over.  I go twice across the pool without stopping and I'm dead.  It's easier to run 10 miles. 

The secret to treading water is to relax

this is probably my problem.....I'm too uptight.  I'll work on that!

And remember, fat floats, muscle does not.

hey!  I can use this as my  I guess I'll have to eat more bon bons eh?  I always feel like I'm sinking when I try to tread water. Now I know!! 

 Actually........I think I have plenty of fat spots that just haven't figured out that their job is to float....not sink.  We'll work on that...LOL. 

Treading water is the antithesis to a workout! And very refreshing.

I'll take your word for it.  I'll look forward to this when I can get the hang of it.  Thanks for the tips.