Watch & Pray
Published on April 28, 2008 By KFC Kickin For Christ In Current Events



It's something we, here, in the United States generally take for granted.  I'm as guilty as anyone.  It's much easier sometimes to gripe about the freedoms we are losing than to thank God for the freedoms we have.  I hate that the government tells me I have to put on my seatbelt when I drive.  I know it's the rebel in me.  I also know that as a Christian I'm bound to follow the law.  So I do what I don't want to do and I don't do what I would like to do.  Sometimes.  I'm still a work in progress. 

I try to have a thankful attitude because I have alot to be thankful for.  Especially when I hear news reports like this one.

It seems as though North Korea decided to arrest 10 college students and The Voice of the Martyrs are asking for their release.  Their crime?   Reading a bible and watching a DVD about God. 

It was found out that these kids were having an underground bible study.  I guess hundreds of bibles and DVDS had been smuggled into N. Korea via China in flour bags. 

The VOM is trying to find out what they can for information, but this is hard to come by. Information in N. Korea is closely guarded.   There has been no talk of a trial.  These students could be in a political prison camp or they could have been executed.  It's not unheard of.  No one knows as of yet. 

So as you think about and are thankful for your freedoms here in the US please pray for these 10 college students. 

Who has lost his freedom has nothing else to lose. 

No fool is he who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.  Jim Elliott



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